Chapter 35

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A/N: As always, sorry about the wait.  Thanks for being patient.  Crazy last few weeks, best friend's wedding, etc etc.  Desperately trying to catch up.  Hope everyone is well! Thanks again for reading.  Here we go...

         All of Sunday and Monday, Emie and Tom didn’t leave his bungalow.  If anyone had asked, she would have said it was because of the surprising rain front that had moved into the area.  The truth was that the weather wouldn’t have mattered.  Rain, sun, snow…they would have done the exact same thing.  The view from Tom’s bed was amazing, and it wasn’t usually Mt. Otemanu that Emie was drooling over.
       “I’ve never gone on vacation with anyone before.” Emie said, wrapped up in Tom’s down comforter.  He was lying horizontal across the bed, wearing only his boxers and simply watching her.  She had rolled the comforter around her, not unlike a giant burrito.
       “No? I don’t know that I have either.” He frowned.  Emie scooted toward him like an inch worm, placing her head on his taut stomach.  He chuckled, watching her move.
       “No holidays with your exes?” She asked with a big grin.  All afternoon, she’d been grilling him and teasing him on different British slang words he sometimes used.  Tom reached down, running his long fingers gently through her hair.  Outside, there was a steady patter of big, fat rain drops falling into the lagoon.
       “No, which is strange.  I guess we just never made it round to that.” He said softly.  Emie closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of his fingers in her hair.
       “It’s not bad.” She laughed softly.  Tom nodded, and slipped his hand under the edge of the comforter, rubbing her bare shoulder.  Emie sighed. It was nearly evening, and she couldn’t quite believe they hadn’t left the bed all day. Tom had ordered room service twice.  They’d eaten breakfast in bed- chocolate croissants and fruit, which Tom had eaten most of.  Emie had found he had an enormous sweet tooth.  And then later, they had eaten sitting on the floor, making a make shift picnic out of a spare blanket, the cool, rain fresh air coming in from the open doors.
       “It’s not bad at all.” Tom leaned forward and kissed her forehead.  “Though, to be honest, I don’t think that all holidays are quite this fantastic.” He said softly.  Emie grinned and tilted her head up for a kiss.  Just as Tom leaned down to kiss her, a loud buzz rang through the room.  They both froze and Emie sighed.
       “I’ve got a text.” She said, wondering who could be messaging her.  Lucia and Chris were most likely completely occupied on a private boat or island somewhere, enjoying their honeymoon.  Tom leapt off the bed, grabbing her phone off the table and tossing it to her.  It landed on her stomach with a thud, as she was unable to catch it due to her burrito-like state.  They both laughed as Tom flopped back down next to her.
       “Will you check it for me?” She asked, in no hurry to come undone from her cocoon.  Tom nodded, picking up her phone and turning it on.
       “You’ve got a correspondence from one…Mr…” He squinted slightly at the screen, reading.  
       “You need glasses.” She laughed.
       “I have glasses, thank you.” He said curtly. “They’re for driving.” He added.
       “And reading?” She smirked. He grunted.
       “Mr. Kevin Mening?” He said neutrally, looking up at her from her phone.  Emie frowned.  Kevin? Again?
       “What does it say?” She asked, wiggling around and freeing herself from the cocoon.
       “Why are you ignoring my calls? We need to talk now.” Tom read aloud, his voice confused and hesitant.  He handed Emie the phone and she took it, looking at the text as if she would see something else there.
       “I don’t know why he keeps trying to get in touch with me.” Emie groaned, pressing her forehead against Tom’s shoulder.
       “Is everything alright?” He asked.  He paused, and then kept going. “Is that Kevin, as in your ex-boyfriend Kevin?” He asked.  
       “Your green eyes are showing, darling.” Emie said, mimicking him slightly.  She grinned and kissed his shoulder.  Tom groaned, and pushed against her.
       “Not jealous, just curious.” He said gently.  Emie nodded and smiled.
       “I don’t want to talk to him but he keeps trying to contact me.” She turned off her phone screen.
