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It had been a month since Harry and Zayn had broken up and Harry still could't get himself to get over him.

While for Zayn everything seemed different, it seemed like their story of four years had never existed at all.

Harry was at the park near his house sat on the soft and fresh grass, he inhaled a breath of fresh air and looked at his sourrandings.

Suddenly a little marguerite cought his eyes and he picked it up, starting playing with it.

He smiled at the memory it brought to him.

Harry was a lovely eight year-old kid. He was carefree, funny and had a lot friends.

Every afternoon after school his mommy accompanied him to the park near their house where he used to play football with all his friends.

He loved playing football at the park with his friends. He wasn't in a team or anything, he just liked playing it without a well defined field, with the goals that consisted into two trees that happened be near each other. A game where there weren't precise rules, but in which the most important thing was having fun.

Harry like watching football on tv, but he thought the how him and his friends played it was way funnier.

One day while Harry was at the park playing he felt the urge to drink water, so he headed towards the nearest standpipe.

When he finished drinking he felt someone tap his shoulder so he turned around to se who it was.

"Yeah?" Harry asked observing the kid in front of him. He was tall more or less like him, he was skinny, had messy dark hair and a pair of big hazel-nut eyes. Harry immediately took interest in him.

"Hi, I'm Zayn." The kid said waving shyly his hand.

"I'm Harry. Are you new here?" Harry asked with the big smile of his, being friendly as always. He liked making new friends.

"I wanted to give you this." Zayn said holding a marguerite into his little hand.

"A marguerite?" Harry asked confused.

"Yes, I thought it would look pretty here." The little kid smiled tucking the flower behind Harry's ear.

"Aren't flowers just for girls?" Harry asked curious.

At that Zayn shock his head chuckling: "No, my mummy said that flowers can look pretty both on girls and boys."

Harry nodded not taking away the flower from behind his ear.

"Would you like to come and play football with my friends?" The curly haired kid asked.

"I prefer art, sorry." Zayn shock his head.

Harry thought it was strange, but nodded anyway: "Okay bye Zayn. See you soon."

So Harry started running towards his friends putting the marguerite into his pocket. He was decided to keep it, but he didn't want his friends to see it. He wanted it to be his secret.

From that day Harry started wanting to see Zayn always more. So he kept asking him to play football with him, but his answer was always the same: " I prefer art, sorry." So he eventually gave up on him until they didn't spoke to each other anymore. At least for a few years.

Harry woke up from his trance when he felt the wind tracing his features. He remembered so vividly that day and he just wished he could turn back time to that day.

This is the first part of the story, so now you have a better idea of how the story will go on.

Hope you liked it. If you did or even if you did't share your thoughts with me.


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