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I rolled my eyes, "You're drunk, go to sleep" I was about to get up, but he put his arm around me. I sighed, "fine, I'll lay with you, but no funny business or I will break your arm."
"Mhm, sure you will" he cuddled up closer.
Ew this is so gross.
And it's getting late I have to go home.

15 minutes later

He's asleep now, thank goodness. I shoved his arm off me but he just put it back! What, is he pretending to be asleep? "I'm not asleep yet. Can't you just sleep with me tonight? I don't think I can sleep by myself." He looked so vulnerable right now, like a lost puppy. I hate saying no to people who use their puppy dog eyes, ugh!
"Fine, let me just text my family and tell them I won't be home." I got my phone out of my pocket and the battery is dead. Great.
Whatever I'm tired too. I yawned, "I'll sleep with you, but keep your distance, okay? Thanks." I got into his bed and curled up in the corner of the bed. So awkward. I'm sleeping next to my boss, who's a big cry baby.

"Really? Yay! Thanks!" He gave me a hug and just stayed there. "Didn't I tell you to keep your distance?" "Nope!" And he just kept hugging me for the rest of the night.


When I woke up, Jin was still asleep. It was still really early. I got up and went home to freshen up.

As soon as I entered our house Yoongi was there looking at me with red eyes and he looked really angry.  I let out a little scream, "ohmygosh you scared me! What are you doing?"
"I should be the one asking you that. Where have you been all night? Didn't you realize how worried we were? If you were gonna stay out, you should've at least texted one of us." Whoa he was really angry.

"You're right. I'm sorry. I was going to text you but my battery died. I'm sorry."

"I've been up all night incase you would call and be in trouble or something. Do you have any idea how worried I was?!" He was yelling and getting closer now.

"I said I was sorry!" He looked angrier. This is so scary..

He kept walking towards me until I was backed up to the door. I flinched away a little bit.
"So? Where were you? What were you so busy with that you couldn't come home?" His voice was low.
"I.. uh..." should I tell him the truth? Of course, it's just Yoongi and telling him now would be better than him finding out himself.

"Um.. well.. my boss he was drunk... and I had to take care of him"
"Is he not a grown man? Does he need you to take care of him while he's drunk? Is he a child?" He's so serious. So scary.

"Well... you see.. hewasreallydrunkandhewantedmetosleepnexttohimandhegavemethepuppydogeyesandicouldntsayno." I said it really fast and I hope he heard me because I don't feel like repeating it.

"You slept with your boss?!" He slammed his hands on either side of me which made me jump a little.

"Sh! You're gonna wake the others up!" I think that made him angrier. He's so red. He's gonna blow up.

"You slept next to a person you've barely known for a month?! What? did he offer you money? Because you would probably do anything if money was involved."
Alright well, I got a bit offended there and I think he knew because he was shocked he said that.

I laughed a little bit, "you're right I would do just about anything for money because I know how much we need it. I know how much the kids need it. I know how badly we need to get a new house and how badly we need another car. I know how much the girls want dresses they've seen and how bad the boys want some toys. I know and that's why I've been working so hard. But maybe you would like to hear that I didn't do this for money. I did it because I wanted to. Because I wanted to do something good for him. Which you would know how I never want to say no to people in need. But of course I would only do it for money, right?"  I chuckled and a tear fell from my eye.

I think all his anger  washed away by that speech which I hadn't intended to make, "sorry I don't know where all that came from" I looked down and laughed a little while more tears came out.
Yoongi dropped his hands from my side, "no, I'm the one that's sorry" he hugged me and that just made me want to cry more. "I'm so sorry" I hugged him back. "I didn't mean it, I was just really worried and I was up all night and I'm just sorry"

"It's okay I should've texted or called. It's my fault."

"Let's just talk about it later. You probably want to shower, right?"
I nodded and walked away while still looking down because I cried.

Yoongi pov

Gosh, I'm such an idiot! She hasn't cried a single tear in years and I'm the one that makes her cry like that. Idiot.

I don't know what came over me. I wasn't gonna let it go this far. Just give her an earful about how worried I was and the others and how she should've called but instead I basically call her a gold digger.
And she's only saving the money up for us.

How am I gonna make this up to her?


957 words! The longest chapter ever! Whoa

And thank you guys for voting and reading
I had just reached 1K reads and now I'm already at 2k!! Thank you guys!! Omg T_T

I hope you enjoy! <3

@amna_1410 (you have my sister's name lol omg)

Thank you guys for spamming me with votes!! Should've done this sooner cause some of you did it a while ago
Buuuut still thank youuuu!!! <33333

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