Mama Said It Was A Huge, Old Oak Tree

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Eli hummed a bit and tilted her head at the blunette.

"So how did you find out that history? Was it well known or research required?"
The blonde was as curious as ever, she guessed maybe it wasn't bad the teacher wasn't there on the first day. But there would be work to do if they come back tomorrow, probably twice as much. Sky just gave a slight hum and sat on the desk ahead
"It was a bit of both, my dad would always say it was nonsense. But my mother on the other hand, oh she would always argue to what he said~" said the blunette with a giggle, she leaned back slightly, Her hands holding tight onto the edge so she wouldn't fall. Her legs kicked back and forth to show she was excited to tell this to someone.
"Mama always told cool stories of the Dragon Tamers, she said that the dragons were hard to find. Cause they were nocturnal, so the people hunting down the dragons had to lure them out. They used sheep and fish, though only one of two dragons would ever appear."

Eli paused, flipping to a blank page in her notebook, and started to write it down with excitement. That just made Sky giggle a bit. "Once the tamer had the dragons for the day, they'd head back to their camp. Mama said it was a huge, old Oak Tree."

Eli giggled a bit, getting out of her chair and sitting on her desk as she leaned forward a bit
"Is that all?~"

Sky paused and looked at the other, her brown and grey mixed eyes catching little interest into the blonde, then they turned away "Well that's all you wish to here? If there was more I would have told you, anything else is classified and hidden in my house."

Before they knew it, the bell had rung. They talked throughout the whole class period.

Eli pouted to that, she wanted to talk to her friend more....but the damn bell! She just gave a sigh and hopped off her desk, the same time Sky went and hopped off too. They knocked into each other. Right. Into. Each. Other.
Sky was taller than the blonde so when Eli fell she almost tripped back into the desk....almost.
As the class was emptied, the two were left. The two sighed a bit.

"That was close, hitting the desk would have hurt." the blonde complained, she turned away from the other and started to gather her items into her bag. Sky hummed a bit and gently touched the long, blonde hair. It's so soft. She thought, though let go and went back to her desk and grabbing her single notebook. They finished their gathering in a little of a minute.

Eli yawned faintly, covering her mouth as she yawned. Putting her bag behind her and smiling a bit

"I'll see you in another class?"

The taller female chuckled a bit, her eyes softer

"Yeah. See you next time, Eli~"

They both left the class and then went to their next classes.

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