10 Ways To Annoy People At Sleepovers

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Hey guys I've absolutely been loving writing this book. Im so pumped it got over 3000 reads! Thanks so much to the people who voted and to the people who didn't well gee thanks haha only joking poopbums here is 10 ways to annoy people at sleepovers. (Im hoping that long title annoyed you, yeah i see your face) 

1.Murmer in your sleep about how much you hate the people at the sleepover.

2.When the lights are turned off say, "Welcome to the dark side, mwaha mwahaha mwahahahhaha" (Ok mabye not the evil laugh but whatever)

3.Draw on everyone when there sleeping and when they wake up say, "Hey Santa might,ve been bored you know"

4.Scream in the middle of the night and say, "Ahh my nightmare is real Im surronded by Aliens!!!!!!!" Then get a torch and look around and say "Oh its just you guys".

5.Get a glass of warm water and get them to put there finger inside the glass when sleeping, they'll pee there pants! LITERLLY! 

6.When you wake up start singing, "I've got a hangover woah oh oh, I've been drinking to much for sure" (it's more annoying if you sing it off-key) 

7.Steal all of there clothes and snacks and scream, "WE'VE BEEN ROBBED!!! AHHH" 

8.Tell your friends your a ninja and when their sleeping stepp on them, (not too hard) then when everyone wakes up say, "Sorry guys Obama  gave me a mission don't wanna disapoint him" 

9.Snore in your sleep and blame it on the person next to you, e.g "Steph shut up! you sound like a fat kangaroo dying"

10.Tell your friends your really scared, if they ask why say, "Cuz mister quakers is watching me QUACK QUACK, (start quacking alot every 5 minutes is good.) 

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