Getting organised

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Hello pretty people, I've updated :) Nothing major happens here but basically eveything adds up to the next chapter which you should all anticipate cause that's where the fun starts! Enjoy lovelies. 


Chapter 17:


A loud blaring noise coursed through the house. I opened my door and peeked through. Luca, Nate and Jonah were already standing in the hallway. “What’s going on?” I asked. Ella rushed upstairs in a panic. “Outside now” she ordered. I didn’t think twice and followed everybody downstairs. Ella was waiting by the door. She had a stopwatch in her hand. “4 minutes, too long” she said and I stopped. “What are you talking about?” Luca groaned and Jonah shook his head. “I planned a fire alarm to see how fast you would all be,” Jonah explained. Nate grumbled something along the lines of “Stupid bullshit” and walked back upstairs. Luca chuckled. “I wasn’t that bad as a teenager” he commented. “Ella, thank you. You can go back to bed” Jonah thanked her and he turned to luca and I. “where’s Cynthia? Why didn’t she get up?” I asked him. “She didn’t come home last night,” he answered. I gasped lightly. “That’s weird, is she answering her phone?” I questioned. “No.”


I woke up early, around 6:30 am early. I couldn’t move out of bed though, so I called Luca. “Hello” he grumbled over the phone. “I’m bored” I whined. “Sleep, its still early,” he groaned. I heard him shuffle around and I frowned, until I realized he couldn’t see me. “Come to my room” I pleaded. “You already broke it off with Cameron? Ill be right there” luca shut the phone and moments later I heard his door open. I sat up in bed and waited for him to come in. He opened my door and smiled at me. “I didn’t break up with him” I said irritated. He stood at the door and frowned. “I’m getting out then, taken girls are off limits” he turned around and my jaw dropped. “I didn’t call you in here for a goddamn booty call! Come talk to me, we’re friends aren’t we? Friends talk to each other  ” I spoke loudly. He turned back towards me with a smug smile on his face. “I know, I just like seeing you get all worked up, it’s kinda hot.”


Luca walked towards my bed and sat down next to me. He pulled the blanket up and got under it. We both lay next to each other and stared up at the ceiling. “Asshole” I insulted him. “Never get tired of hearing that.”


“What are your plans for today?” luca asked me. “I’m yours today, Cameron’s working all day “I replied. Luca giggled almost too creepily. “Freak” I offended him. “Do you live solely for the purpose of insulting me?” luca asked as if he was completely fed up with my wounding words. “Sure.” “I know where we’re going” luca shot up and ran into my bathroom. I sat up too and wondered what the boy who was raiding my toilet cupboards was searching for. He came back out a couple minutes later with nothing in his hands. I looked at him in a confused way. “I needed to brush my hair” he shrugged his shoulders. I noticed his fluffy hair was indeed brushed back and it looked much more appealing. That is if you liked the clean-cut hair. I go more for Anthony’s type of hair, long and luscious.  But clean cut aint too bad either.


I walked over to my closet and opened it wide. I pulled out my jeans booty shorts and a plain white tank top. “Turn around” I ordered. Luca smiled at me and complied. I swiftly stripped off my tights and pulled my shorts up, buckling the button. I then pulled my shirt over my head and slipped on the tank. “You can look now,” I said and luca turned around. “You have a nice butt” he complimented in a smug tone. I smiled before speaking. “So do you.” luca chuckled at me. I looked into my closet again and pulled out a black and white striped cardigan. I pulled that over my singlet, it went down past my nice butt and stopped at my knees. “You should get dressed too, you look like crap besides your hair” I tried to hurt his ego. He really was a pretty boy.

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