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It has been a few months since Jin and I started dating and honestly it's going really good. We go on dates like every other day and almost every time it's somewhere new. He and I can hang out that much now because of that new maid he had hired.

I didn't think it was possible but I think I might sort of love him. It's kind of freaking me out. Like do I tell him? Isn't it too soon? He probably doesn't feel the same way. I don't know what to do.

"what are you thinking so hard about? your face has been like that for a few minutes now." Jimin came and sat next to me. Should I talk to him about it? Why not?

"So, you know how Jin and I have been dating for a few months now, right?"

"Right" "Is it too soon to tell him that I love him?" I spit it out really fast. I could tell he was a bit taken aback. "Well, um, usually couples start feeling that way towards each other when they first start dating. Like during the first month, so I don't think it's too soon. You guys have been dating for like what 7 months now?" he smiled at me. I felt more confident now.

"Thanks Jimin!" I hugged him.

"No problem." he hugged me back. I grabbed my bag and got in the car to go to Jin's house. I'm going to tell him.

When I got to his house I just walked in. He wasn't downstairs so I went up to his office. As I was about to open the door I heard a girl laughing. It was the same laugh and voice I heard before.

I didn't think anything of it so I opened his door slightly, and suddenly I wish I hadn't.

Jin was leaning against his desk while the other girl was all on him. He wasn't touching her but she was touching him and he didn't seem to care at all. She was running his finger down his chest and their faces were getting closer. Before anything else could happen, I opened the door all the way ad walked in.

"Jin?" I was about to cry.

"Oh, shit, Na Rin... I.." I didn't want to cry in front of him so I stormed out. How could he?

"Na Rin! Wait, please!" he was running after me, but I didn't even want to look at him. I was crying and my eyes were blurry so I couldn't see that well when I was trying to go down the stairs. Since I was struggling he caught up to me. "Na Rin, listen to me please,"

"No. You listen to me. Do you know... do you know why I came here? I was going to tell you that I.. I love you." I started to laugh a little because it's so ridiculous. "I came here to tell you that I love you, but I'm glad I didn't. You're a piece of shit. I'm done with you."

I started running down the stairs and to my car. He came after me again, but I locked all the doors. I couldn't drive because I was crying so hard. He was knocking on my window and I became angry instead of being upset. I stopped crying and started to drive away.

My phone started ringing now, and it was him. I shut it off, and drove home. I was just angry the whole time, but as soon as I got inside I started sobbing.

Jimin's POV

I was home alone when I heard the door slam shut and someone crying. I rushed over and I saw Na Rin on the ground crying her eyes out. "Na Rin! what's wrong? what happened?" She was trying to tell me but I couldn't understand because of her crying. So I just sat with her in my arms until she had calmed down.

About an hour later she finally stopped crying, "so do you want to tell me what happened?"

"He... he was with another girl." Tears were streaming down her face again. "Who? Jin?"

"Mhm," she cried silently. He cheated on her? I was so angry. I could go over there right now and beat his ass. As I was about to say something, Yoongi walked in.

"Whoa, what happened here?" Na Rin was crying again so she wasn't able to answer. "Jin cheated on her." I have never seen Yoongi's mood change so fast. From confusion to anger.

"He did what?" He was about to go out again but Na Rin spoke, "Yoongi, please don't do anything. I just want to forget it all."

"But that asshole cheated on you! I can't just not do anything." He was really angry. Na Rin got up and hugged him, "please, just let it go. It's fine."

He didn't even hug her back. His hands were made into fists. "It's not fine. He was your first boyfriend! You guys have been dating more than half a year. He was the one that wanted to date you so badly! and then he does this! It's not fine!" Yoongi was really angry so Na Rin hugged him tighter. After a minute of them being like that, Yoongi finally calmed down and he hugged her back.

"I'm sorry he's such a jerk." Na Rin laughed slightly, "Me too."

Not gonna lie, I was a bit jealous.


Soooooooo, lmao NaJin shipped and it sunk.

also pls check out my new story lol

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