10 Ways To Annoy Telemarkters

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Hi guys, Do you ever get annoying calls from people say, "Hello would you like to buy a ...." Well I do and its annoying so here's 10 ways to annoy them :)

1.Put on an accent when talking to them

2.When they speak say, "I'm sorry the following person doesn't care a bit.. please never call again"

3.Go off topic and start talking about something else, e.g "So how good is my outfit!"

4.Tell them your an alien that doesn't speak english, (Say this in english and then hang up)

5.Say  no in every languge you can to what they say

6.Telemarket them back! e.g (Them: Good morning would you like to join the ..... insurance You: Hi would you like to be apart of the GET A LIFE insurance it seems you have GAL Syndrom

7.If they ask you something say, "One minute." then put them on hold and contiune with your life

8.When they call play music over the phone, after 5 minutes say, "Thanks for holding... see you next time" 

 9.Start crying really loud over the phone, if they ask you why say "Because you're wasting my life"

10.Ask why? to everything to they ask or say.

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