       “Maybe it’s important.  Maybe you should just text him back.” Tom said diplomatically.  He sat up, crossing his legs in front of him.  Emie shrugged absentmindedly.  She looked at Tom, taking in the smooth, broad expanse of his shoulders, spotted lightly with tiny freckles.  His tanned, bare chest sprinkled with blondish brown chest hair.  The way his skin and muscles moved as he breathed, his stomach tightening and relaxing ever so slightly.  She caught herself doing this quite often.  Memorizing his body.  Trying to commit as much of it to memory as possible.
       “I don’t care if it’s important. Now that I know what a sleazy, fake person he is…I don’t need to ever talk to him again.” She shrugged, running her fingers up and down Tom’s calves.  She felt the roughness of his leg hair covering the long, lean, solid strength of the muscles on his runner’s legs.  She loved the legs that carried him so gracefully and assuredly wherever he needed to go.
       “I’m sorry he did that to you, Em.  Used you and Lucia to try and get ahead.” Tom said softly, watching her hands.  She nodded.
       “It’s a strange feeling.  Thinking you love you someone and they love you, and then realizing it was all for their gain.  Not for love, but for profit or money or fame.” She whispered.  “It seems that most of the people I love…they disappear.  And I don’t mean just physically.  I mean, who they are.  It’s like they weren’t even there.” Emie leaned against his legs, and slowly started kissing her way up his shin, her hands following her mouth.  Tom kept watching her, moving only his eyes, his breathing shallow.
       “You change the subject a lot when you don’t want to talk about it anymore.” His voice was stern, but a little amused.  She shrugged, leaning up on her arms as she passed by his knees and then turned her head to kiss his thighs.  
       “I didn’t say anything.” She mumbled.
       “You don’t always have to talk to change the subject.” He said with a laugh that turned into a groan.  Emie reached up and pushed him back against the pillows.  She kept her hands on his knees as nipped at his thighs.  She slid her hands up his thighs and over his hips, running her fingers against him.  Just as she was about to pull down the waist band of his boxers, her phone started ringing and vibrating rather loudly on the bed next to them.
       “Are you kidding?” She groaned into Tom’s lap.  He laughed, running his hands over his face.  Emie grabbed her phone and was about to turn it off and chuck it across the room, when she saw it was Kevin.
       “He won’t stop.” She frowned.
       “Want me to take it?” Tom asked, raising an eyebrow.  “Maybe he’ll stop then.” He held out his hand.  Emie nodded and gave the phone to Tom.  She suppressed a grin.   Tom took the phone and then swiped the screen to answer the call.
       “Hello?” He said, his voice surprisingly casual.  He paused and then winked at Emie.  “Who am I? Who is this?” He said, his voice less jovial.  Tom sat up a bit, which forced Emie to move off his lap. Tom was quiet for a minute, and she could see a few different emotions pass through his eyes.  One of which she was pretty sure was anger.  She sat up.  
       “Tom?” She whispered.  He shook his head, but didn’t look at her.
       “How about this, mate.  If you’re currently talking to me, it’s pretty obvious that Emie doesn’t want to talk to you.  Perhaps you should take the hint.” His voice was much more stern, and unyielding, leaning toward angry.  Emie felt panic rise in her chest.
       “Tom…” She said again, biting her lip.
       “It’s really none of your business who I am, or what I’m doing with Em.” His voice was like ice.  Emie fough the urge to grab the phone from Tom, worried about what horrible things Kevin could be saying to him.  Tom was quiet for a moment more, and then he laughed.  It was a harsh, humorless laugh that Emie hadn’t really ever heard before.
       “Right.  Get a life, man.” Tom said, his voice now calm and steady. With that, he ended the conversation.  
       Emie leaned forward.
       “I’m sorry.  Whatever he said to you, I’m sorry.” She said hurriedly.  Tom shook his head.
       “Don’t apologize, love. I didn’t expect it would be a pleasant conversation.” He smiled at her, and was back to his usual cheery self.  Emie took the phone from Tom, turning it off completely and put a hand on his knee.
       “What did he say?” She asked.  Tom shifted, looking uncomfortable.
