Meetings and New family members

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"Luffiaaaaaaaa" shouts a beautiful woman to her 6 year old daughter who came running to her with a huge grin and a piece of meat in her hands and her messy black hair flying all over the place. "What's up mom"the little girl asks. "A few of your fathers friends came over so lets go meet them" "Ehh really let's go" replies the 6 year old as she drags her mom to her dads room.

While they were strolling down the hallways to their location they couldn't help but notice two people yelling that sounded a lot like a happy " Join my pirate crew" and an annoyed "For the last time i told you no". Luffia was wondering who these people were and why they were shouting while munching on her piece of meat, but it looked as if Rose was already used to this.

Rose's pov
We shortly arrive at Dragon's meeting room. I finally get to introduce Luffia to her uncles. They are gonna love her.

Luffia's pov
I was raiding the kitchen when mom called me to meet some people. While we were walking down the hall i wondered if dads friends were strong. I hope they were.When we finally arrived i was so excited about meeting new people i was bouncing with energy.

Shanks's pov
Rose told me to come to Baltigo for an announcement. I wonder if she would give me some booze. Ben wouldn't let me get drunk before the meeting.

Next to the pouting captain of the red haired pirates the first division commander of the whitebeard pirates Marco the phoenix was having a civilized discussion with Dragon unlike the one that occurred  between the two pirates before.

Marco's pov
After waiting awhile the door opened and revealed a grinning Rose and a child replica of her holding on to her hand with a fullblown smile and a mischevious twinkle that appeared  in her eyes that promised trouble after she saw them. If she's anything like her mother then i should be worried.
What is she even thinking?

After the pair enter the room Luffia's first reaction is to shout "Oh my god I can't believe my dads friends are a lazy pineapple and a sulking tomato"
This caused the entire room to freeze over until Rose doubled over laughing and saying between gasps of breath "You really are my daughter" . This caused the momentary pause to break and the three males reactions varied from a smirking Dragon to a sputtering Shanks to a scowling Marco.

After they recovered from Luffia's last remark Rose introduced her daughter to the two pirates. "This little girl right here is Dragon's and my daughter Monkey D .Luffia". Before the pirates could react Luffia interrupted saying "Call me Luffy not Luffia it's too girly"and " Mom I told you to stop calling me Luffia".
While Shanks was shocked to hear Dragon had a daughter Marco who suspected them being related after Rose entered with a child that looks like her didn't react much.

Dragon clears his throat and gets the attention of the others in the room and finally drops the bomb. "Luffia will be staying with the whitebeard pirates for the time being".  Not a single sound was made until Luffia yelled out "Whaaaaaaaat" " Whyyyyy", before his daughter could start ranting Dragon explained that it would be too dangerous for her to remain with the revolutionary army any longer since they were going to start getting involved with the world government now.

"Wait a minute then why am i even here " Shanks voices his opinion for the first time since the mother and daughter duo entered.

"Oh I just wanted Luffy to meet her two uncles and the rest of the family so I called you both. Her staying with the Whitebeard pirates is just a bonus"Rose answers while smiling sweetly with a dark look in her eyes that promises anyone that opposes great pain making the pirates shiver.

And this concludes the meeting of uncles and niece on this fateful day.

Finally finished. Don't forget to vote, comment and share. Please tell me your opinions on this chapter. If you have any suggestions tell me.
Sapphire out. Bye.

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