Chapter 31

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A/N: Oy. That is all.

     Emie didn’t leave Tom’s side the rest of the night.  She wouldn’t have been able to if she had tried.  Tom kept her dancing the entire time.  Although he was a much better dancer than she was, she could still hold her own.  Most of the time, she was simply happy to laugh at his ridiculous dance moves and let him pull her around.  They moved from something strangely similar to seventies disco moves, to swinging each other around like country line dancers, and then into this ridiculously sexy, slow swaying that reminded of Emie something straight out of Dirty Dancing. That didn’t last too long before Emie had made Tom burst into laughter over something she had said. 
       Emie couldn’t remember the last time she’d had so much fun.  She’d pulled her hair back into a messy bun, to get it off her hot, sweaty neck.  Tom had long ago lost his jacket and tie, and had rolled his sleeves up his forearms.  The neck of his shirt was unbuttoned a few times, revealing his tanned skin.  He seemed to be radiating happiness as he spun Emie around, laughing with her as they made up dance moves and tried to synchronize their steps.
       When the last dance of the evening started, Tom pulled Emie to him, leaning down and kissing her boldly.  Emie kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck and letting him swing her back, gently.  She laughed as he lifted her back up, a smile on his lips.
       “You’re absolutely beautiful.” Tom said into her ear, as the music swayed around them.  Emie smiled, running her fingers through the hair at the back of his neck.  He wrapped his arms around her, pressing her close to him as they moved slowly across the dance floor.
       “I’m so happy to be here with you.” She whispered softly, looking up at him.  Tom grinned, then let out a boisterous laugh.
       “You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you say that.” He ran a hand through his unruly hair, suddenly looking more vulnerable and unsure of himself than she’d ever seen him.  Emie melted against him, not caring that they were both sweaty and hot from dancing all night.  She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pressed herself against him, and they suddenly felt like two bodies moving as one.
       They stayed like that for some time, neither of them talking.  Emie closed her eyes, feeling as if she were exactly where she ought to be.  She didn’t want the night to end.
       After the last dance, the party began to break up. It was after midnight and had been a long day.  They all said their goodbyes to Lucia and Chris.  The newlyweds would be leaving early the next morning to do some island hopping for the honeymoon.  Emie hugged Lucia tightly, and Lucia kissed her on the cheek.
       “I’m so happy for you, Luce.” Emie squeezed Lucia tightly.  Lucia laughed.
       “Likewise.  I guess my meddling helped?” She nodded toward Tom who was laughing and talking to Chris.  Emie laughed and shook her head.
       “I don’t know about helping…” She sighed.  Lucia laughed and shrugged. “Have a great honeymoon.”
       “Have a great week with Tom.” Lucia raised an eyebrow and then smacked Emie on the butt.  Emie yelped.
       “Bye, Lucia.” She rolled her eyes.  “I love you.”
       “Love you too, baby sis.” Lucia grinned at Emie, her eyes watery. Lucia turned then to their Aunt, who was holding onto Emie’s hand.  Lucia hugged Erica tightly, and then all three women started to cry.
       “Oh, beautiful girls. All grown up.” Erica said softly, gently touching Lucia’s face and then Emie’s.  Emie brushed away tears, smiling through the bittersweet feeling surging to her heart. 
       “Thank you for always being there for us, Erica.  I don’t know what we would have done without you.” Lucia said, taking her aunt into another hug.  Emie nodded, joining the hug.
       “Let’s not get too sappy.  This is a happy day.” Erica sniffled, laughing.  “I don’t know what I would have done without you girls, too.” She grinned. The three of them exchanged a few more words, making sure to keep it light.
       Emie stood back and watched Chris and Lucia say ‘good bye’ to other guests. The night seemed to catch up to her, and she suddenly felt exhausted.  The excitement and stress from the day hit her, as well as the strain from the last few days. She glanced around, and didn’t see Tom.  She wanted to go back to her suite and take a shower, then fall into bed but she didn’t want to leave without saying anything to him.
       Emie grabbed her things off her chair, looking around for Tom.  He’d just been there a moment ago.
       “Emeline, honey, are you going back to your room?” Aunt Erica asked, walking toward Emie.  Emie nodded.  Erica had spent most of the night dancing as well, moving from one person to the next.  Emie had thought it was adorable, watching her Aunt have such a fabulous, carefree time.  At one point, Erica had danced with Tom.  Emie hadn’t been sure whether to swoon, or feel a bit jealous.  Tom had been sweet, and attentive, and of course her Aunt was totally smitten with him. 
