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Kurt was blissful. The music played around him, a dance beat meant to encourage people to get up and join the others on the dance floor. But Kurt paid little attention to it. His focus was entirely on the man next to him. Blaine. His husband.

A smile dance across his face as he closed his eyes and leaned closer to Blaine. Husbands. They were married. If someone had told Kurt that he would be a married man by the end of the night, he would've laughed in their face. This wasn't his wedding, he'd say. It was meant to be Brittany and Santana's day. But they had wanted to share it with him and Blaine and Kurt.

It hadn't taken that much convincing. But before he knew it, he and Blaine were walking down the aisle with Santana and Brittany, declaring their commitment to one another.

Kurt took a long slow breath and relaxed against Blaine, their foreheads touching. They sat at the grooms' table at the head of the reception area. Lost in one another. A soft smile on his lips, Blaine took Kurt's left hand and brings it to his lips. He presses a kiss to the cool silver ring on Kurt's finger. Kurt took a deep breath, swooning. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against Blaine's. It was a soft kiss, gentle and filled with love.

They broke apart after a moment and looked to the crowd. People continued to dance, paying no mind to the smitten grooms. Kurt fought a chuckle as his father tried to spin Carole around. They had far too much to drink. Blaine's soft chuckle drew Kurt's eye.

"Speaking of drinks," he nodded towards Burt and Carole then to their empty glasses. "I'm going to go get some something for us."

Kurt nodded. "Okay."

As Blaine left their table, Kurt took a deep breath. The light caught his ring, drawing his gaze. The silver metal sparkled in the evening lights. He reached for his ring. His fingers touched the cool metal and he smiled. He was happy. Unbelievably happy. To think that he almost lost this forever. That only a few days ago, he and Blaine were still so far apart. Kurt had begun to concede to the idea that he had lost him forever. But, oh, how things changed.

Kurt wasn't going to let Blaine go. He was in it for good this time.

"Hi," a feminine voice said at his side.

Kurt turned to see Rachel, her eyes beaming with the smile on her face. He returned her smile. "Hi."

Rachel pulled Blaine's chair out and sat down. She studied him with a calculated eye. "You look happy."

"I am," Kurt said with a nod and a ghost of a chuckle.

Rachel's smile widened. "I'm glad. You deserve it."

Kurt reached out and took her hand. "Thank you." It meant a lot to him to know that she was happy for him.

"Certainly unexpected though," she continued with a laugh. "Seeing the two of you walking down the aisle with Britt and Santana."

"Yeah," Kurt nodded in agreement. "Definitely unexpected."

"When we couldn't find you two before the wedding started, we thought that maybe..." She stopped with a blush.

"What?" Kurt pressed.

"We...we thought that maybe you two had gone off to be alone..." she finished with a wink.

Kurt laughed aloud. He wasn't surprised the others came to that conclusion. Particularly given what occurred during Mr. Shue and Ms. Pillsbury's wedding. He met Rachel's eyes. He could see the curiosity burning inside her. She wanted the details, wanted to know how they came to be walking down the aisle and getting married. They had told everyone a rather brief version of the events but Rachel would never be satisfied with that. "I know you want to hear everything--" she nodded enthusiastically--"But let me...let us have tonight. We'll tell you everything. I promise. Just not tonight."

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