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Sabo was walking down the forest path to the meeting point after getting his stuff he couldn't help but think about how Luffy changed them. It was the first time he saw Ace with a soft expression on his face even if it didn't last long. He himself was happy to have another person he could trust other than Ace. Her persistence was something he respected a lot. I mean who would chase after people for that long without making any progress. It did have its benefits. On the days where they actually were a bit nice they ate together and talked a bit. But now that he thought about it he didn't know much about the girl except her love for her straw hat which he learned the hard way about. Anyways he was going to change that. He was almost at the meeting point.

Ace was happy he met someone as happy and cheerful as Luffy was. It made him forget how cruel reality was and want to preserve that smile. But he couldn't help but be nervous. Sure she said that she wanted him to live but what would she think when she found out who his father was. After dealing with all the people who hated his father he hoped Luffy was different. He arrived at the meeting point.

Sabo was sitting under a tree when Ace arrived with his catch. "Ugh why is she taking so long" groaned Ace. As the two were silently sitting side by side playing with a few fallen branches a loud but very familiar laughter could be heard. "No no he isn't supposed to be here this early why is he here" Ace panicked. "Who,"the blond asked. "Shitty gramps"Ace spat out. Sabo realizing who it was from Ace's stories got up immediately and both were about to run away until they were grabbed and lifted into the air. "Hey what the heck let me go you stupid old man" Ace yelled while struggling futilely. Sabo who resigned to his fate looked up and saw Luffy sitting on the old man's shoulders.

"Eh what are you doing here," Sabo asked. "My grandpa found me in the village when I just collected my stuff and was heading out. He said he was gonna introduce me to his adopted grandson"Luffy said irritated and if you looked at her there was a large bump on her head. "EH GRANDPA" Sabo and Ace yelled."And he keeps trying to turn me into a marine"Luffy pouts."I told you to stop trying to be a pirate and become a marine already" Garp replied. Ace who heard their conversation decided to butt in. "Stop telling us what to become shitty gramps".

After a whole lot of arguing and fists of love, they made it to a wooden cabin in the middle of the forest when a woman who looked much like a man emerged in a drunken state but was immediately wide awake after seeing Garp. She had curly orange locks which she was known as Curly Dadan the boss of the Dadan family a gang of mountain bandits.

"Dadan take care of her too," Garp said while gesturing to Luffy, Dadans face turned in to a scowl "She's my granddaughter and if you don't you could live out the rest of your life in a cell" Garp continued and all complaints died in Dadan's throat. "A demon" she muttered under her breath.

After a whole night of drinking the adults finally fell asleep. "Hey let's go the gray terminal tomorrow and find some stuff for our pirate fund" Ace suggested sleepily before he went to sleep.

The next morning the trio could be seen looking through the scraps of gray terminal. "Hey let's build a treehouse in the forest so we can avoid gramps,"Luffy said. Ace gasped "You said something smart for once" he exclaimed. "Hey, I can be smart when I want to" Luffy huffed indignantly. Sabo who was listening added, "Like you're any different Ace" with a smirk. And that's how a bunch chasing and knocking down a bunch of innocent bystanders started. After finally calming down they each grabbed a few wooden planks and headed to the forest leaving a few fallen figures behind.

After a very long week, they finally finished the treehouse. "Yes, we're finally finished" Luffy happily squealed. "We can finally get away from the old man and his training," Sabo said. "Wait, you guys before we move into the treehouse I want to do something, I'll be right back" and with that Ace ran off. After a couple of minutes, he returned with three red sakazuki cups and a bottle of sake. "Did you steal this from Dadan " Luffy questioned. "Did you guys know? We can become siblings if we exchange this cup of sake. When we become pirates we might not be on the same ship. Wherever we are whatever we do we'll always be bonded together" smiles grew on the other twos faces they each picked up their cups and ace continued "From now on we're siblings" they drank their cups and their unbreakable bond was formed. "Hey where did you hear this anyway," Sabo asked. "Who knows"Ace mischievously smiled.

Later that day they were sitting outside roasting their catch on an open fire. "Hey Luffy I've been wondering for a while but whats your full name," Sabo asked. "I'll tell you if you tell me first" she grinned cheekily. "Fine then Ace you come here too". "Okay my full name's Outlook D. Sabo now yours," Sabo asked. "Monkey D. Luffia now Ace" Luffy answered. "ghgd Ace" Ace mumbled. "That's not fair" Luffy whined. "Fine Gol D. Ace happy" Ace angrily answered. "Eh, really you're Roger uncles son. "Yeah, i am... wait what?"."UNCLE"the two boys yelled.

"Yeah, my moms related to him though I don't know how even though they have the same last name she said they weren't siblings but were pretty close so I decided to call him uncle,"Luffia explained. Ace who heard this was in shock. Didn't everyone hate him? Ace thought. "Hey isn't it weird that we all have the D initial in our names" Sabo questioned? Just as Sabo was about elaborate ringing could be heard from Luffy's bag.

"buru buru buru buru buru""Do you guys hear that?"Sabo asked. "Oh, its my den den mushi" Luffy realized. "I wonder whose calling"

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