I love you

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"Why did he send you roses?" Louis asked confused, looking at the vase Harry had put the flowers in, it was on the table in the middle of the TV room, they were on display as if anyone who entered the room had to see them.

"How can you say he did?" Harry asked confused as he sat down on the couch near his friend.

"C'mon Harry, who else could have sent them?" Louis said in a duh tone.

"No, no, it can't be him, he left me, he doesn't love me, not anymore?" Harry shook his head as he kept staring at the roses, a few tears starting to run down his cheeks.

He immediately felt his shoulders wrapped in an embrace, immediately his nostrils filled up with Louis' familiar and comforting scent while he put his face in the crook of his friend's neck, wishing he could feel another pair of arms around him. But he knew that wouldn't happen ever again, he had to understand it, but he couldn't.

 Harry was sitting in the middle of the university football field, it was late so he was alone, he always came here when he needed some time alone because he knew no one would bother him and it was one of those times.

He had been feeling down lately, he had been feeling disorientated. He was going through a phase in which he didn't know what he wanted to go with his life anymore. Until a month ago he was sure, he wanted to study English Literature and become a teacher, but now in the middle of his first year at University, he wasn't so sure anymore. He didn't know if he was following the right path. He was afraid, he was afraid to discover he had been wasting time for the past five months. He didn't want to discover he didn't know what to do with his life.

Suddenly he felt someone sitting beside him. He didn't need to look at the person to understand who it was. Zayn's scent had already filled the air around him. He felt Zayn's arms wrap around his shoulder and he immediately relaxed in his boyfriend's embrace.

"Have you been crying, love?" Zayn's soothing voice almost whispered and Harry nodded.

"Look at me," Zayn said pulling away from Harry, waiting for the boy to look at him. Harry looked at him, with his wide teary green eyes. "What happened?" Zayn asked.

"It's stupid," Harry replied.

"It isn't if it makes cry?" Zayn shook his head.

"I - I'm not sure if what I'm doing right now is what I want to do for my whole life, I'm not sure if I like what I'm doing anymore. I don't want to know I've been wasting time." Harry sighed.

Zayn got up and went on his knees in front of Harry who was sitting criss-cross, taking Harry's face in his hands.

"Why haven't you talked to me about this before. Haz, I know this time of our lives in which we make decisions is scary and it can happen we are not so sure of them because those decisions are going to affect our future, but you've not been wasting time. It's everyone's right to try things out and then to understand those things aren't right for us. It is scary, but you've got me. We are going through this together, whatever decision you are going to make in the end. I love you." Zayn said looking straight into Harry's eyes.

Harry's eyes widened and his heart skipped a beat, "you love me?

"Of course I do, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I've always loved you, even the time we passed apart from each other, it was always your face that filled my thoughts." Zayn smiled brightly.

"I love you too, sap;" Harry chuckled pulling Zayn in for a kiss, forgetting for a moment about his problems, because nothing mattered at that moment, Zayn loved him.

Hi guys! I know I'm such a terrible author for making you wait so much for this part, I hope you can forgive me.

I've realized this story is really depressing aha.

How did you find this part? Tell me your thoughts.


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