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It's been a few months since Luffia has been on Whitebeards ship.

"Thatchy" a high pitched voice could be heard. "If you're planning to do another prank, Thatch is busy right now"Vista a black-haired swordsman answers. "Doing what?" asks the small girl. Because of this question, Vista started to get nervous. He had cold sweat running down his back. "Oh my god, if she finds out too early Marco, is going to skin me," Vista thinks while imagining what would happen just shuddering at the image. Marco who was the closest to the six-year-old had become surprisingly protective of her. Nowadays if you wanted to ruffle his feathers all you had to do was bother Luffia in some sort of way and you would get an angry mother hen or phoenix, in this case, chasing after you promising murder.

Anyways getting back to the point he had to find a way to stall Luffia till dinner time. What should he do? You could see a light bulb lighting up on top of his head. "Ne ne Luffy you said you wanted us to train you right? Do you want to learn how to use a sword" Vista asks with an ulterior move in mind. Just as he planned Luffy fell victim to his plan forgetting all about finding Thatch. Before they went to a space meant for training on the deck they decided to get Luffia a sword. "Okay first of all which weapon do you want to use" Vista asks while showing Luffia his grand sword collection that included katanas, nodachis, rapiers, sabers and cutlasses and much more. When Luffia entered the room she couldn't help but be awed. Vista who noticed this had a smug look on his face while Luffia was choosing. After a little while, Luffia came up to him with a really long sword that resembled a katana which in reality was a nodachi. Vista who saw this couldn't help but smile thinking usually girls would have chosen a rapier or something like it that's very elegant but instead, she chose the biggest and longest blade she could find. She really is unique. While Vista was spacing out Luffia was waving a hand in front of his face reminding him of his current ordeal. Vista who was a master swordsman could tell immediately from first glance that the sword was way too big for her. "Luffy you can't use that one its too big for you for now just use its smaller cousin the katana it's similar but it would be easier for someone of your structure to use" Vista recommends. After another few minutes of searching Luffia finally found a katana that fit her tastes.

It was a standard sized katana with a black guard with a vibrant yellow string wrapped around it, the handle was black studded with diamond-like pegs the same shade of yellow.The blade itself had wave-like curve patterns on it which was a darker shade of grey. As soon as Vista saw it he recognized it as Yoarashi one of the named blades he picked up after defeating an opponent years back. It was a magnificent blade.

 After they got back Vista started teaching Luffy the basic stances of attack and defense. Luffia was a really fast learner and got it down after a few tries which surprised Vista. Other commanders and members of the crew who heard Luffia was training came to the deck to see how good she was and were thoroughly surprised by her quick reflexes and fighting technique, though her sword skills were beginner level it was still an impressive feat for a six-year-old. All the present commanders had the same thought "I'm gonna teach her my own specialty when I have the chance". Was it to prepare Luffy when she grows up and leaves or to spend time with her who knows.

After her first training session was over Luffy was exhausted so she got a ride from Stefan a huge white furry dog that looks more like a wolf than dog. The first time Luffy managed to get a ride from Stefan all of the crewmembers were surprised to see the dog not be aggressive with anyone but Whitebeard.

Whitebeard who saw his grandchild's' exhausted face offered to tell her a story which she fell asleep halfway through. "Gurarara cheeky brat" Whitebeard said with a serene smile on his face while cradling Luffia to make sure she was comfortable.

When Luffia finally woke up it was dinner time so she and her grandpa were walking to the dining hall. When they opened the door the lights turned on, confetti was thrown and everyone shouted "Happy birthday". Luffia was really surprised that they knew her birthday but she came to a conclusion that her mom must have called. After eating an enormous feast which Luffia mostly devoured it was present time.

She got all sorts of things ranging from clothes to weapons to even some souvenirs and a photo album that was quarter filled with photos to fill in the rest with the crew and new friends she acquired.

"Ah so this is what you were all trying to hide from me throughout the day" Lufia said while rethinking the days' events. To this everyone face fell to the floor except Whitebeard and Marco who knew Luffia was way more observant than she lets on.

The following day a marine ship was spotted. And not just any marine ship it was the ship of a crazy old vice admiral. But I'm pretty sure you know who it is.

Done. I'm sorry for not updating in a while. I was busy with the junior TOEFL and PSAT and all that. Anyways I can't believe my story has more than 100 reads. I am so grateful to everyone reading my first story which isn't really well written. And I hope you follow the story until the end. As a reminder all the people are ten years younger so whitebeard doesn't have health issues yet. Bye.

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