10 Ways To Annoy Blabber Mouths

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Hey everyone. So I've been dealing with this person that I absolutley hate now, and let me just say they talk A LOT!. Here is 10 ways to annoy blabber mouths.

1.Interpet them whenever they're about to say something.

2.Always do the cough joke. (Blabber mouth: so blah blah blah... You: *Cough* NOBODY CARES *Cough*.

3.Imitate they normal things that they say back at them.

4.Start talking a lot yourself, and tell them that you are copying them.

5.Whenever they start talking, get a group of your friends and yourself and put your hand towards their face the whole time. Eventually they'll walk away.

6.When they're talking, respond with, "Hey, did you know that NOBODY CARES!".

7.When they start to really annoy you say this,( You: Hey, guess what? Blabber mouth: What? You: SHUT UP!.

8.If they're reading, read your book aloud. (Just a little payback.)

9.If they're listening to music, turn it up to full blast and say, "Oh sorry, I thought your hearing was as bad as your mouth". (Now gently apply some aleo vera to that burn.)

10.When you're told to have a group discussion say to the blabber mouth, "Oh, well this won't be hard for you then."

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