       “Yes. I’m so tired and I need a shower.” She answered.
       “Do you mind walking me to mine? And I have a few things I wanted to give you.  I don’t know how much time I’ll have tomorrow morning before my flight leaves.” Erica said, holding out a hand to Emie.  Emie grinned and took her aunt’s arm. 
       “Gladly, Aunt Erica.” Emie looked around one last time, trying to find Tom before she left.
       “Are you ready to go? Is everything okay?” Erica asked, concerned as she watched Emie look around.
       “I wanted to say bye to Tom.” Emie said.
       “I saw him over by the rest rooms a moment ago.” Erica nodded toward the bathrooms, which was situated around the corner under a thatched roof building nearby. 
       “Can you give me a minute? I’ll be right back?” Emie asked, trying to see the bathrooms through the darkened beach.
       “Sure, honey.  I’ll wait here.” Erica said with a smile, sitting down on a chair.  Emie smiled and made her way toward the bathrooms, hoping to bump into Tom on the way there.  She made her way quickly across the beach, jogging slightly.  She didn’t think Tom would leave without saying ‘bye’ to her either, so he had to be somewhere near.
       Emie made her way to the bathrooms, and rounded the corner.  It was dark there, with the only light coming from the candlelight tables at the beach.  She paused for a moment, when she heard voices.
       “I’m leaving tomorrow morning. I wish we could have had some time together.” Vicky.  Emie peered around the corner, and saw two figures.  She knew immediately it was Vicky and Tom. Tom’s profile, even in the dim light, was unmistakable.
       “It was nice meeting you, Vicky. Perhaps we’ll bump into each other another time.” Tom said, his voice kind but diplomatic.  Emie stepped forward, the soft sand making a slight noise as she did.  Tom and Vicky turned toward her when she moved forward.
       “Hi.” She said softly.  Her heart was beating quickly, but she knew in her gut that nothing had been going on.  Tom was obviously not interested in Vicky, he had made that infinitely clear.  Still, she felt a tiny tug in her stomach when she saw Vicky drop her hand from Tom’s arm as she stepped forward.
       “Emeline! What a lovely wedding!” Vicky said, moving toward her and into the dim glow from the candlelight.  Emie hadn’t noticed Vicky’s dress earlier, but it was rather low cut, revealing her melon sized boobs.  Emie pursed her lips, crossing her arms under her much smaller chest. 
       “Yes. It was.” She said curtly.  Tom moved forward, his eyes watching her.
       “Em, are you leaving?” He asked gently. 
       “Yes, I wanted to say goodnight.” She said softly, feeling awkward now that Vicky was standing right there.
       “It’s so early to be saying goodnight!” Vicky piped in, her shrill voice cutting through the night air.  “I can’t believe you’re just going to go to bed.  Tom, you’re not going to bed too, are you?” She laughed.  Emie took a step back, biting her lip.
       “It’s been a long day.” Emie said softly.  Tom didn’t respond to Vicky’s question.
       “It’s alright, Em.  Let me walk you to your room.” Tom said, putting a hand at the small of her back.  “Have a good evening, Vicky.” He said over his shoulder as he ushered Emie back toward the reception.
       “See you soon, Tom.” Vicky said from behind them.  Emie rolled her eyes and huffed softly as they walked away.
       “Your green eyes are showing, darling.” Tom laughed softly into Emie’s ear.  She groaned.
       “Please, like she’s any competition.” Emie grinned, poking Tom in the ribs.  He grinned and grabbed Emie’s hands.
       “No, she’d definitely not.” He chuckled.  He held onto Emie’s hands as they walked.  “Can I walk you to your room?” He asked.
       “I’m actually going to walk my Aunt to her room, and visit with her for a bit.  I’m exhausted but I want to spend a little time with her before she goes.  She’s leaving really early tomorrow morning.” Emie explained, feeling a bit disappointed that she couldn’t have Tom walk her back to her suite. And perhaps stay. 
       “I understand.  Make sure you get some rest.  I’ll see you tomorrow.  I have something special in mind.” He said with a wink.  Emie smiled, and pulled him into a hug.
       “Tomorrow. Dinner.” She said softly. Tom leaned down and kissed her, barely brushing his lips against hers.  Emie had to hold back from grabbing him like some wild animal, and kissing him until they were both breathless.  It had been far too long since that steamy night on the boat.  Even if her head hadn’t totally worked out all the decisions she’d made in the last few hours, her body had long realized what it wanted.

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