Chapter 61

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Our first location for the music video was at the roof top that I filmed my best 2017 moments. It was different coming up here this time. Thea came with us today because I wanted her to be in the video. She wasn't a model but damn, she could be one. I had a stylist dress her and got her a make up artist too.

I told her I wanted her to be in the video but a part of me also wanted to just spoil her.

"I don't think this is right," she walked out the dresser with a white long-sleeve cropped top and a long dress-thingie that slips up, showing some of her legs and thighs. I don't even know what my stylist got her but I will hire her if Thea dress like this every day.

"Damn," Brandon smiled. "you look hot."

I take that back. She looks great in my merch. I'll dress her if we ever go somewhere together, just me and her.

"You look great," I rest my hand over her waist. She looked up and smiled and I felt my heart stopped. She was gorgeous and the sun flare made her eyes shine brighter.

"I am not so sure about this, Logan. I don't know how to act normal in front of a camera," she said.

"Then don't act normal," I said. "Just don't look at the camera. Look at me," I said.

"And do what? Wave my hands around?" she giggled.

"When the music comes up, you will find out," I said.

"I don't think my body is register to move," she said.

"I remember you dancing for talent day," I said.

"When I was 6," I said.

"You dance?" Brandon asked.

"Nope," she popped the p. "Let's get this over with."

The song came up and we let the music sink into her for the first time. When we put the song on a couple repeats, she was having fun and actually doing an amazing job. The long skirt flew in the air and made it look angelic and they were like her wings. She let loose and I never seen her smile spread so wide across her face.

"We got it?" I asked Brandon. He looked at the footage and smiled.

"We got it," he nodded. I grabbed Thea and pulled her into a hug. I consumed her whole and even thought I might have lost everything I have this month, I know I hadn't lose her.

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