Chapter 10

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A/N: Hi everyone!! Thanks again for reading.  I have an unexpected day off, so I am trying to get some writing done.  I really hope you are enjoying.  Just a fair warning, the next chapter may get a bit steamy, so if that's not your thing then you may want to skip/skim over. I've rated this fic PG-13, but it may stray into more R/Mature themes at times.  Let me know what you think, if a lot of people hate it, then I can kind of cater to what people think is appropriate.  Thanks!! And sorry I'm so slow writing!

She wrapped both arms around his neck, pulling him down to her as he wrapped his arms around her waist.  He tasted like she remembered.  Sweet. Intoxicating.  The feel of his strong arms wrapping around her, pulling her toward him was dizzying.  Emie felt her breasts crush against the wall of his chest. 
       She wondered how it could be physically possible to get closer to him, considering all the clothes they were both still wearing.  Emie ran her hands up through the soft, short hair at the back of his neck.  She felt him groan deep in his throat, and then bend his knees as he moved slightly, walking her backward a few steps.  Tom’s kiss was urgent, passionate and made Emie’s mind go completely blank.  She wasn’t thinking about the wedding. She wasn’t thinking about the plane. She wasn’t thinking about her stupid dating rules.  She was only thinking about him. And the amazing way he felt against her.  The way his tongue moved against hers.  The way he tasted and smelled and how she would give anything to give completely into what she was feeling.
       Tom took another step backward, firmly placing one long leg between hers.  Emie pulled away only slightly, trailing her lips along his jaw.  As she made her way along his jaw, Tom relaxed against her.  She moved to her toes, and pressed her lips to the strong column of his neck.  It wasn’t the first time she had been preoccupied with his neck.  She often caught herself staring at it.  Emie nipped gently, pulling on his shoulders as she kissed and licked her way down his neck.  Tom stood stock still for a half a second, and then he groaned, low and gravelly.  He bent his knees, giving her better access to his neck.  Moving forward a bit, he brought his knee up between her legs and then pressed against her.  Emie gasped, feeling the strong length of his thigh press up against the very center of her.  It was her turn to go still, her eyes closing and her head going back slightly as he moved against her.  He knew exactly what he was doing and it made her knees weak.
       Tom took over then, his hands on her back, his mouth coming crushing down on hers.  He claimed her with just his kiss.  Emie was putty in his hands.  He pressed his knee up again, and she felt herself tremble against him. It shocked her that with just a few touches from him, she felt like she was coming unraveled.  Tom moved to her neck, mimicking things she had done to him just a few seconds ago.  Seconds or minutes or hours or days, she wasn’t sure anymore.  Everything just felt hot, and fast and dizzying. 
       Sighing, Emie pushed against him.  She needed to touch him.  She needed to touch him now or she would die.  Bringing her hands against his chest, she moved them down over the soft material of his shirt.  Quickly, before she could think or lose nerve, she slipped her hands under his shirt, instantly coming in contact with soft, hot skin over hard muscle.  Tom groaned into her mouth as he kissed her, and Emie pressed her hands against his stomach and then his sides. 
       Tom let his hands roam, up the length of her back and then down, over the curves of her butt, pulling her against him.  She felt him, knew instantly just how much he wanted her.  It made her both excited and a bit nervous.  She wasn’t totally sure what she was doing.  Sure, she’d had sex before, but it had been quite some time.  She wondered if the saying “Use it or lose it” was true.  But then, just thinking about it made her panic slightly.  She’d just met this man.  Why was she ready to tear his clothes off?  Was this too fast? There was something about him that made her lose her mind.  Tiny increments at a time, but yes, she definitely felt like she wasn’t totally in control of what she was doing anymore.  It was just happening.
       “I can hear you thinking again.” Tom mumbled against her mouth.  She smiled.
       “Sorry.” They didn’t move away from each other, but they stopped kissing.  Tom’s forehead was against her again.  Emie had her hands still under his shirt, now pressed against the smooth expanse of his lower back. 
       “Don’t apologize.” He said softly.  They were both breathing a bit heavy. 
       “I barely know you.” She managed, her words finally finding their way to her mouth.  Tom didn’t say anything, but he nodded.  “Why do I feel like I do?” She added softly. 
       Tom pulled her tightly to him, wrapping his arms around her in a hug.  She pressed her face to his chest, closing her eyes.  She felt enveloped by him, safe and…something else.  Something she couldn’t put her finger on.
