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Blaine's laying on the bed, all hard lines and smooth planes and tan skin, legs spread for Kurt to lie in between. Kurt still has his boxers on, the shape of his cock clearly defined as it strains against the fabric, the head leaving a wet spot. Blaine has a hand cupped over Kurt's ass as they kiss, gently guiding his hips so his cock slots between Blaine's legs, right up against the heat of his pussy.

"Do you want to be a good boy for Daddy?" Blaine asks, mouthing at the pale skin of Kurt's neck, nipping at it and leaving small faded marks.

Kurt hums, mouth opening in a small gasp as Blaine sucks harder, soothing over the red mark with his tongue. "Oh, yes..."

Blaine trails his lips up Kurt's neck to his ear, his breath ghosting along the skin and making Kurt squirm.

"A good boy licks his Daddy's pussy," Blaine says, voice hushed, lips curling into a smile when he sees Kurt flush.

Kurt looks down, runs a finger aimlessly around Blaine's chest as he finds the words to say. "Your kitty," he finally says, head still tilted down. "You want me to play with your kitty."

"C'mon, baby. You're a big boy now, you can say those words."

Kurt shakes his head, stubbornly. "No, those are bad words that I'm not allowed to say."

"It's different, Daddy's letting you say them this time." Blaine pauses and switches tactics as his thumb strokes over the smooth curve of Kurt's ass, relaxing Kurt against his chest. "Don't you want to be a good boy? Good boys listen to their daddies."

"I am a good boy," Kurt says insistently, voice getting strained. He hates to disappoint his daddy.

"Then say the words for Daddy. I won't punish you, I promise."

Kurt's cheeks redden even further as he twists his fingers together, finally whispering out, "Daddy wants me to lick his pussy."

Blaine doesn't miss the way he feels Kurt's cock twitch when he says those words, despite the fact that he still won't make eye contract. "You're such a good boy, baby. The best boy," Blaine says as he peppers Kurt's neck with soft kisses, feels him smile against his shoulder.

He parts his legs, giving Kurt room to shift downwards and settle comfortably between his thighs. They've done this before so many times, Blaine instructing Kurt as he licks, Blaine letting Kurt do whatever he wants, Blaine sitting on top of Kurt's face, but he wants to push further this time.

Kurt licks softly at his clit, a curious tongue that's more of a tease than anything, Blaine's toes curling into the bed sheets. He presses kisses over Blaine's folds, gets his lips wet and tilts his head up to look, mouth slick.

Blaine pushes a stray piece of hair off of his forehead. "My sweet boy. You like making Daddy feel good?"

"Mmm," Kurt hums, lapping more insistently at Blaine's pussy now. "I love Daddy's kitty." There's a sharp tug on his hair, making Kurt wince and look up.

"You know what I'm going to say, baby. Use your grown-up words, otherwise we'll stop since you're being such a naughty boy and not listening to your daddy."

Kurt feels his stomach drop and looks up at Blaine with pleading eyes. "I'm sorry, Daddy. I don't want to be a bad boy."

"I know, baby," Blaine murmurs, stroking a thumb over Kurt's cheek. "All you have to do is listen to me. I'll help you out: what do you want to do Daddy?" Blaine waits patiently for Kurt to answer, sees him take a breath and close his eyes briefly before speaking.

"I wanna lick Daddy's pussy."

"You said that before, baby. What else?"

"I-I want to suck on Daddy's clit," Kurt says, quieter than before, but Blaine's still pleased with his answer.

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