Chapter 37

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Emie slowly rubbed Tom’s temples, her fingertips pressing gently into his skin and then up around his hairline.  He hummed with pleasure, and smiled as he kept his eyes closed.

“You’re like a little puppy.  Should I scratch you behind the ears?” She asked teasingly.  Tom nodded, a big smile forming on his lips.  They were lying in bed, the blankets wrapped around them.  Emie was sitting propped up against the headboard, with Tom’s head resting in her lap.  His long legs were stretched out to the side, hanging slightly over the side of the mattress.

It was nearing two in the morning, and Emie felt completely relaxed and sleepy. The doors to the bungalow were open, letting cool, clean air into the room.  Emie was going to miss this.  The fresh air, the beautiful nights, the gorgeous lagoon.

“Tomorrow is our last full day here.” Tom said, his voice low and gravelly with sleep.  He seemed to have been thinking the same thing as she was.  Emie sighed.  She wasn’t fully prepared to go back to the real world.  Back to her deadlines, and Los Angeles and… not having Tom around.

“Thank you for making this past week so wonderful.” She said softly.  Tom opened his eyes, looking up at her.  He pursed his lips, asking silently for a kiss.  Emie smiled and leaned down, giving him a soft, gentle kiss.  She felt him push his hands through her hair, holding her to him.

“Visit me in London?” He asked, pulling away just enough so he could speak.  Emie looked at him, a smiling forming on her lips.

“I’ll think about it.” She teased.  He didn’t smile.

“Say you’ll visit me.” He stated.  She kissed his cheeks and then his chin.  She’d been hoping he’d ask her to visit him.  She’d already known she would come if he asked.

“I’ll visit you.” She promised. 

“Come with me to London.” He said, reaching up and trailing a finger over her lips.  “Stay with me there.  The whole time.” He said seriously.  Emie froze, feeling a bit panicked.  A thousand questions flew through her head.  She had been expecting to visit, but to stay there? Maybe she wasn’t completely surprised that he asked, but hearing it out loud was a bit shocking.

“You can write in London.  I know you don’t love working at the newspaper.” He said simply.  Emie thought of the Los Angeles Now.  She didn’t need it.  It just helped her pay some bills, without having to dip into her profits from her books.  “London is full of diversions.  You could work on your next novel.” He suggested.  Emie shifted, sitting up a bit straighter.

“I’m not sure what to say.” She said honestly.  He sat up then too, moving to face her.

“Is it too fast? Am I scaring you?” He asked, tilting his head toward her.  Emie wasn’t sure.  It was what she’d been hoping to hear, but now that she really, truly thought about it, the idea did seem very…soon.

“Do you think it’s really a good idea? For me to pick up everything and move? Would I get an apartment—“

“Don’t be silly.  You’ll stay at my house with me.” Tom scoffed.  He said it easily, as if he didn’t even have to think about it.  Emie sat back, quiet.  She was trying to wrap her head around it.  Live with Tom? Move in with him?  She’d never lived with anyone. 

He cleared his throat, realizing that he’d just jumped ahead quite a few steps.  He looked at her, a bit bashfully.

“Think about it?” He asked gently.  Emie reached forward, running her fingers along his jaw.

“I’ll think about it.” She smiled.  “Would you take me around London and show me the sights?” She asked, tilting her head.  He grinned.

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