Chapter 7 - Carpe Diem

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Author's Note

OMG. I feel like such an idiot. I skipped a part in the story to upload and didn't notice until just now! D: So I deleted the parts that weren't supposed to be up. I'm so incredibly sorry if there was any confusion while reading, but I'm fixing everything now! Hopefully it will make sense after I fix things. Again, so sorry!!

"Never you mind, Black" Lily retorted coldly. She grabbed Gizelle's hand and led her out of the Great Hall. "C'mon," She gestured towards Eva and Hannah. You had to hand it to Lily, she was crafty. Lily and Gizelle passed the four Marauder boys, Lily staring pointedly at anyone who dared give Gizelle the wrong look and Gizelle avoiding their eyes completely. Hannah shrugged towards the boys. She was confused enough as to what was happening at the moment and couldn’t imagine how they must be feeling with the sudden sharp change in mood. Because at least Hannah had some experience in this area.

Lily brought them up into the girl's dorms and sat Gizelle onto the bed, while she folded her legs beneath herself and chose the four poster opposite of Gizelle. Eva and Hannah followed suit, seating themselves on their own beds.

After a moment of silence Lily walked over to Gizelle's bed and nudged her leg, "Well, go on then!"

"Go on and what?" She asked. Her face was still flushed a slight pink beneath the blanket of curls that surrounded her face.

"Tell us, of course! About Sirius! What's going on?" Lily looked absolutely fit to explode at any moment. She had her hands wrapped around her ankles and was rocking herself back and forth. Gizelle mulled over telling Lily that she resembled a patient in a psycho ward, but considering the circumstance, she decided against it.

Instead she opted for an escape route, “I would really rather not talk about it, Lily.”

“Oh, go on Gizelle! It’s just us girls! If you can’t trust us, you can you trust?” Eva patted her leg. “Besides, we can help you!”

“I dunno Ev…” She trailed off, contemplating it for a moment. She drew in a deep breath and thought, for a moment, as to where she should begin. It was true, she did feel something different with Sirius, but just exactly what it was and when it had come about, she could not place. All she knew was that everything was just, well, different.

"It's like; I dunno exactly how to explain, so you might have to bear with me for a bit, until I get my gatherings." Lily gave her an encouraging smile, so she continued, "Well, it's like this. Sirius and I have been mates for quite a while now, I mean, since year four, really. And we've always been rather close. I'd consider him as being the closet bloke to me that I know." She looked up at Hannah. She looked a bit lost, sort of how Gizelle felt when she was alone with Hannah and James. But Hannah smiled reassuringly at her, none-the-less.  "And – And, well, lately I've just been feeling really...odd around him. Whenever I get to close to him, or he smiles at me I can't breathe and I get these butterflies an-and then I turn red and I start rambling and saying stupid nonsensical things, and I can't seem to shut up; even when I start to think about him, I can't stop to think about anything else!" She said the latter a bit faster than she had intentionally planned and her voice was oddly shaky.

Lily caught eyes with Eva. She raised them slightly and Eva nodded in a silent agreement. Gizelle had caught it; and she had caught it bad.

"Then I suppose there’s only one thing left to do then, eh?"

Gizelle glanced up towards Eva, "What's that?"

"Set you up with him!" Gizelle felt the color drain from her face. Be set up? With Sirius Black? No, no she couldn't. She wouldn't. It would be too obvious. And she wasn't exactly about ready for him to know these feelings she felt.

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