Chapter 5- Maybe?

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Maybe he wanted to kiss me? Or maybe it was just a threat? I think he wanted to. I like to think that.

"Umph!!!" Krista grunted, putting her Coke down on the side table and kicking Alli in the head to get her attention.

"What?" Alli asked, looking up.

"They just kissed!!!!!" Krista spazzed. I rolled my eyes, my face still in front of Cody's.

"Omg! Just, I'll care more when the movie's over. Remind me then." Alli said, watching the movie again sounding a tad pissed.

Cody whispered to me, "Thanks for not showing me what it was. I liked it more that way." I looked at him and smiled, leaning against him. Finally the movie ended and Alli yawned. 

"I'm tired. Sleep?" Alli asked.

"NOOO!!" Krista and I yelled at the same time. "It's only, like, one in the morning!"

"Psh. You guys aren't tired?" Alli asked. My phone buzzed.

From- Kristy<3

Play along girly. We can come back don aft they r asleep

To- Kristy<3

Whatevs u say

"Actually, I am kind of tired." Krista said, fake yawning.

"Yeah. Me too." I said as my phone buzzed again. I looked down. Cody. I love how they're sitting right next to me and texting me.

From- Princess Cody

What r u 2 onto, love?

To- Princess Cody

I is confuzzled! I guess we r just gonna come back down aft they girls r sleeping, love ;)

Cody called me love. Prob an Australian thing... unless I'm his love<3 I'm going to pretend that's the case and just be happy with myself.

"Lesgo." Alli said, getting up and grabbing her blanket. We all went upstairs into Alli's room and Cody went into his which was across the hall. Maybe he's playing along too? Alli took pictures of us with her new iPhone while Krista and I posed and Leila and Eliza sat by Alli looking at the pics. (Krista and Sophia on side)

"It's so.... quiet." Alli said, getting up and playing music on her Mac. Justin Bieber, Boyfriend! We all danced and sang along.

"I'd like to be, everything you want! Hey girl, let me talk to you..." Eliza and I sang, pausing waiting for the chorus.

"If I was your boyfriend! Never let you go! Keep you on my arm girl, you'd never be alone! I can be a gentleman, anything you want. If I was your boyfriend, I'd never let you go!" We all sang together, jumping on Alli's bed and just bouncing around her room. Alli came and jumped on my back, hitting me with her little A pillow. I laughed and dropped her on the couch, which broke into an epic pillow fight. 

"Ahhh. I'm so tired now! That got it out of me." Alli said, curling up with her giant stuffed pony on her bed.

"Same." Krista and I said in unison, lying all the way. I lied on her huge pink bean bag and Krista slumped down on Alli's white polka dot one. Leila slept on Alli's pull out trundle bed and Eliza and Alli slept in her queen bed. Krista and I grabbed a huge quilt and watched videos on YouTube and gossiped until the others were asleep. 

"To the downstairs?" I asked, throwing the quilt over my head.

"Off we go." Krista  whispered, standing up. As we walked towards the door, I tripped over the ledge, falling and slamming into Cody's door which wasn't fully closed and I ended up falling into his room. I looked up and he was just sitting in bed, putting a little black bow tie on Buddy who was struggling extremely pissed at Cody.

"What are you doing there, Cody?" I laughed while Krista peeked into the room, and she started laughing too. Cody quickly dropped Buddy from his squirming and he shook the bow off nd ran over my body, jumping out the door. 

"I was trying to take a picture of Buddy for Twitter, but, I guess I won't now." he sighed, laughing slightly and awkwardly scratching the back of his head, roughing up his perfect blonde hair. I quickly got up and shot Krista a look, who was just standing there smirking. I gently walked out of his room and we both shot down the stairs, diving onto the living room couch.

"Wanna watch Degrassi?" Krista asked me, remote in hand.

"Sure." I said, checking my instagram, ThatGirlAnna, which was really Anna's from back home but we shared it sometimes since I never really wanted to get my own. I set my phone on the side table and we watched the show, gasping sometimes and spazzing when it went to commercials. We heard someone moving behind us and I tilted my head over the back of the couch, upside down. 

"Cody! Can you hand me my blanket in my bag on that chair?" I said, pointing towards it. He nodded and grabbed it, wrapping it into a little ball and tossing it to me. I wrapped myself in it and watched the TV waiting for the show to come back on.

"What're you watching?" Cody asked, sitting near me.

"Degrassi." I said. The second the words escaped my mouth, Cody had already jumped up.

"And, I'm leaving now." Cody said, walking out. I giggled. I wish he had stayed.

"Cody wait stay!" Wow. That was my head speaking. My thoughts some how escaped my mouth.

"Oooo so you actually want me to stay? Well then. That's not a problem." Cody said, stopping, looking at me, then he kept walking out of the room.

Krista shook her head. "Strange." And she looked back at the screen as the show came back on. We clung to each other's arms, being slightly dramatic, like always. That's just us. Then Cody came back in a few minutes later in his pajamas with his blanket and a box of Captain Crunch. I narrowed my eye brows and tilted my head giving him a questioning look.

"I love cereal." Cody said, sitting next to me on the couch. Krista and I quietly just watched him for a few seconds and then she put her hand on my arm and pulled me over closer to her.

"I'm worried about him." she whispered into my ear. I rolled my eyes and laughed small. We looked back at the TV and watched while Cody complained.

"This show is so dramatic." Cody sighed.

"We thought you'd like it Princess." Krista smirked. I laughed a little.

"Her too?!" Cody said, shoving another handful of cereal into his mouth.

"Hey, you got Alli to call me a blonde!!" I laughed. It's true! Cody and I are equals.

"Ok, ok. This show still sucks though." Cody said, picking Buddy up and dropping him into his lap, but then Buddy crawled into my lap. He's so cute! Fluffy, small and white. I grabbed the remote and switched through channels. As we were going through the music channels, one of Cody's songs from his new mix tape, Angels And Gentlemen, was playing. I listened for a second, but it was just sounded kind if gay and cheesy. I flipped passed it until I found SNL with One Direction. Krista and I watched, laughing hysterically at their Spanish skit where they all had wigs and moustaches. Then they sang One Thing and What Makes You Beautiful, which are the best songs EVER. I think I fell asleep around the end of the show, although Cody and Krista were still wide awake. I felt my body being lifted gently off the couch. I could have waken up if I wanted to, but I decided not to. Cody was carrying me, and I like it. I felt him lay me down on the couch near Alli's balcony and the lights were off. Had Krista already come up here and fallen asleep? I was half asleep, so I couldn't judge time very well. Then I felt Cody's lips peck me on the cheek. Awww! I opened my right eye and saw a flash of light which was Alli's bedroom door opening. Before Cody was out the door, I said, "Thanks for that Princess." then I blew him a kiss and rolled over, falling asleep.

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