Harry Potter

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Harry was snuggled into the couch, alone.

He was watching Harry Potter. He used to watch it with Zayn. It was one of Harry and Zayn's couple habits. They knew the movies by heart, but they continued to watch them repeatedly, as if it was some sort of tradition. And Harry wanted to carry on the tradition, no matter how it hurt him. He didn't want to forget about Zayn.

He still remembers the first time they watched the first movies together.

Since the day Zayn and him met at the cafe they had been hanging around a lot, and Harry was starting to understand why he was so fascinated by the raven-haired boy when he was little. He was starting to like the boy. Zayn was now studying art at the same University as Harry and Harry couldn't understand why they hadn't met before.

They hang out a lot outside school, mostly with their now shared group of friends, almost never alone. So today, Harry was buzzing. Zayn was about to come to his house and even though they had hang out alone before, they'd never did that inside one's house, especially not Harry's. So Harry was nervous, because he liked Zayn, but he didn't know if Zayn liked him back, so he didn't want to embarrass himself and ruin all of his chances. They were already slim.

He heard the bell ring. He jumped from the couch shouting a "Coming!".

He opened the door and found Zayn standing there. Perfect.

He pulled him into a hug, inhaling his sweet scent.

"Hi, Zayn." He said pulling away.

"Hello." Zayn replied smiling and kissing Harry's cheek who immediately blushed.

"Come in," Harry said, a bright red blush still visibly present on his cheeks.

Zayn nodded happily and followed his friend inside.

They sat on the couch and Zayn was looking at his surroundings, of course, it was the first time he was at Harry's.

Flashbacks (Zarry Stylik Short Story)✔️Where stories live. Discover now