Chapter 9

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  • Dedicated to Everyone out there lovin' my book!

I woke up in my bed hugging the teddy bear that Hades got for me. I like 'like' Hades. I went downstairs and I stood on the chair to through the high cupboards. "Need help?" Hades asked scaring the life out of me.

"Yes, please." I said smiling.

I pointed to the ceral boxes which I wanted. "One bowl of cereal coming up!" Hades passed me the ceral.

"Thanks." I said smiling and quickly kissed Hades cheek.

I ate my breakfast and Hades just sat there not eating.

"Don't you eat?" 

"No...I am fasting." Hades said a bit worried.

"Okay..." I said nodding. "What to do anything today?"

"I am going to cook for you." Hades at pointing at me.

"Fine my chef and I going to get changed." I kissed his cheek and went upstairs.


I just had a nice bath and now I going downstairs in a summer dress. I feel so happy. I walked into the kitchen to the frying pan going up and down with no-one there. "Argh!" I screamed and suddenly Hades appeared out of no-where holding the pan. "How do you appear out of no-where?" I suddenly blacked out.



I ran to Tuen before she fell to the floor. She knows I am a ghost now. What is going to happen to us?! I was busy cooking that I didn't realise Tuen was behind me. I can see her eyes slow open.

"You are a ghost!" Tuen screamed.

"Yes...I can't lie to you. I love you." I said stroking off her tears.

She got out my arms and said "You are a ghost. Prove it!"

I did my ghost tricks and and she looked like she was going to faint. "Do you love me?" I asked carefully.

"Yes." Tuen took a step and kissed my lips.

I pulled away and said. "Sorry for lying but I couldn't tell you. It would be hard for us."

"I think I need to sleep on it for a bit." Tuen ran off to bed.

I sat on the sofa wondering if she will love me.


Tuen know that Hades is a ghost! What will come

Love Molly

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