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A whole year has passed since Luffia first came to the ship. It's as if the little girl was a ray of sunshine. Ever since she came on board no matter how terrible the situation she would be able to cheer everyone up. At first, some were taken aback at the prospect of having a kid on deck, but now everyone loved and adored their little baby sister, niece or granddaughter depending on their ages.

Which is why we are now witnessing a scene of all the Whitebeard pirates in a depressed mood and a happy Garp finally reunited with his granddaughter.

"Bye everyone I'll come back after half a year. Take care" Luffia said waving. "You're the one who needs to take care with your trouble attracting abilities,"Thatch said with puffy eyes while finally breaking into a smile.

"Luffy if anything happens call me right away here's a denden mushi"Marco says while handing said object to her.

"Explore the seas and tell me about your adventures when you come back" Haruta shouts.

"Be careful on your journey my child. Now go on" Whitebeard said and the two ships parted one leaving the New world and the other sailing to an island to restock on supplies.

On the Whitebeard pirates ship everything was so gloomy you could almost see mini rainclouds hovering above everyone's head.

In contrast, the marine ship was full of laughter. The marines were having an eating contest and the only two left were Garp and Luffy. The Marines were used to Garp's eating habits but they didn't expect the little girl to be able to eat much "it must run in the genes" was every marines thought.

While they were sailing out of the New world one very offensive comment about Dragon made its way to Luffia and the marine who said it was struck by lightning. Those who witnessed it thought it was just bad luck, but how wrong they were.

The next morning Garp asked Luffy a question. "Luffy what are you gonna be when you get older?" Garp asked.

He expected the answer to be a marine or something akin but not something he hunted down himself.

"A pirate" Luffia answered and the ship went silent.

Even a pin drop could be heard until a loud shout ruined the peace.

"Become a marine" a ticked off Garp says. "No way marines suck and they're too bland pirates are way cooler and badass," Luffia said while sticking out her tongue. It started a shouting match of "Marines are cooler" "Pirates are cooler"

After that specific argument ended with a fist of love an hour later Garp could be seen sulking in his room until he thought of a brilliant plan to make marines seem cooler to Luffia. What other plan could be better than introducing Luffia to the highest level of marines.
Well it could involve not endangering a 7-year-old to all types of dangerous objects like guns, swords, and Vegapunks crazy inventions. But noooo, Garp thought otherwise.

The next morning
"Change the course to Marineford. We'll take a slight detour" Garp yelled commands to his subordinates. While Luffy was getting excited knowing what Marineford was from listening to stories from the pirates. In Luffy's eyes, Marineford was just a place for a few strong guys or future opponents to train.

While the boat was making progress on the calm seas huge doors were spotted signaling arrival to Marineford. But what they didn't know was that there was a huge meeting consisting of every high ranked marine and even warlords going on.

Meanwhile, the Marines were having a civilized discussion or more like trying to deal with all the eccentrics and egos there they all heard a very loud laugh which shocked them. I mean who would want to interrupt a meeting full of powerhouses who could only use one finger to beat the living crap out of you. But that apparently didn't apply to Luffia.

Suddenly the door erupted making everyone look towards it then below because the person or kid was really short. Not a moment Garp emerged with a boisterous laugh then spotting his comrades he introduced his granddaughter and everyone's eyes popped out. Who would think Garp the fist would have a son let alone a grandchild.

Sengoku was pretty calm on the outside but was cursing and fuming at Garp thinking "of course the troublesome brat would be of Garp's bloodline" while facepalming.

After the epic door slamming and shocking moment, everyone regained their bearings and looked closely at the kid. They couldn't deny she was cute with her cute round face big doe eyes and a straw hat that was a bit large for her but fit in perfectly. Just before the fleet admiral Sengoku threw them out Luffy started running towards the warlords and jumped onto Mihawk.

Everyone felt sorry for the kid thinking the greatest swordsman would probably scare her half to death but no he just scooped her up and pulled a protective arm around her and now everyone's jaws literally dropped to the floor even a pink feathery warlords.

After finally getting Luffia and Garp to leave, the meeting continued in a way more quiet volume all of them exhausted having to deal with an overexcited D and seven-year-old put in one package.

"So do you want to become a marine now" Garp hopefully asked as they loaded the ship to set sail after touring Marineford on their own. Which caused a bunch of Garp sized holes on every wall. "No way marines are so boring they just sit around yelling at each other" Luffia replied in a lazy tone not even considering becoming a marine. Which earned her a good fist of love to her head and an earful of how justice was upheld by the marines and how pirates were the reckless criminals.

Finally reaching her breaking point Luffia yelled: " then do you rather I become a revolutionary " which got Garp to shut up. Luffia grinned in response finally having some peace and quiet.

"Omg me of all people are enjoying peace and quiet I've been with gramps to long"Luffia thought while sighing.

At this point, Luffia totally supported her dad in saying his dad was a crazy old man. Yep totally right.

Weeks of sailing later they finally arrived at their destination Dawn island.

And later a village by the name of Foosha.

Thank you for reading and supporting my story. I haven't been able to update a lot because of final tests and all but I promise to do my best. Sapphire out.

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