       “He’s quite an angry chap.” He laughed.  Emie nodded.  “Nothing really nice, Em.  Don’t worry about it.”  He reached forward, running his fingers through her hair and pushing it behind her ear.  
       “I’m sorry.” She sighed. Tom groaned and grabbed her around the waist, pulling her back onto the bed with him. She cuddled up to his side, resting in the crook of his arm and shoulder, her head against his chest.
       “He said he had something you’d want to hear about.” Tom said hesitantly after a moment.  Emie frowned, looking up at him.  She absently ran her fingers over his chest, her mind racing.
       “I have no idea what he’s talking about.” Emie frowned.  Tom kissed the top of his head.
       “Don’t worry about it then, Em.  It’s nothing.  He’s just a desperate person.” He squeezed her and Emie nodded.  Tom perked up a bit then, taking her hand in his.  “I have something planned for tomorrow, if you’re up to it.” He grinned, the excitement showing on his face.  
       “Do you?” She rested her chin his chest.
       “It’s a bit adventurous, but the rain is supposed to clear out tonight and we’ll have a perfect day tomorrow.”
       “I’d love that.  We need to get out of this room.” She kissed his chest.
       “Do we?” He laughed.
       “Eventually we will need to emerge back into the real world.” She said softly.
       “Eventually.” He nodded.  “But not just yet.”
       Emie sat down on a nearby rock, laughing through her tears.  
       “It only makes sense that you make it through a helicopter ride, a jeep tour and half way up a mountain unscathed before you fall about twenty feet from our hotel.” Tom laughed, kneeling down in front of her and brushing off her dirty knees.  Emie bent over, inspecting her legs.  They were a bit scuffed up, but no serious harm was done.
       “Are you joking?  That rock came out of nowhere.” She wiped her eyes, and took a deep breath.
       The day had been perfect.  It had been more than perfect, if that were possible.  As much as she loved staying in, and wasting the day away with Tom in his suite, there was something enthralling and exciting about spending time with him out in the world.  His excitement for things was invigorating and inspiring. He made her laugh.  He made her notice things she wouldn’t have seen before.  He kept her entertained, and marveling at everything.
       They had started the day early, waking up just after sunrise.  Tom had to drag her out of bed, considering the fact that they’d just gone to sleep a few hours earlier.  He’d pushed her into the shower, and then joined her.  This had made them considerably later than they’d intended, and so they rushed quickly to get clothed and fed before meeting the pilot at the hotel’s heliport.  Tom had told her to wear comfortable clothes, so Emie had dressed in shorts and a tank top, a zip up hoodie and tennis shoes.  
       “Hope you guys aren’t afraid of heights.  I’ve got quite a flight ready for you.” Their pilot, Adrienne, greeted them.  
       Tom had arranged for it just to be the two of them on the tour. They sat side by side in the small helicopter.  The tour was 30 minutes long, and Emie was speechless the whole time.  They both had huge grins on their faces, as they looked out over the gorgeous scenery.  They were able to see Tupai, a heart shaped island off of Bora Bora, as well as beautiful views of Mt Otemanu.  The water below them changed from deep, pthalo blue to light, crystalline Tiffany blue.  The isand itself was just a long, lush strip of green amongst the breath taking blues.
       Emie loved every minute of it.  And she could tell Tom did as well.  Everyone once in awhile, he’d grab her thigh or hand, and then point out the window at something.   His eyes would be bright and big, and she’d have to hold back from simply grabbing his face and kissing him.  On one occasion, she couldn’t help herself and she leaned forward quickly, stealing a kiss.  Tom smiled at her as they pulled away, seeming to be blushing slightly.  He kissed her back, briefly and then pointed out the window at something down below. Emie had loved the view, but being there with Tom had made it all the sweeter.  
       Neither of them had taken a camera or their phones with them, so the co pilot had taken a few pictures of them with a professional camera, and promised to have copies sent to them at the hotel.
       After the helicopter ride, they had switched over to a jeep for a tour of Mt. Otemanu.  Tom had wanted to hike some, and so after a ride toward the base of the mountain, and a short tour, they got out to start climbing.  It wasn’t a hard hike, but there were some tricky spots where the mountain was steep.  They had to hold on to ropes, and make their way over uneven ground, but they both enjoyed it.
