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After the episode with Liam, Harry was so embarrassed that he refused to see him for over a week, until Liam came to his house and knocked to his door until Harry opened it.

Liam didn't care he had that episode, Louis had explained everything to him, so luckily Harry didn't have to do it himself.

So now his bond with Liam was stronger, he was happy that he had someone else caring for him other than Louis.

He was sat on the couch of his apartment, studying for his approaching Italian Literature exam.

He was immersed into Dante's Inferno when the bell rang.

He groaned because he had not invited anyone over, nevertheless he got up and dragged himself towards the door.

He opened it and was surprised to see that no one was there, he looked around confused until he looked at his feet and bacame even more confused.

There was a bouquet of red roses there. He picked it up and looked around once again trying to maybe catch a glimpse of who had left the bouquet there.

He closed the door behind him and looked at the roses trying to see if he was able to understand who had sent those, but there was no hint.

He closed his eyes and slid down with his back against the door and dropped down the bouquet.

Harry was so excited.

He was getting ready in front of the mirror, fixing up his shirt.

Zayn told him to dress casual, so he did, just a shirt and a pair of jeans.

He slightly fixed his hair and looked into his own eyes, as if to say, "You can do it."

Suddenly the bell rang and Harry wasted no time to go open the door, to find Zayn there.

He was so handsome. He had his black skinny jeans and his black leather jacket on. He was looking at him with those big sweet eyes and in his hands there was a single red rose.

"This is for you." Zayn said almost shyly extending the rose to Harry.

He smiled and blushed hard taking the rose into his hand and looking at it, "Thank you." He almost whispered, "I'm gonna put this into a vase."

So Zayn waited for Harry to put the rose into a vase.

Harry came back and closed the door behind him.

"I'm happy you accepted to out with me," Zayn said taking Harry's hand into his and immediately sparks flew around his body.

"I, Zee, I like you." Harry mumbled.

Zayn chuckled and squeezed Harry's hand, "I like you too," he said kissing Harry's cheek, near his ear and Harry giggled, yes he freaking giggled.

"Where are we going Z?" Harry asked, curiosity in his voice.

"Surprise, surprise." Zayn sing-songed.

"Oh c'mon Zayn, I wanna know!" He complained.

"Shush, you'll discover soon." The raven-haired boy chuckled.

Harry pouted but let it go.

They continued to walk, hand in hand, happily.

When they were almost there Zayn stopped walking and went behind Harry's back, putting his hands over Harry's eyes.

"Really?" Harry groaned, but was in fact happy and excited.

They walked like this for a few minutes more.

Zayn stopped again and Harry did too. Zayn slowly took away his hands and Harry slowly opened his eyes, bright light filling them.

"Wow." Harry whispered.

Hi guus, here I am updating again!

Sorry I couldn't update because I was studying for my Italiam Linguistics exam which I had today.

As always tell me your thoughts

-Ale 💓

Flashbacks (Zarry Stylik Short Story)✔️Where stories live. Discover now