Baratie's Blondie

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To say Zoro was annoyed would be an understatement. He was going to go crazy at any point now if he spent even one more moment with the ball of energy who was now apparently his captain. Remind him how he got into this again. Oh, right he was impressed with the shorty and said something on impulse. He almost groaned at this thought. He really wanted another crewmate to lessen his suffering.

Just as the kind sailor pulled up by the Baratie Luffia and Zoro thanked the man and ran to the restaurant.

Luffia couldn't help but note that the restaurant was very high class as she could tell by the decorations and customers. Though oddly enough the staff themselves almost looked like pirates. Oh, how right she was.

As soon as they entered the restaurant Luffia sat at a table and started ordering at high speed without taking a breath. By the end of it, she had ordered everything on the menu. Zoro looked at her skeptically, I mean sure he knew she could eat a lot but this was just inhumane. The spectators almost looked sick at the mention of eating that much food. Just as the two were getting bored the food arrived.

"Jambon persillé and Bœuf bourguignon has been served" a blond boy who seemed to be the same age as Zoro said. He had blond hair that covered on side of his face revealing one blue-gray eye and weirdly shaped eyebrows. She immediately took a liking to this boy, who wouldn't like someone who was serving you food. On the plus side, he even had this air around him that made him very interesting. Though Luffy felt like she saw him somewhere. Why was he so familiar? She was trying to remember while eating but was sadly interrupted.

"Shitty Mosshead keep your weapon off the table"

"I can do what I want dart brow"

By the time Luffy noticed this they were already headbutting each other. When a fight was about to break out the head chef Zeff came to drag Sanji back. That's when it hit her. So that's why he was so familiar. Oh, she so wanted him on her crew. She wasn't going to miss this chance so she followed them to the staff room.

The staff room was quite spacious considering the fact that there were about only a handful of chefs there. She finally found where he was sitting.

"Join my crew"


"I just asked you to join my crew"

"What crew dumbass, I don't even know your name"

"It's Luffy. Now you know so will you join, it doesn't have to be now but in a few years, I'm going to set sail and find one piece"

Sanji was stunned. First of all, he had never met a girl like her. I mean what kind of girl asks you to join a pirate crew as soon as you meet. Also, he saw how much she could eat. He was worried that some of the food might go to waste but that doesn't seem to be the case. He was supposed to be polite to ladies and respect them but Sanji felt that it was alright to be just friends with her. Maybe if he told her his dream she wouldn't outright laugh. He could hope right.

"Eh is that so well let's just say I have quite a foolish dream, too. Have you ever heard of the All Blue" Sanji asked with a slight smile tugging at his lips.

With a shake of her head, Luffy looked at him expectantly so he told her what the All Blue was. It was a decent surprise as her eyes were sparkling with curiosity rather than disappointment. You know it seems like he just made a new friend.

"I'm Sanji" he introduced himself extending a hand. "Monkey. D. Luffia at your service. I look forward to sailing with you Mr.Cook" she said playfully shaking his hand.

"Shut up, I haven't decided yet," he said with a slight blush. Luffy giggled at that, you could almost see the amusement dancing in her eyes.The mood was light as they traveled back to the dining hall, but the sight that greeted them was not what they expected.




Standing one moment being knocked down by three guys another. Geez, they overreact so much. But they were probably worried about her, so she gave them all a well-deserved hug.

"I'm fine, but how did you guys find me" Luffia questioned.

The three told her their little tale as they finished their food. Luffy found it quite endearing having overprotective family members like them, though sometimes they could be a bit too much.

"So how did your trip go, Lu," Sabo asked. He had picked up quite an interesting nickname to call her. Ace was also curious as he perked up at that.

"Well I was dropped on top of Zoro on a little island, met a sailor came to Baratie and met Sanji" she summarized.

"Ah I see, Wait who's Zoro" Marco questioned. "And Sanji " Ace continued.

"Didn't I tell you they're my new crewmates". As if on cue Zoro woke up from his nap and walked over to Luffy with Sanji following him close behind.

"Hey Luffy we should get going if you want to find that family of yours," Zoro said in a lazy tone. Sanji more aware of the situation decided to observe. What kind of person did he get involved with?

"Oh Zoro, Sanji I should introduce you to these guys. This is Marco, Ace, and Sabo. And you guys they are my new crewmates Zoro and Sanji" Luffy said while pointing to each of them. Zoro would be an idiot to not know the first commander of the Whitebeard pirates. He mentally facepalmed no wonder Marco sounded so familiar. He wasn't sure who the other two were, but he was pretty sure they were capable of holding their own ground in a fight. His captain should really warn him when she would surprise him like this. Also, there was one other thing that bugged Zoro and Sanji.  ' We have another crewmate? And why did it have to be that idiot?'

While that was going on there was total chaos erupting in the other threes minds.

'She has boys with her, two boys, she's too young' a panicking Marco thought.

'She already found two decent crewmates' an interested Sabo said putting trust in his sister to pick decent people.

'If they treat her badly I'll teach those kids a lesson they won't forget' an overprotective Ace thought.

Zoro was now truly shocked his captain really was full of surprises. Once again he wondered what he got himself into. What next, tell him her parents were world renown criminals hah.

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