10 Ways To Annoy Guests

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Hey everyone, so I've been getting a heap load of suggestions and I want to let you know that I will eventualy do all of them. Just be sure to check them out weekly. Here's how to annoy guests at your house. Some of these MAY be considered as rude or immature but that's your choice to make. Enjoy! 

1. When they walk through the door, constantly smile and don't stop. 

2. Greet them and say, "Welcome to our humble and magical home full of food and people."

3. Be VERY antisocial.. (Is that one word? anti-social? eh oh well.)

4. Be VERY  social. (Opposite of anti-social.. aye? aye?. I'm sorry you have to put up with this..)

5. When they enter the door say to them, "Hello, we've been expecting you."

6. If you don't realise you have guests and you're walking out of your room, run past them and make a hissing sound.

7. Scream, "AHHH PEOPLEE!!!!!"

8. Act like a foreigner, just for the fun of it.

9. Offer them food, if they don't eat it, whisper to them "Wise choice my good friend, wise choice."

10. Act very formal for the whole of their visit.

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