Chapter 2- Good Enough Start

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I dreaded getting up in the morning. I checked the clock and slowly rolled out of bed grabbing the school uniform that mom had set down on the dresser. I slid on the plaid miniskirt and grabbed one of my ruffled white button-up polos. I slid it over my head and skipped into the bathroom. I tied my hair into a fishtail braid and put on a small amount of eyeliner, mascara and some blush. Might as well make a good first impression. The school made us wear these ugly navy ties with the school symbol on it, which looked like some sort of screwed up bird that had sex with a pony in a little yellow circle. It ruined the cute outfit. I plopped down on my huge new canopy bed and looked at my wall of pictures. Some stood out to me. One was from Neil's sweet sixteen party. Oh my God. That was a pretty crazy night. The picture was of Skyler giving me a piggy back ride while Neil dumped beer on my head and Jason was on the ground passed out (drinking, duh) and Maddie is in the background cracking up with Nicole. I was pretty much the only one who didn't drink that night. Out of all my friends, Neil is really the only one sixteen. That night I especially remember because since I was pretty much the only one who didn't drink, I drove everyone home and most of them were passed out and Anna (I don't think she drank either) helped me drag everyone who was so drunk they couldn't walk into their house. And we aren't the strongest girls ever so we ended up dropping most of the people... on their cement driveway... or on their front porch. I even remember when we brought Neil back to his house, we dropped him on the front steps and he rolled down them. That was fun. Another one was Tori's favorite. That was when we went down to the beach and I was taking pictures if her with my new iPhone 4s, for FaceBook and in the background her major crush, Alex Welsh, was staring right at her ass while talking to some of his friends. THAT picture made her very happy. I sighed scanning each pic. I heard screaming out my window and hopped of my bed walking out to the balcony. What the hell. I looked down and saw a little brown haired 8 year old boy chasing a little white purse dog, and a blonde girl in the same uniform as me. She even was wearing the same ass bird tie (yeah. I named it.) Video taping him while laughing... okkk then...

"Buddy!! Alli STOP VIDEO TAPING! Buddy won't stop running!" yelled the little boy, running in circles chasing the dog.

"Alli just help Tommy, will you." someone said in a sympathetic voice with an accent. It was like, a British accent. Australian, maybe. I looked up, and on a balcony directly across from mine stood a blonde boy, looking vaguely familiar. 

"Ok whatever you say Princess Cody." the girl, Alli I guess, muttered rolling her eyes. I let out a sarcastic snort accidentally and the boy across from me looked up. He had harsh deep hazel green eyes. He smiled gently and smirked. I bit my lip and raised an eyebrow. I shot him a  crooked smile and walked back inside. Once I closed the balcony door, I let down the blinds. I don't need them watching me. But that guy, err "Princess" Cody wasn't that bad looking. But he wasn't wearing any uniform. Just some Rihanna shirt and grey sweatpants. Aww. But why would the girl go to my school if the boy didn't? Strange.

"Sophia???!!!" Ryann yelled from downstairs.

"What?!" I yelled back, mocking her irritating voice. We don't get alond well- at all. I don't know why, but Neil had invited her to his sweet sixteen a while back. During the party, I caught her down by the river behind his huge house making out with my boyfriend at the time, Louis. I have hated her since then.

"I called you three freaking times! Get the hell down here!" what crawled up her ass? I grabbed my school bag and ran downstairs.

"What do you want, now?" I snarled at Ryann, grabbing an orange and peeling it.

"God. Mini bitch. Walk your little thing. It's been barking all morning and mom told me to walk it, but it IS yours, so." she said through gritted teeth. I tapped my pursed lips.

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