Chapter 1

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One year later

Prue giggles against Emilia's lips, Summer was down for a nap, and the now fifteen year old was laying in her bed with her girlfriend.
Emilia twirled Prue's hair around her finger and hummed quietly as she pulled out of the kiss.

Smiling, Prue looks into her eyes. "We really need to get up." She says, a pout growing on her lips.

"But I'm tired." Emilia whined.

"And who's fault is that?" Prue asks, sitting up and stretching, the bedsheets falling and revealing her bra covered chest.

Emilia yawned. "I don't know." She mumbled.

Laughing softly, Prue gets up and walks toward her bathroom, feeling Emilia's eyes on her. "Come on sleepyhead."

"No, I'm tired." Emilia whined, curling up and covering herself with the blankets.

Rolling her eyes, Prue walks over and jumps on top of Emilia, "If you get up we can have fun in the shower."

"Ouch, Prue that hurt." Emilia whined.

"You're such a baby." The fifteen year old teases, leaning down and kissing Emilia.

Emilia rolled her eyes and kissed Prue back.

Pulling away, Prue smiles. "Come shower with me."

"Okay, okay. Just give me a minute." Emilia said, stretching her arms.

Laughing, Prue gets up and heads into the bathroom, turning on the shower.

Emilia sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. She sat up, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed and setting her feet on the floor.

Prue was humming in the bathroom, standing under the warm water of the shower.

Emilia took a deep breath and ran her fingers through her hair. She had lied to Prue when she said she was just tired. She actually wasn't feeling very well. She swallowed the sickly feeling rising in her throat.

"Emi, come on!" Prue called out from the shower.

"Coming." Emilia called back. She swallowed again and stood up, walking slowly to the bathroom.

Stepping back, Prue opens her arms and smiles softly. "You okay?" She asked over the water.

"Yeah." She lied. "Just tired." She pulled off her shirt and night pants and stepped into the water toward Prue.

Frowning, Prue wraps her arms around Emilia and kisses her gently.

Emilia pulled out of the kiss and turned around just in time, what was in her stomach came up and she threw up in the shower.

"Oh my god," Prue flinched away from her.

Emilia fell over as she threw up again, lying on the floor.

Turning off the shower, Prue jumps out and grabs a towel. "I'm getting mom."

Emilia shook her head. "She'll find out about us." She croaked.

"I don't care." Prue responds, rushing out of the bathroom. She ran into Camila's room and squealed, covering her eyes quickly upon walking in on Camila and Lauren having sex.

"Why is it always me?" She complains, turning around. "Mom, Emilia threw up in the shower and then collapsed."

"What?" Lauren and Camila shared a look. "We'll finish this later." They shared one last kiss before getting up off the bed and pulling on some clothes before running to the bathroom.

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