Chapter 32

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A/N: You are all awesome. Thank you for reading.

       Emie paced around her suite for quite some time, moving from the bathroom to the bedroom to the deck and then back again, like some sort of caged animal.  She glanced at the clock by her bed and saw that it was barely 6:30.  Tom had asked her to come to his bungalow at 7.  She’d been ready since 5.  And she’d just been pacing and waiting. 
       Her stomach was a mess of nerves.  It wasn’t as if she hadn’t spent a lot of time with this man.  Hell, she’d spent more than a lot of time with him and was also pretty familiar with what he looked like naked.  It wasn’t as if this were a first date.  Except…it sort of was.  And something about tonight felt different.  Something about this dinner, and the past week told her that there was quite a lot riding on what happened that night. 
       After their horrendous encounter on the beach, she’d slinked back to her room feeling exhausted and embarrassed.  She shouldn’t have run, but her instincts had kicked in and it was all she could do.  She knew she owed it to Tom to make the next few hours into some kind of peace offering.  It wasn’t that she felt like she owed him something, but she felt like she needed him to know how she really felt.  She wanted to apologize for what had happened that morning.  After he had practically tackled her, and explained everything to her, it had been quite interesting to see Vicky standing on the pier, staring at Emie with her mouth wide open. 
       Now, with her sister off on her honeymoon and Emie with a week left at the resort by herself, she longed for her sister’s advice.  Not that Lucia always had the best or brightest ideas, but she always had Emie’s best interest at heart.  Emie had originally scheduled the extra week as a way to relax after the hectic wedding.  Now, she wasn’t sure what the week was going to turn into.  All she knew was that Tom had planned to stay another week as well.  And that she was getting dinner with him that night.
       Emie waited for five more minutes, brushed her teeth for the twelfth time, and then grabbed her bag and left her suite.  She tried to take her time, admiring flowers and the beginning of what was sure to be a spectacular sunset.  But really, she couldn’t focus.  She wasn’t thinking about the flowers, or the orange and pink sky.  The fact that she was in paradise didn’t even faze her.  All she could think about was getting to him.
       She seemed to make it to his bungalow in record time.  Just under four minutes.  Emie wondered if she’d blacked out and had run there. She sighed as she checked her phone.  It was barely 6:45.  She smoothed the simple white dress she was wearing over her sides.  She tugged at the whisper thin spaghetti straps, and peaked down, tugging gently at her strapless bra.  Strapless bras were terrible, but a necessary evil at times.  She sighed, hoping she looked okay.  Not much she could do now.
       Emie knocked softly on the door, taking a step back and fighting the butterflies in her stomach as she waited.  A moment later, the door swung open.  Tom stood before her, looking absolutely delicious.  His tall frame filled the doorway.  He stopped, leaned against the wooden frame with one arm still on the door, and just looked at Emie.  She smiled, but didn’t move.  He was wearing black slim fit pants with a plain crisp white dress shirt.  He had the top buttons undone, revealing the strong column of his neck and a bit of his chest.  She looked down, away from his pool blue eyes, and noticed he was wearing just socks and no shoes.
       “You’re early.” He said simply, still watching her.  Emie pressed her lips together.
       “You’re not ready.” She grinned.
       “Not quite. I’m still scrubbing up. I wanted to look all fancy for you, but now that illusion is ruined.” He grinned bashfully.  Emie took a step forward, pressing the palm of her hand against his stomach.  She felt the softness of his shirt, with the underlying hardness of his muscle and the heat of his body.  Tom breathed in, lowering his eyes to watch her.
       “I like you like this.” She whispered.  Tom was quiet, hardly moving for a moment.  He leaned down, wrapped his long, strong arms around her and pulled her in tight for a kiss.  Emie sighed, moving her hands around his sides and then up the strong expanse of his lower back.  She felt his muscles tighten and move under her hands.  She still felt terrible about what had happened that morning.  But she knew Tom didn’t hold grudges.  Otherwise, he most likely would have stopped asking her to dinner a long time ago.  He was one of those few men who were confident and assertive but without ego.  It was an intoxicating mix.
       “Come inside.” He took her hand, and Emie gave him an unsure look.
