10 Ways To Annoy Non-Directioners

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The moment you've allllll been waiting for is finally here here's 10 ways to annoy non-directioners 

1.Speak in a british accent the whole day.

2.Sing one of their albums on a really long bus ride

3.When someone asks a question scream "NO JIMMY PROTESTED, NO!" (Credit to a mag)

4.Scream whenever someone mentions, (curly hair,carrots,spoons,potatoes, etc)

5.Cover your room full of their posters and have a "shrine" in your wardrobe and go inside and start talking when your non-direction friends come over to visit

6.Tell your directioner friends that your sueing them because they think Niall is the cutest, (Nothing against Niall its just most people's opinions)

7.Say Vas Happening instead of What's happening. 

8.Pretend to have a heart attack when your friends say they dont like One Direction

9.Tell your mum you've met a guy and you think your in love make it sound really serious, then when she asks who say His name is Harlia nialou zay (First three letters of every band members first name) Also show them a poster of them morfed.

10.Eat your soup with a fork and say to your mum, I'd rather liqufy my pants than disrespect Liam, Geez mum didn't your parents teach you manners! 

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