Chapter 22 - There Came a Day at Summer's Full

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“Hello Sirius,” A fourth year Hufflepuff batted her eyelashes as she made her way past the open compartment on the Hogwarts express pulling her friends, who had stopped to giggle, along with her.

“Ladies,” Sirius nodded after them. The compartment was empty, save for him; something that he was not used to. He was bored out of his mind, which was the reasoning behind keeping the compartment open. With eyes trained on the door, he waited for something interesting to happen. He had already caught two first years with a Cantis jinx, causing them to burst out into song, much to his own personal amusement. The passing prefect seemed to have a different opinion on the matter, however, as he swore to deduct ten points from Gryffindor. Sirius silently mused to himself, wondering if it was possible to have a negative balance of house points.

Along came Gizelle and Hannah. Hannah was the first to spot Sirius. She tossed her trunk into the compartment, barley missing Sirius, and then waving off his protests as she grabbed Gizelle’s and put it up in the overhanging compartment as well.

“Oi! Where’ve you two been?” he asked.

“Sorry,” Gizelle quickly apoligized, “We were late, almost missed the train. We’ve been looking for you for ages.”

“Yeah,” Hannah confirmed. Seeming to notice that Sirius was alone she added, “Where’s Peter and James?”

“Pete’s with Leesha King,” he wiggled his eyebrows, “alone.

Hannah groaned, “Merlin, not Leesha. He couldn’t find someone else? Is he that desperate for a shag?”

 “Peter will never be anything but a virgin in my eyes.” Gizelle grimaced.

At this he threw his head back, letting out a bark like chortle. “And James has been made head boy,” He declared with a mischievous look.

“Bloody hell,” Hannah croaked, grabbing her forehead, “What is happening to the world; has Dumbledore lost his mind?”

Sirius shrugged. “He’s been off his rocker for a fair few years,” he mused.

“Has Lily found out yet?” Gizelle questioned suddenly.

He shrugged again, “I don’t want to be there when she does.”


“Hef-hee Hnkee-hunk,” Sirius’s cheeks looked fit to explode, but his face was determined. A bit of raspberry drool dribbled down his chin.

Hannah glanced back and forth between Gizelle and Sirius, “I’m gonna have to call it,” she said, “I couldn’t understand a flipping thing you said.”

Sirius whimpered and spat out his mouthful of Jelly Slugs, “I thought I did alright.”

Gizelle tossed hers as well. “You’re terrible at Hefty Hinkypunk,” she laughed as she wiped her chin free of the sticky goo.

“Sorry, not very used to mouthfuls of slugs,” he sassed.

She rolled her eyes at him.

Hannah swiped a clean Jelly Slug from the opened package and ripped its head off, sighing as she did so. “Not looking forward to the N.E.W.T. work this term,” she said.

Gizelle moaned, “Let’s not even talk about that! We haven’t even reached Hogwarts yet.”

“Defense Against the Dark Arts is going to be particularly bothersome, I expect.”

Hannah shot Sirius look, nodding toward Gizelle.

Unfortunately, it did not pass by unseen, “What?” Gizelle asked, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

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