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anonymous prompted on tumblr: Skank!Kurt fucks Cheerio!BP!Blaine roughly at the garage shop. Kurt slut shaming/dirty talking to Blaine which he absolutely loves. Blaine gets multiple orgasms and squirts and Kurt coming inside his pussy. A bonus if Kurt puts a plug (that vibrates) in him and tells Blaine to leave it in and the next day in school Kurt controls the plug vibrations and later on after school Kurt fucks him against the gym lockers after everyone has left. Pretty please!!!
Work Text:

It's abnormally warm for a spring day in Ohio, the sun high in the sky and a nice breeze rolling through the trees as the Cheerios practice a new routine. They're grateful for the wind that blows through their uniforms and cools down their skin, a nice contrast to the heat.

Kurt Hummel is grateful for the wind because it blows Blaine Anderson's skirt up, the pleats of the skirt rustling and showing off the bottom of his ass. He sits back under the bleachers smoking, and wonders why Blaine doesn't have to wear pants unlike the other male Cheerios, but decides not to question small victories.

He's slouched against one of the metal support beams, hidden in the shade as he just watches them. The steady thrum of the music suddenly speeds up, and he sees them hoist Blaine up to the top, the smallest and arguably the most flexible member of the team. They freeze in position as Coach Sylvester yells a slew of insults at them through a megaphone. Kurt notices some of the Cheerios wincing at the loud screeching, but Blaine never moves, his back arched and leg held perfectly still.

The team eventually breaks up, most of the members either heading to the parking lot or to the locker rooms to shower. Blaine's left alone as he collects the equipment strewn over the field and packs them neatly away in the storage bins on the benches. Kurt still just sits there, pulling long drags from his cigarette as Blaine hoists his gym bag over his shoulder and leaves.

* * *

It continues like this whenever there's Cheerios practice, Kurt sitting alone under the bleachers smoking as Blaine does his stretches and flips. It's a Wednesday when they finally speak, Blaine approaching him as Kurt stubs his cigarette out against the pavement.

"You know, you could at least say something. Otherwise you just look really creepy." He adjusts the bag on his shoulder and looks up at Kurt.

Kurt's throat is suddenly dry, and Blaine really needs to stop looking at him with those stupid big eyes. "I wasn't staring at you. I happen to have a certain appreciation for performance art."

Blaine hums, nodding slowly. "I'm sure you do, being in Glee club and all. It also probably doesn't hurt that I'm in a skirt, does it? And that Sue insists that I'm always at the top of the pyramid?"

Kurt's cheeks grow warm and he opens his mouth to respond, but he's already starting to leave.

Blaine turns, walking backwards on the field. "I'll see you around, Kurt. I'll wear something special for you tomorrow." He fucking winks at Kurt before he walks off, the pleats in his skirt flouncing.


It's 3:30, and Kurt's nowhere to be found. Everyone's warming up, and Blaine bends over to touch his toes, peeking out from between his legs to see if Kurt's under the bleachers. The spot remains empty for the duration of the practice, and Blaine's worried he came on too strong. Maybe he read Kurt wrong, and he's not even interested.

He takes his time cleaning up after the practice, going even slower than usual and wishing for Kurt to show up. When he's packed up the last storage bin, he checks once more before sighing and walking to the parking lot.

"Hey, Anderson." Blaine looks up, and there's Kurt Hummel, leaning against his car.

"Kurt!" He clears his throat, and tries again. "Oh, hi Kurt."

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