10 Ways To Annoy People During Gardening

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Hey guys! I don't know if people still garden, but why not? Let's annoy people while they garden.

1. Spray people with hoses when they turn around.

2. Think that the hose is a snake and run around screaming.

3. 'Accidentally' think that dirt is poisonous.

4. Pretend to have an allergic reaction to the grass, and continuously sneeze.

5. Pelt people with grass.

6. Become a gardening enthusiast and act like you know everything there is to know about gardening.

7. Go on a long sustainability rant.

8. Shoot water up into the air through a hose and claim that its raining.

9. Start talking to the flowers and make 'friends'.

10. Get distracted and talk about something completly different.

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