Chapter 17- Better Than Revenge

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Alli's P.O.V

Neil was too cool. Sophia was so right about him. I could see why she'd liked him! They were also really alike. If I didn't know either one of them, and they were standing next to each other, I would without a doubt think they were related. They were like, the brunette version of Cody and I. As soon as Sophia left, Neil and Sal started talking again.

"Hoho!" Neil shouted, putting his arms up at an angle. I looked at him and just made what Sophia called an 'Alli face' which is supposedly a confused, frustrated look which I made a lot apparently. 

"Robin Wilia-" Neil was cut of by yelling, some really, really terrible words and two slamming doors- one from Sophia's upstairs room (you could tell because the squeak) and then the front door. I was confused, even though it was even more obvious than I though. I looked around at her friends. Next thing I knew, I felt Tori's feet trampling over my back. She was the first, and she jumped up before anyone had even said a word. She must have known. I grunted and then laughed, but all of them seemed like they weren't in the mood to. As we speed-walked to the house, Tori had already burst through the panelled back door. 

"What's going on." I slightly whispered to Neil. Sophia's backyard was even creepier at night than Annalisa's... and that was where Krista went missing. It was dark and you couldn't see the neighbors houses from the light fog and darkness. 

Neil didn't answer me for a second until we reached the back deck. He took a quick, deep breath and sighed. Then Sal, who was in front of us, shot Neil a look and his eyes widened. "Oh shit not again. Sophia?!" He yelled, running ahead of both of us and quickly shooting up the stairs, not even looking at Ryann, who was on the couch, looking... pleased. Happy. That was when I got it. Ryann had kissed Cody! Sophia had told me about her sister plenty of times. It discussed me. I could hardly believe it that two siblings would try to ruin each other's lives... or at least Ryann trying to ruin Sophia's. I have no idea what Sophia ever did to Ryann... unless there was something meaningful Ryann actually held against her...

Sophia's P.O.V

I had no idea why the hell I was crying so hard. It's not like this hasn't happened before! I always get over it and end up hating my ex forever. But I could have sworn on my life that Cody would never be like that. But look at how stupid this kid is! Because from what I saw, they were both all over each other. She was getting more tongue from my boyfriend than I had gotten in our whole relationship. I didn't even know where he'd gone. He cried! I was more than surprised. I had never seen Cody cry about anything, and right then he looked like he was crying more than me... I felt sympathy. I don't know why! Ryann was as low as anybody could ever go. What the hell could she do that made Cody go from hating her to death, to him being all over her like that? I wanted to throw up... And wash my face. It was probably drenched in black mascara and eyeliner. Tori slammed open the door, and before I could say a thing she was hugging me. "No offense, but your sister is a-" Tori said every terrible word possible, and I agreed all the way. I laughed at some of the things she said. They were just so accurate!  After a few minutes, everybody was scattered in my bedroom. Tori and Anna were on either side of me, Anna was on my bean bag, Sal and Jason were on the floor, Alli (which made things really, really awkward) sat on my couch and Neil somehow ended up sitting with his legs facing to the right on my lap. I kind of thought I should be the one on his lap but ya know, whatever.

Everybody talked and said at least one terrible thing about Ryann. Whether it was a bad memory, one of the many hilarious times I embarrassed her or a single bad word to describe her. It was sort of a game, and I loved it. Well, Alli didn't say anything. She was thinking. After a few more minutes of everybody talking, I just randomly watched Alli. She started mumbling things to herself and playing with her own fingers. "Sophia." Alli mouthed, getting my attention. I nodded, letting her know that I had it and she pointed to the balcony. I sighed, and none of the others noticed our little conversation so far. I already knew, Cody was probably watching us, looking all sad and crushed and angry. But whatever. First things first. 

"Okay, NEIL off my lap." I said, shoving Neil in the spot between Anna and I on the bed. I then flopped over on my stomach and we continued talking. Alli just watched my window, making faces and then looking back at me every now and then, giving me a look and gesturing to turn around. I slid my phone out of my pocket and texted Alli.

To: Classy Alli

Im not turning around

From: Classy Alli

Hes just watching yew its rly creepy

To: Classy Alli

UGH. I feel so uncomfortable... and... grr.... FINE. I'll close the curtains

I shut my phone off, setting it down and sliding off the bed. I walked over to my window, untying the first set of bright blue curtains and watching Cody, who was on his bed, playing his phone. His eyes were red and puffy, identical to mine. He made no sense. He chose to kiss her, he didn't have to! And then he cries about it like a little bitch. Sucks for him, because I hold a great grudge and I get over things easily. Well... most of the time. When I reached the second curtain, Cody had already gotten up and was leaning on his balcony door, signaling for me to open mine right now. He was extremely urgent, like what he had to say was important. Probably an excuse. Like- "she kissed me!" or some crap like that. That's how it always is. In every story and with every one of my boyfriends. I didn't buy it once. I shook my head, looking down and finally untying it so I couldn't see him. I walked back to the bed and flopped down, to find Neil stalking my phone and laughing. 

"What?" I snapped, snatching my phone back.

"Your password is Cody, and your texts with your sister are hilarious in a terrible way! Also, your texts with Cody are pretty interesting as well..." Neil laughed, leaning over my shoulder and watching my phone before I shut it off. 

"Shut up, Neil. It's not like we sext each other or anything." I groaned, leaning on him. I wanted a hug. But, unfortunately I didn't get one. Neil smirked.

"Well," Neil shrugged.

"Oh my God, Neil we didn't, retard, and you're NOT helping anything." I replied, smacking him in the head. He's such a perv.

"I'm going back to our room. Night Soph." Tori said, hugging me. Soon enough everybody went back to their rooms and it was just Alli and I. It was awkward. We just stared at each other. Then she broke the silence.

"I love my brother, but right now I feel really terrible..." She said seriously. I nodded and shrugged. I was pretty pissed. My phone screen opened and showed a text. I had forgotten I turned it on silent. That was the eighth one from Cody. I rolled my eyes, tossing my phone onto the ground. Alli and I forgot about the tent, and crawled right into my bed. I sank into the warm comforter sheets and snuggled with my blanket. It was better than snuggling Cody. Almost. 

I woke up some random time in the night. I could see the bright moon shinning through the skylight. It was so bright I could hardly tell it was the moon. I kicked Alli under the covers just to make sure she was there and all I heard was her rolling over and an angry moan. Okay. I squinted my eyes as I looked around my room, waiting for the fact that I was extremely tired to kick in. My eyes found my phone which sat in the floor face up flick on and there was a text. From the small distance I read.

From: Blocked

She's not a saint, and she's not what you think she's an actress

But she's better known for the things that she does on the mattress!

 Think- What's 'better than revenge'? NOTHING! <3 Remember that, 'boo' ;) and be sure to let Alli and Leila know, too

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