       “If I come inside, we’ll never get to dinner.” She said, her voice low and full of longing.  Tom chuckled, and kissed the back of her hand like he always did.
       “Dinner is in here.” He said simply, and Emie could have sworn he was blushing.  She hesitated for a split second, but then cross the thresh hold into his room.  
       She hadn’t been sure what to expect.  She half expected to just see Tom standing there in front of his bed, with his arms out wide saying “Ta Da!”  The image made her smile and her brain try to kick her into “run away!” mode.  She pushed the thought away, knowing he’d ever be so bold and assuming.  She was pleasantly surprised when he led her out to the deck, and showed her a table had been set up outside.  It was a small table, perfect for two, covered in white linen and set with beautiful water blue plates and silverware.  There was a gorgeous red and golden yellow hibiscus flower sitting on one of the plates and a few flickering candles set in the middle of the table.  Emie smiled.
       “Tom, this is so beautiful.” She said.  Tom grinned, looking pleased.
       “I can’t take much credit for it.  The hotel is pretty handy.  Someone will be here soon to get dinner ready for us.” He said, looking excited.  “Would you like something to drink? Wine?” He asked, nodding back toward his room.  Emie nodded.  Wine. Yes.  She needed something to take the nerves away.  At the moment, she was just standing awkwardly, not sure where to put her hands.
       “Yes, please.” She nodded.
       “Wait here. I’ll finish getting dressed and then get you a glass.” He said easily. She nodded.  He seemed so at ease.  Like he didn’t have a care in the world.  She felt more nervous than she could ever remember.
       Tom was gone only a few minutes, but when he came back he was wearing a jacket and a tie, and had put on some shoes.  He looked even more handsome, though Emie had been sure that was impossible.  He handed her a glass of wine, and then took a sip from his own glass.
       The sunset was in full glory, the entire sky around them looked as if it were on fire.
       “Do you want to sit?  The waiter has just arrived.  He’s ready whenever we are.” Tom said.  Emie nodded, and let him pull her chair out for her. She sat down, trying her best not to spill her wine or fall off her chair.  It was difficult considering how nervous she felt.
       “Thank you.” She said, picking up the flower.  Tom smiled and sat across from her.  His profile against the gorgeous sky made Emie’s heart skip a beat.  Just then, their waiter came out from Tom’s bungalow and filled their water glasses.  Emie sat back, getting out of the way.  Great, another glass to spill or knock over.
       “Evening, folks.  My name’s Marcus. I’ll be taking care of you tonight. Can I get you anything else to drink? Or would you like to start with the first course?” Marcus asked politely. Emie raised an eyebrow at Tom, looking impressed.
       “We can start. Thank you, Marcus.” Tom said graciously.  Marcus smiled and nodded, and disappeared back into the bungalow.
       “This is very fancy.” Emie said in a loud whisper, leaning forward. Tom laughed.
       “You don’t have to whisper.” He grinned.  “They do this a lot for people who want a bit more privacy.  I thought you’d enjoy it more than sitting in the restaurant.” He said.  Emie felt herself relax, just a tiny bit.  Privacy was always nice.  Tom knew her so well.   It was a bit frightening at times.
       “Thank you.  This is perfect.” She said, sighing and looking out over the beautiful lagoon with the gorgeous view of Mt. Otemanu against the horizon.
       “You’re very quiet.” He said, leaning back in his chair. 
       “I’m nervous.” She admitted.  She couldn’t lie to Tom, or pretend with him.  He saw right through her.  He reached across the table and intertwined his fingers with hers.  Emie licked her lips, watching him. 
       “Don’t be.  It’s just us here.  You weren’t nervous back when you made fun of my accent when we first met.  You weren’t nervous when you hung out with me at Nan’s and listened to me wax poetic about Shakespeare.  You weren’t nervous when you were sleeping next to me on the boat.” He said all of this softly, his eyes warm, and full of amusement.  Emie blushed and squeezed his hand.  She suddenly wished dinner was over, and she could just touch him.  It was terrible, perhaps, but she felt so much more comfortable just touching him.  It was the talking that made her nervous.  Talking led to conversations about family, and friends, and wants and desires for the future.  She didn’t know where that could go.
