Chapter 6- Bitch, Please

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"I'VE BEEN TRYIN' TO FIND THE RIGHT WORDS, BUT THEY ALWAYS SEEM TO HIT THE PAGE-" This is what I woke up to blasting in my ear. I jerked my arm up, grabbing a lock of the person's hair an pulling on it hard. They flopped over on top of me, their body pressed onto mine. Alli? I opened my eyes a crack and say two, huge green eyes staring into mine and I let out a long scream and then their hand covered my mouth. Then I opened my eyes all the way, and it was just Cody... on top of me...

"Cody what the hell are you doing?" I asked, whispering and laughing. This position isn't too bad ;)

"I was going to scare you. But it didn't work." Cody said, not hesitating to get off, but he propped himself up on his arm a little more so he didn't crush me. His face was still only a few inches from mine.

"Nice. Time?" I asked, whispering gently.

"4:00." Cody said, rolling over so he was no longer on top of me but instead he was lying next to me.

"And you are in here at 4:00 just to scare me?" I asked, sitting up a little.

"Actually, I really couldn't sleep. I was bored and was going to ask you if you wanted to come sit with me in the living room until the others wake up, but I thought I could scare you too. So, do you wanna go into the living room now?" asked Cody.

"Yup. Let's go." I said, standing up and taking Cody's hand. When I was about to let go, he just squeezed it tighter so we were holding hands. Ok then. With my other hand, I picked up my blanket and put it over my shoulders. When we reached the living room, I hopped onto the couch. And then Cody sat next to me. Realllllyy close next to me. I really want to just do something- say something to Cody just to give him a hint. Cody stared at me as I slid my ring up and down my finger. It was made of silver and gold and it said on each side- A S T S- for Anna, Skyler, Tori and Sophia. I was deep in thought. Just thinking about this place. The people. The girls. Cody.

"What are you thinking about?" Cody asked me.

"Oh, what?" I asked, snapping my head back up.

"You were thinking about something. It was obvious." Cody said, staring at me and shifting his body slightly, so his whole body faced me. I rolled my eyes.

"I guess," I said, pausing and tilting my head. "and you care so much why?" 

Cody just shrugged and looked up at me with his harsh, green eyes. I could kiss him. I guess. Maybe. No. I bit my lip and gently sat back and leaned back down into the couch, fastening my eyes on the screen. God, that was an awkward moment. My phone went off and I looked down at it. Skyler. 

From: Sky Sky

Heyyy<3 Sky misses u!!! Me want u back. Listening 2 1D with the girls-you= NO FUN. Meet any hotties, boo???? ^_____^ 

To: Sky Sky

Mayb a few ;) or 1... mayb 2! Heyy dat rhymed XD

From: Sky Sky

Do these few, 1 or 2.... have names????? =D ;D

To: Sky Sky

Nope he's nameless!!!!

From: Sky Sky

Guessing game. Gimmee looks???? ;D

To: Sky Sky

U r very boy-crazed, Skyler.

From: Sky Sky

Mhm. Nowwww back to ma question

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