The Commanders

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Thatch's Pov
I decided to spend time with Luffy first since Marco has too much paperwork to catch up on and I'm not that busy. I mean how much trouble could a little girl be?
Oh, how wrong I was. Well, let's start from the beginning.
I was going to Luffia's room to call her for breakfast but when I entered it was empty. I had so many thoughts running through my mind from what if she fell overboard to Dragon and Rose are gonna kill me. I decided to look around the ship including every nook and cranny and pops's sake stash too. I mean might as well try. Finally, I decided to return to the dining hall with no success about to break the bad news to everyone when I saw the reason of my search chatting animatedly with Haruta over some breakfast. I wanted to pull all my hair out. It got even worse when she said "Look Thatchy's here"pointing in my direction while Haruta's not so concealed snickers could be heard.
Finally, after breakfast, I decide to entertain the little brat with a prank. I suggested dying the third division's hair pink but Luffia suggested adding glitter which made the prank even better. In result, we had an angry herd of third division members chasing us around the ship for a while. When we finally caught our breath we burst out laughing. And little did the whitebeard pirates know this was the birth of the prankster duo.
All in all, Luffia's a mischevious, lovable, charming little girl. I can't wait to tell her all the pranks I've been planning. Finally a prankster of my level I can carry out my plans with. She fits in just fine.

Izou's Pov
After Thatch and the whole glitter fiasco, it was my turn to look after our new resident. While we were eating breakfast Luffy asked me the one question I was dreading "Ne Izou-nii what are you always wearing?" to which I answered "It's a kimono. " I was getting ready for the criticism that comes my way when I meet new people but it never came instead she was looking at me with sparkly eyes saying it was very pretty and it suited me. I don't think I was this happy in a long time. I asked her if she wanted to try one which she eagerly replied with a yes. When we were finally finished she was the epitome of cute with her silky black side bangs pushed back and shoulder length hair brushed neatly with big brown doe eyes that almost twinkled in the moonlight and what completed the look was a flower pin that complimented her sakura pink kimono. When we stepped out most of the pirates were blushing because of how cute Luffia was. When she grows up she'll be one hell of a looker. Even thinking of that made my protective instincts to rise. From here on out I am in charge of dressing Luffia I declared to myself, thinking of all the cute outfits I could put together. By this point, I had already accepted her as my little sibling rather than a niece.

Haruta's Pov
After Izou's turn with the cute kimono, it was finally my turn. Woohoo. I really wanted to get to know little Luffia. But she prefers to be called Luffy saying Luffia's too girly but I think it suits her pretty well. Anyway getting back to the topic I want to get to know her and see if she's like Rose-nee.
At first, I really couldn't tell the similarities because of Luffy's way more hyperactive, energetic, reckless and childish personality. But it's probably due to being a child right now. Since Rose-nee is a more mature responsible grown-up version of Luffia. They're both similar with their caring and kind hearts but Luffia has a more happy aura that makes everyone around her can't help but smile at her antics and her innocent nature that brings out the protective instincts in people but unlike Rose Luffia only thinks about her actions and shows her smart side when she wants to otherwise she's just a happy go lucky kid with a bright smile that lights up the ship.

Namur's Pov
After Haruta, I'm on babysitting duty next. To tell you the truth I wasn't looking forward to this day. It'll just be another day to get discriminated by humans. Other than my precious family the Whitebeard pirates no other human has ever treated me like an equal and not like some monster or freak. When we finished breakfast and everyone went their separate ways the kid followed me to the railing where I wanted to look at the sea from. I was curious as to why the kid still hasn't run away from me so I decided to voice my questions. "Hey kid" I caught her attention it's now or never I tell myself "why are you following me aren't you afraid of fishmen," I asked her. I get myself ready for all the discrimination when she tilts her head to the side and says "Why would I be afraid of a Fishman. One of the revolutionary army's top officers is a Fishman named Hack and he used to teach me martial arts so we're pretty close" not knowing that she gained my respect by doing so. But the moment was ruined when the ship suddenly lurched forward causing Luffia to fall overboard. Seeing this I panicked knowing she can't swim since she's a devil fruit user jumping right after her. After we got out of the water we burst out laughing about the predicament we got ourselves into. For the rest of the day we talked all about the places we went to and I told her about Fishman island which made her exclaim that she wanted to go. I haven't met a human like her in a long time. Even most pirates who are used to fishmen need some time to get used to them but to Luffia it didn't matter what race I was. Maybe I will pick up where her old martial arts master left off. I wouldn't mind, no I would love to spend more time with the endearing brat.

Marco's Pov
I'm the last commander to take care of Luffia. Since she knows her way around the ship like the back of her hand now. But I do gotta say I was pleasantly surprised by the aura on the ship now. After Rose left a part of the ship's cheerfulness left with her but now Luffy fills and even does more for the ship. Everyone's moods are much more cheerful and she got closer to the commanders so fast you would think they knew each other for years by the way they interact instead of a few weeks.

Done. Thank you for reading. I tried my best to come up with the commanders' personalities since not much is said about them. Thank you for supporting me and reading. Don't forget to vote. Sapphire out. Bye.

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