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Okay....most of you know by now that I gave myself a concussion earlier in the week because of my clumsiness.

Well...after going to school today and experiencing that gave me all my headaches back. It hurts to even look at a laptop screen or phone screen. So I'm taking hiatus till my headaches are gone because I just can't take the pain anymore. It feels like my head is being split open and people are stabbing at my brain.

I don't know how long, but rehearsals are gonna be a bítch since I'm doing all the sound work....ughhhhhhh....I may skip....or not do anything at all...I like both options.

Anyway, my head hurts just writing this. Bye guys...see ya soon...

The Ender Heir: Book One of the Heir Series: TeamcraftedWhere stories live. Discover now