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It's been about a month since the incident with the phone, and Yoongi and I haven't really talked since then. The others noticed a while ago that something's up, but they just think we got into a fight. "Hey, Na Rin can I talk to you?" Jimin comes up to me and walks towards my bedroom. "What's up?" I ask him. He sits down, "I know you and Yoongi didn't get into a fight, so what happened? Why aren't you two talking?" I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. "It's.. complicated.."
"You can tell me you know?"
"I know. I- I don't know if I should. If I do tell you, you won't tell anyone, right?"
"Well, of course." I've been dying to talk to someone about this. There's really no one I can tell this stuff to. "So.. I snooped in Yoongi's phone, accidentally, and I saw something..."
"Oh crap, it wasn't.. it wasn't his..." he gets close and whispers, ".. nudes..?"
I push him away, "no! God no, Jimin, you're gross." I laugh a little. "It was just a question! A valid one at that."
"No no it wasn't that. If it was I would've just laughed it off. Actually, that would've been better than what I actually saw. It was his and Joon's texts.. he likes me.. like, like like.." I look down.
"Who? Joon or Yoongi?"
"I didn't know how to react or what to do and I still don't, so I haven't talked to him in a while."
"Wait, so you don't like him?"
"Not the way he likes me."
"But you guys are always together and always doing things just the two of you. It honestly seemed like you two both liked each other."
"I just thought of us as really close, I've known him forever and he gets me. He's my best friend." I put my head in my hands, and tears start to fall down my face. "What if we never talk again? I don't want to lose him. But I can't just tell him I like him as well, that's just cruel."
Jimin hugs me, "it's okay, I think you should just talk to him and clear everything up. He's probably just as upset as you are if not more." I look up at him, "You're right. Thanks, Jimin, now that I think about it you've really been there for me recently. Thanks, Jimin you're the best. If you need anything too, just let me know, okay?" I hug him.

After talking to Jimin, I got the courage to talk to Yoongi. I went to his room and he's the only one here, on his bed, listening to music. I tap his shoulder. "Hey.." my heart starts pounding. Is it because we haven't talked in so long? He looks shocked to see me, he takes off his earphones, "Na Rin.. hey, what's up?" He's a bit awkward too. As I look at him, I can't help but cry, I immediately hug him, "I'm sorry, I missed you a lot. It's just what happened was so out of the blue and I didn't know how to react. It was something I never even imagined, you know? You've always treated me like a sister and I was just really shocked you would feel that way about me, especially because I'm me. You could have anyone in the world and the fact that you liked me was so surprising. And I'm just so sorry." I literally bawl my eyes out while he just comforts me.
He's always been so good to me and always been there for me... have I really not felt anything for him?
"Na Rin, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable or anything. You can just forget anything happened. We'll just be how we were. I won't say or do anything-"

Author's POV

Yoongi stops talking because, out of the blue, Na Rin kisses him. Yes, kisses him. Na Rin just wants to see if there's really nothing she feels for him, but she proves herself wrong as she gets butterflies in her stomach and she feels those sparks people talk about. "Wait, so.. what does this mean..?" Yoongi asks, shocked. "I.. I like you. I thought I didn't, but I didn't feel like this even with Jin." She looks down, embarrassed. "Ohhhh, so you like me, huh? But I don't like you." He teases her. As the two are playing around they don't notice a third presence that just witnessed everything. Jimin, with a broken heart, leaves as he sees the new happy couple.

1 year later

Yoongi and Na Rin are still dating, happily. Everyone is quite happy for them. Well, not everyone. Jimin, smiles bitterly as he sees them being happy with each other, but there's nothing he can do but pretend to be happy for them. As much as he likes her, he would never intentionally do anything to break them up.

Yoongi's POV

I can't believe it. I'm actually dating her. I've been dating her for a while year. It still feels like we just started dating. My feelings are still as strong for her as they were when we first started dating. I really think we'll make it. I love her.

Na Rin's POV

I never thought Yoongi would be the one. But I'm glad he is, he knows me and I know him. I think we're perfect for each other. I love him.

Author's POV

Will these feelings really stay forever strong? Who knows, but right now they're happy with each other and that's all that matters.

The End.


Wowwwwza, didn't expect this to end here did ya? Lol, well yes it is the end
YoonRin wins!
Poor Jimin :(
Will he get his chance? Who knowssss ;)
Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed it!
Pls check out my other book as well.
Thank you guys! It's been fun and you guys really did so much with the votes and reads, so thank you so so sosososoos much :)

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