1O Ways To Annoy People On Hikes

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Hey everyone! Sorry that I had to update this so late, I've had the busiest weekend! Anyway, enjoy this chapter!.

1. 'Accidentally' kick their backpacks while they walk.

2. Steal their water bottles and tell them they lost it.

3. Get a 'walking' stick, and start to quote Yoda.

4. Start singing hiking songs non-stop. 

5. Tempt them with food, and then run away with it.

6. Leave toilet paper rolling down from their bags, and say "You could've held it in!"

7. Everytime you get to the top of a hill, yell "I am FREEEEE!"

8. Tie their shoelaces together. (HEHE)

9. Constantly ask for bathroom breaks and never end up going.

10. Complain about how much you're sweating and the blisters on your feet. (This will gross them out)

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