Meeting the Red haired pirates

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Marco didn't have to wait long for an answer as Luffy uncontrollably sent a lightning bolt at Shanks who barely dodged it.
"Geez that was close you could have fried me."complained a whining Shanks. "Then, that would have made you a fried tomato " joked Marco. "Shut it pineapple" Shanks replied while smirking. They were both thankful and annoyed at Luffia for thinking of those great nicknames.
"But getting back to the topic Luffy probably has a lightning based devil fruit, but since the only known one is the lightning logia it's probably that one"Marco concludes.

"So is it strong?" Luffy asks more like commands. "Any devil fruit can be a strong one if used correctly"Marco lectures. "Logias are the most powerful of devil fruits so i'm sure yours is strong, it's just that pineapple here doesn't want to admit it"Shanks continues. By the end of his speech Luffia's eyes were sparkling.

In her head Luffia was thinking of all the adventures she could go on and all the people she could fight with.


It's night time. Most of the revolutionaries are asleep and the rest are on night duty.
Marco can be seen lying down while thinking to himself. "Geez, that brat really did grow on me. I can tell that she'll fit in the family just fine. I can already imagine all the pranks she and Thatch would come up with"Marco thinks with a sweatdrop.
After wondering what would happen in the future Marco drifted of to dream land.

In the morning
It was a beautiful morning with no cloud in sight. And a serene silence hung in the air until Luffia came running down the hallways with a larger figure chasing her that shouted "You damn brat get back here. After awhile they both retired to the kitchen to get some grub.
The first thing Marco saw when he entered the room was a giddy Luffy eating her food and thought to be red haired pirate that had singed red hair and scribbles all over his face picking at his food. If it was anyone but Shanks Marco would have just grinned, however since it was Shanks Marco couldn't help but burst out laughing which caused the red head to huff indignantly.

After the morning fiasco was over Luffia had time to herself to just sit on the beach and stare at the sea because her companions had to have a 'grown up talk' as they called it. As she was looking at the faroff sea she saw a red blur that looked a lot like a ship, she couldn't help but wonder who the ship belonged to .
After half an hour the red blur finally reached the docks. The said blur was a pirate ship with a dragon for a head figure and what sounded to be drunk singing emanating from it. While Luffia was thinking where she saw that flag before a tall man with long black hair tied in a ponytail jumped off the ship snapping her out of her thoughts.

While the man or known as Ben the vice-captain of the red haired pirates walked towards Luffia he was thinking something along the line of "What's a little kid doing here at the base of the most dangerous criminal." But now that he looked at her she looked familiar with her black hair, big black eyes and cheeky grin but he couldn't put a finger on who she resembled so much. He also noticed the familiar straw hat hanging from her neck by a thread resting on her neck wondering where she got it.

"Little kid what are you doing here it's dangerous" Ben warned the girl.
"Why would it be dangerous I live here" Luffia retorted. That's when it clicked 'calling for Shanks, an announcement, and a little kid who resembled Rose'. "So you're Dragon's daughter right" Ben said more as a statement which was proven right with a "yup" from Luffia. "Are you, the strict guy that Shanks mentions in his stories" Luffia wonders out loud thinking that they acted the same causing Ben gain a tick mark on his forehead and turning face her with an almost audible snap from his neck. "You know Shanks" questions Ben calmly. "Yeah, he's my uncle" Luffia answers cheerfully.
"I'm Ben by the way Shanks's first mate" "Monkey D. Luffia, but call me Luffy".
Luffy went around meeting all of Shanks's crew from Yasopp the sharpshooter obsessed with bragging about his son to Lucky Roo who always had a piece of meat in his hands to a nameless crew member who she couldn't remember well.
They spent a few hours together until Shanks finally met up with his crew members and set off with a tearful promise from Luffy on the strawhat they both cherish. Along with a sulking crew, sad that they couldn't spend much time with their adored new family member.

Done. Next chapter "Marco and Luffy set sail" will be up tomorrow. Sapphire out. Bye.

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