       When they got as far as they could go, which wasn’t quite the top of the mountain due to unsafe conditions, they stopped and sat at the peak.  
       “This is beautiful.  It’s so crazy that this is the mountain we’ve been staring at every night and now we’re on it.” Emie smiled, bumping Tom’s arm with her shoulder.  He nodded, his long legs stretched out in front of him.  They had been relatively quiet on the walk up the mountain, both of them concentrating on the hike and enjoying the sound of nature around them.
       “It’s kind of perfect, isn’t it?” He said softly, turning to look at her.  Emie reached up, touching his jaw.  Tom licked his lips, and then gave her a tiny smile.  
       “Thank you for today.” She said.  He smiled, and then kissed her.
       “My pleasure, Em.  What do you want to do tomorrow?” Tom took a drink from a water bottle, and then handed it to Emie.  She took a sip, thinking.
       “Want to go snorkeling?” She asked, handing him back the bottle.  His eyes lit up.
       “I would love that.  I’ll arrange something at the hotel when we get back.” He nodded.  
       “What are we going to do tonight?” Emie asked, standing up and stretching her legs.  Tom watched her quietly.  
       “I have a few ideas.” He said after a beat. Emie blushed.
       “You haven’t had enough of me yet?” She asked, crossing her arms under her chest.  “You don’t want me to maybe stay in my room tonight?” Her voice was unsure, hesitant.  Tom blinked, and then mirrored her stance, crossing his arms over his chest.
       “No, why would I want you to do that?” He asked.
       “I don’t want to…out stay my welcome.” She kicked a rock toward the edge of the clearing where they were standing, refusing to look at him.  Tom stood up, and was at her side in a few quick strides.
       “I want you with me, for as long as I can have you.” He said into her ear, his long, lean body pressed against hers. “I thought we had established that.” Emie looked at him, into his eyes that so closely mirrored the blue of the ocean below them.
       “Okay.  Just, please Tom, tell me if you need some space?” She asked.  He nodded, unsmiling.
       “You’ll do the same, right?” He asked.  She nodded.  Whatever was happening with Tom was unlike anything she’d ever experienced.  She didn’t see ever getting tired of him.  She didn’t see ever wanting space.  The thoughts came rushing at her, and it took her a minute to center herself.  She didn’t want to let out any of the dozens of emotions that came running at her, head first.
       After their hike, they had taken the jeep back down to the resort.  On their way in from dropping off the car, Emie had tripped over a rock and had sprawled spectacularly on the ground.  Tom hadn’t started laughing right away, to his credit, but after he checked to make sure she was okay, they had both broken into laughter.  They were laughing so hard, that Emie started crying.  
       “Maybe I should carry you back to the bungalow.” Tom said.  He was sitting on the ground next to her, hunched over his knees, holding his stomach from laughing so hard.
       “I’m so embarrassed.” Emie cried, shaking from the giggles.  Tom started to stand up, wheezing slightly.
       “Emeline, I’m surprised you can even get embarrassed anymore.  Isn’t this just a daily occurrence for you? You should be rather used to it by now.” He poked fun, but Emie didn’t mind.  She enjoyed it.  She liked that he thought it was funny, and perhaps charming.  Her clumsiness was unavoidable.  And unfortunately she’d dated people before who would just get uncomfortable and sometimes angry with her in these situations.
       “You’re the worst, Thomas William Hiddleston.” She groaned.  Tom straightened up, raising an eyebrow.
       “Oh, I got the full name! Must be serious now.  So sorry, darling.” His mouth was shaking though, with effort not to laugh.  Emie shook her head at him, brushed her hands off and held them up so he could help her stand.
       “You’re in trouble now.  Carry me.” She grinned.  Tom shrugged and then in one quick swoop, he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder not unlike a cave man taking his prize back to his cave.  Emie yelped, smacking him gently on the back.
       “Tom!” She squealed, laughing.
       “Back to my lair!” Tom roared, marching toward the pier to the bungalows.  Emie laughed, bouncing along on his shoulder.  Her head was now at mid back level, and she reached down, pinching Tom’s ass as he walked.  He yelped, speeding up a bit and making Emie giggle.