       “I don’t know that I’ve ever met anyone like you.” She said finally.  “I know that sounds…cliched. But truly.  You’re such a positive influence.  And you are just so true to yourself.  I’ve never met any who was so free from ulterior motive or hidden agendas.  You just…are you.” Emie took a drink from her glass, feeling her heart thumping in her throat.  Tom blinked, and seemed to be processing what she was saying.  He was always listening.  Really listening.
       “I suppose that’s true.” He smiled. “I’m not all that innocent, Em.  I can’t say that my intentions for having you come here were entirely just so we could eat dinner.” The grin he gave her then was absolutely heart stopping, and Emie blushed immediately.  God, she suddenly understood what Madonna was singing about. Like a virgin, touched for the very first time. Around him she felt giddy, and as if she had never done this before.  Emie laughed, shaking her head. 
       “But in all honesty, Em. Thank you for saying that.  I try to be honest, and I try to just enjoy whatever life throws my way.  You can go around with your own agenda, ignoring all the amazing things in the world or you can key into it.  And see what happens.” He sat back. 
       “So where do we fall?” She asked, holding her breath.
       “Where do we fall…” He said, pursing his lips slightly.  Emie waited. “What do you think?” He asked. 
       “I think you’re something amazing in this world.” She managed.  Tom smiled, the happiness showing from his mouth all the way to his bright eyes.
       “I think you are as well.”  He leaned forward.  He paused and was about to continue when Marcus came back onto the deck, carrying a large plate.  Emie gave him a small smile, and Tom straightened up, clearing his throat.
       “Thank you.” He said to Marcus.  Marcus gave them a quick run down of the appetizers in front of them, and Emie felt her stomach rumble hungrily at the mention of grilled pineapple, butter poached lobster and some kind of cheese she had never even heard of. 
       After Marcus left, Emie waited for a brief second before trying some of the food.  Tom watched her, smiling.
       “Don’t tell me you’re not hungry.” She laughed, grabbing the small plate in front of him and putting a bit of each appetizer on it for him.  Tom shook his head.
       “I’m starving.” He said softly.  She hesitated for a second, but then shook her head too and handed him his full plate back.  He thanked her and they started tasting everything.  Emie held back from moaning at each bite, but it was all completely delicious.
       “Did you try that grilled pineapple with the burrata? It’s amazing.” She sighed.  He nodded and licked his lips, which made Emie want to dive across the table. 
       “It is good.” He leaned forward slightly, and took another fork full of it from the main plate. He held it out to Emie.  She waited for a split second, then leaned forward and let Tom feed it to her.  His focus seemed to be entirely on her mouth.  Emie savored the sweet pineapple, and then leaned across the table, grabbing the last piece of pineapple off the platter.  Tom watched her, as she left her fork on the table and held it up to him with her fingers.  His eyes narrowed slightly, but then he leaned forward, and gently took the pineapple from her, using just his mouth.  Emie felt his lips against her fingertips, his tongue brush against her skin.  He reached up, taking her wrist and hand in his, and held her hand to his mouth.  He ate the fruit and then tilted his head forward and gently sucked the very tips of her fingers where she had been holding the pineapple.
       Emie watched him, barely breathing and not moving at all.  Her entire body felt as if it was electrified.  Tom kissed her finger tips, and then the palm of her hand.  He moved his mouth slowly, then kissed the soft, sensitive skin at the inside of her wrist.  Emie was glad she was sitting down, because if she’d been standing, she would have fallen over.
       “Tom.” She breathed.  He looked up at her, moving only his eyes.  His lips stayed on her wrist. 
       “Yes?” He asked, his voice muffled.
       “You should tell Marcus he can leave.” She said softly.  Tom lifted his head slightly, registering what she was saying. 
       “Yup.” He said quickly.  A split second later, he had kissed the back of her hand and was standing up so fast, moving his chair back with a swift suddenness that it nearly fell over.  Emie giggled softly to herself and Tom raised an eyebrow at her.
       “You’re not starving?” He asked, halfway between the door and the table.  Emie grinned.
       “Tell him to leave the food!” She laughed.  Tom nodded with a grin and then disappeared into the bungalow.

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