Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I didn't tell anyone that I was dating Liam. Not even Lizzie. Only my mom and Catherine know. I was planning on telling Lizzie today when she came over.

I walked out of the grocery store and put the bags in the back seat. I turned on the radio and was singing along to Justin Bieber's All Around the World.

I pulled up to my house still humming along to the song and unlocked the door. I went into the kitchen and put the groceries away. I walked upstairs into my mom's room.

"MOM." I ran over to her body just laying on the floor. Tears streaming down my face faster and faster each time I breathed.

I called 911 and they showed up within 2 minutes.

I stood there. Shaking. Not even bothering to wipe the tears from my cheeks.

I texted Lizzie saying not to come over tonight, I was feeling sick. I got into my car and drove to the hospital.

Even more tears were making a fresh new stain on my cheeks.

I pulled up and waited in the waiting room. I was the only one crying.

Everyone stared at me with sympathy. I hated those looks. It made me feel weak. I have been strong for my mom for the past 3 years.

"Ms. Parks?" I turned around and saw a young doctor standing there.

"Yes. How's she doing?" I knew it wasn't going to be good news. She was nonresponsive the entire time I was shaking her trying to wake her up.

"Let's take a walk." Right then and there I knew she had died.

Even though I was prepared, nothing could prepare me for this. My mom died. She was never going to be around for me. She wasn't going to be able to walk me down the aisle, kiss my cheek when I drove off with my husband, she wasn't going to help me move out of the house. I wasn't ready for this. My mom was my mom, my life, my best friend. We had gone through so much together, I didn't want to lose her.

But, I knew this day was going to come. Even though I never wanted it to, it did..and way to fast.

"She was really weak, her body kept rejecting everything. She went out strong."

"NO. She didn't go out strong. She refused to let the doctors do anything about her cancer. She didn't go out strong, she gave up. And now she's gone."

"But, she isn't. She's in a comma Ms. Parks. We doubt she will make it, but she might."

"What? You said she went out strong though."

"Yes, before the comma, she was strong. She was strong enough to fight for one more chance. You can go and see her."

I ran past the doctor, through the hospital doors, and into her room.

She was lying there, helpless.

"Mom, I love you so much. You were strong. I guess I didn't see it. But, now I do. You are the strongest person I've ever known. I will never forget you, never stop loving you. You are my best friend mom, please..don't forget me. I love you. I love you so much." And with that, the line went flat. 

She had died. In my arms. I was holding her hand, never wanting to let go. I knew it was time to though, she was in a better place. She wasn't fighting for her life, instead..she was living it. Sure, it may be up in heaven, but she was still living. She will always live. Especially in my heart.


AsI pulled into the driveway, I noticed a figure sitting on the doorsteps.

"Annie." The figure came running towards me.

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