Chapter 27

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I placed my hands on my ears to block out the annoying sound of the alarm. The noise echoed throughout the house. I could hear several feet stamping around the house. I could hear several voices yelling at each other. It suddenly dawned on me that Damien was expecting this and had stocked up on warriors and alpha men who were capable of taking care of themselves in a fight.

Damien stepped over me and rushed to the door. He slammed it open and peered outside. I could see men and one or two women running through the hallway like scared mice.

"Carlos!" Damien barked.

The muscular man appeared in front of him dressed in all black and a serious expression.

"What the hell is going on?" Damien yelled over the noise.

"Someone hacked into the security system. They locked us out of the system; we are blind to anything coming our way."

Damien turned and looked at me, a sly smirk on his face. "He's here," he said, impression gleaming in his eyes." He turned back to Carlos. "Gather your men and tell them to meet me in the foyer. Get back here when you're done."

Damien did not wait for an answer as he slammed the door in Carlos' face. He stalked towards me slowly like a lion to his prey, the smirk never leaving his face. "Looks like we've got ourselves a fight."

Slowly, I got up from the floor and stared him down. While my heart was elated to know that Tristan was here, I also did not want to see him hurt. I would take on Damien for him if I could.

"You should not have done that, Heaven," Damien said like he was reprimanding a child.

I glared at him. "I would do anything for Tristan."

He was about to reply when the door burst open and Carlos walked in. I gulped. The last time I was in a room with this man all by myself, he raped me and took almost all of my sanity. I don't think I could handle this time if he tried something again.

Damien stepped forward and planted a soft, lingering kiss on my cheek. If I did not know any better, I would think he was kissing me good bye. I knew better though, it was a 'see you later, baby' kind of kiss. I shook my head, to rid myself of that thought. I could care less if he died. In fact, I think I would jump for the Heavens and scream 'Hallelujah' at the top of my voice. Or probably celebrate by drinking beer from his skull. Whoa, that's a barbarian thought.

He turned to Carlos. "Watch her," he said and stormed through the door.

"With pleasure," Carlos said to me, maliciously letting his eyes roam over my body.

I took a step back, trying to stay as close to the bed as possible. I was not going to let that happen again. Not when Tristan was probably just twenty feet beneath my bare feet.

"You know, darling," Carlos' gruff voice started, pulling me out of my thoughts. "I really enjoyed that ride you gave me."

I have no idea where my courage came from. It was like I had had enough of him and Damien playing games with my mind, my feelings, my emotions and my body. I was tired of being afraid. I was tired of crying. I was tired of screaming. I was going to fight back. With all I had.

Looking at him, I shuddered in disgust. "That's the last one you or anybody else is going to get!" I sneered.

He cocked his head, his eyebrows almost reaching the sky. His surprised reaction almost made me burst of laughing but I remembered the depravity of the situation. The sound of a fight rang through the floor boards. I could hear men and women shouting downstairs. Pained cries and gunshots echoed throughout the house. God, Damien really thought of everything.

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