Chapter 12- The truth

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They both didn't answer me.

"I know it wasn't cancer. Which one of you family was it?" I asked James. I knew it had to be one of the hunters. They knew just like my mom's best friend knew and didn't tell me.

"You know she was sick and went to the doctors a lot." My father said.

"And also you never let me go with her." I said. I knew my dad was lying and he is smart he isn't thinking anything so I won't know the truth but he will have to tell me. " I know you are lying to me dad."

"I'm not. She was really sick. Just..........." he was at a loss of words. I would know from the book or eventually read his mind.

"Just tell me the truth. How did my mother..." I paused. I hated saying it."die?"

"I promise to explain everything once we arrive. Now sleep cause it's a pretty long plane." My dad said but I wasn't gonna wait.

"Tell me now dad." I kinda snapped at him. I wanted to know and NOW.

"My dad killed her. Okay?" James said. "He told me when you were in the hospital the first time. They were always lovers but when he turned eighteen he started to have the hunter genes in him. Her mother let her leave all the way across from England to here and she met your dad. They fell in love got married and when they got you new neighbors moved in next door only to find it my family which was after your mom. They thought it was gonna be peaceful and he won't remember your mom but he did after a while and that's when he killed her."

"Woowwww" was all I could say. That's why when I read his father's mind it was always something bad about my mom.

"My dad told me what he did and your dad told me the rest of the story." James said. After that we were all silent for a while.

My dad didn't look at me and I kept on looking from James to dad and dad to James. 'I would do anything to protect my little princess, I won't let him take her away too' I heard my dad say.

I slept and what felt like hours later James woke me up for the food. I was asleep for only two hours and still had a long way ahead of me. When we finished eating we started chatting a little then James suddenly said "I know how much you loved your mother and I'm really sorry for what my dad did. I hate him for it. I promise to protect you from him no matter what I have to do. I love you so much Cel."

"I don't blame you for his actions and I don't want you to hate him because of me. You know I love you more." I said. I really didn't wanna be the reason behind their fighting.

After I dunno how many hours of talking and watching a movie we finally arrived. A lot of people were waiting for us when we got out and they were all my cousins that I had no idea about. Thirty minutes later we arrived at a really huge house maybe a mansion that belonged to my mom. I had to live there because it would protect me from any hunters.

"I wanna go and rest so which room is gonna be mine?" I asked my dad.

"Follow me." James and I followed him upstairs.

All the way up were pictures of my mom and others who looked like her which I think were her sisters and grandmothers. I went up to my room and slept.

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