       “You little minx!” He said, practically running down the pier now.  Emie squirmed, but he had a good grip around her legs.
       “Your ass looks good from this perspective.” She quipped.  Tom chuckled.
       “Upside down? I’ll have to remember that.” He said, stopping briefly in front of their door in order to open it.  He kicked open the door after it clicked open, and then went charging through the room.  Emie grabbed his ass again, laughing.  Tom smacked hers with his open palm, and she yelped.
       “Hey!” Emie grabbed two handfuls and squeezed.  Tom growled.
       “EMIE.” He laughed, turning his head and gently biting her hip.
       “Put me down, please!!” She laughed.  He walked past the bedroom and made his way toward the bathroom.  “What are you doing? TOM!” She yelled.  He crossed the room, and then stopped in front of the bathtub.
       “You need to cool off.” He said, and she could tell he was grinning.  Even hanging upside down, Emie could see the huge overfilled bathtub looming just below her.  Her eyes got big.
       “Tom…don’t you dare.” She said, her voice sharp.  He didn’t reply but only took a step toward the tub.  “Tom, I have all my clothes on! And my shoes!” She pleaded.  Emie had no idea when it had been filled, but she was deathly afraid that it had been awhile ago and the water was now ice cold.  
       “Ready?” He asked.  She shrieked, squirming to try and get out of his arms.  Tom laughed, practically cackling, and then leaned forward.  She slid up and off his shoulder, coming nearly face to face with him.
       “TOM! NO!” Emie screamed, wrapping herself around his neck.  He stilled had a grip around her legs and waist and was laughing so hard, he could barely catch his breath.  
       “I could stay like this forever.” He said, pausing briefly when Emie realized she’d managed to smash her breasts up by his cheek in an attempt to get away from him.  She didn’t let go of his neck.
       “If I go down, you go down, Hiddleston.” She said trying to sound angry, but really just feeling rather elated.  He laughed softly, as he had them both in a rather awkward position, half leaning over the tub with Emie nearly on top of his head.  
       “I’ll go down, gladly.” He said and then dropped her rather unceremoniously into the tub.  Emie let out a screech, but then was pleasantly surprised to find that instead of ice cold water, the tub was filled with lovely, soothing, hot water.  She still had him clutched around the neck, and though she was immensely relieved to find the water wasn’t ice cold, she was set on getting her revenge.
       “You can let me go now.” He said, his face near hers as she gripped him.
       “Never.” She said with a grin, and then yanked as hard as she could.  Tom yelled, and came toppling into the bath after her.  He sprawled rather awkwardly, falling directly on top of her.  His head and upper half went under the water, while his long legs stuck rather awkwardly out the side.  He came up after a split second, growling and splashing water as he dunked her under with him.  Emie was mid laugh, and managed to come up sputtering.
       “TOM!” She laughed, wiping water from her face.  Tom was on top of her, his legs still half out of the tub.  He held himself up with his arms, and was completely clothed and soaked.
       “Emie.” He grinned, then leaned forward and kissed her hard.  Emie wrapped her arms around him, and pulled him the rest of the way into the bath.  He didn’t protest, but let her.  The water flowed over the sides, but Emie didn’t care.  She held him close, relishing the feeling of his warm, heavy body against hers.
       “You’re terrible.” She smiled against his lips.
       “You’re delicious.” He replied.  Emie felt her heart skip a beat.  
       “I never thought I’d meet someone like you.” She said softly, pulling back to look at his face.  He frowned slightly.
       “Neither did I.  You’re really special, Em.” He managed, pressing his lips together. She’d never get tired of looking at him.  His expressive eyebrows.  Those defined cheekbones.  The perfectly placed smile lines by the corners of his eyes.  Tom licked his lips.  
        “I don’t think it’s normally tradition to be wearing so many clothes in the bath.” She said softly, changing the subject.  He nodded, recognizing the change in subject.  He was used to her doing that by now.  He chuckled softly to himself.
       “Must not break traditions.” He said with a grin, and started peeling off both their clothes.

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