       “We can take this slow, Em.  There’s no rush for anything.” He said, his chin resting gently on the top of her head.  Emie went still.  Take what slow? God, what was she doing. 
       “Tom.” She said softly.  He pulled away, taking her face gently in his hands.
       “Don’t get me wrong though, Emeline.  We can rush. We can take this wherever you want.” He said with a quick smile.  She blushed.  She couldn’t help it. “But I’m also happy just to be with you.  Here.  Dancing on this plane.” He added, his blue gray eyes searching hers.  She stared at his lips, his nose, his eyes, his now messy  hair.  She couldn’t remember the last time she wanted someone so badly.
       “Kiss me, please.” She said quickly, and he followed.  They crashed together, mouths colliding into each other.   Emie pushed against him, and they stumbled backward until Tom came up against the sofa that ran half the length of the plane.  She pushed him gently back, making Tom collapse back onto the couch.  She stood in front of him for a half a second, taking in the site of how he looked at her.  His eyes were dark, heavy lidded.  Tom licked his lips, slowly, and Emie suddenly felt like a meal about to be devoured.  She shrugged her sweater off, leaving her in her jeans and camisole.  She knew instantly in that moment that she needed to feel his hands on her.  Tom’s eyes got a fraction bigger, as he took in the bare skin she’d just revealed.
       “Come.” He said simply, holding his hands out to her, inviting her to him.  Emie moved forward, and throwing caution to the wind, climbing onto his lap, straddling him.  Tom was immediately touching her, his hands on her arms, running and down the length of her bare skin.  His lips were against her neck, and then down to her collarbone.  She relaxed against him, then tilted her head back, allowing him better access.  He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her into him.  She braced herself against his shoulder.  He mumbled something into her neck, but she wasn’t even sure what he said, and couldn’t bring her thoughts together long enough to ask.
       Emie leaned forward, pulling his face up toward hers, bringing him to her for a kiss.  She wrapped her arms around him, pressing herself against him. Tom ran his hands up and down her sides, and they moved together.  Both somewhat frantically giving and taking, as if they had limited time and knew they couldn’t ever get enough.  Tom reached up, moving from her sides and gently covering her breasts with his large hands.  Emie gasped softly, feeling as if her heart was going to burst out of her chest.  She pulled back but only just to give him a bit more room.  She felt his fingers through the thin material of her camisole, and the even thinner lace of her bra.  She fisted her hands into his shirt, pulling at him and holding on.  Tom kissed her, gently pulling her tongue into his mouth and then reciprocating as he touched her, gently but urgently.  He ran his thumbs over her, and Emie shivered. 
       “Tell me to stop.” He said warningly, as if knowing that things were going to get very serious if she didn’t.
       “I can’t.” She managed, pushing her hands under his shirt again.  Why was he still wearing a shirt? Tom nearly growled, and then was kissing her again.  His hands found their way under her camisole.  Before she had time to register what was happening, it suddenly felt as if her stomach had dropped out from under her. 
       They both froze.  It took Emie a moment to realize it was the plane, and not her organs that had seemed to dropped several hundred feet at once.   She pressed her fingers into Tom’s sides. 
       “It’s just some turbulence.” He said comfortingly.  She was thrown quickly from the heady, intensely intoxicating world she had just been in back to the world where she was flying ridiculously fast and high through the sky in a glorified tin can.
       “Oh god.” She mumbled as the plane took a few more quick dips and rumbled slightly.  Tom reached for her hands, smiling.
       “It’ll be fine, love.” He assured her gently.  She nodded, trying to focus on his face and not on the bumping of the plane.  His cheeks were a bit flushed, his lips had a bit more color than normal.  She wondered what she looked like.  The plane hit a few rough patches, shaking and bumping and Emie whimpered softly, frowning.
       “Good evening, everyone.  If you could make sure your belts are on, please.  We are hitting a bit of turbulence.  Thanks so much.” A voice came over the intercom.
       “Come on, let’s go back over there.” Tom nodded toward where they were sitting earlier.  She nodded.  Instead of letting her get up, he wrapped his arms around her and scooped her up off his lap in one quick scoop.  She laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck.
       Tom set her down gently in the seat, and Emie quickly strapped herself in.  The plane dropped a bit again and Tom gave her a quick, reassuring smile as he sat down.  Once they were both buckled in, Tom turned to her, reaching over and gently touching the side of her face.  The plane rumbled, dipping up and down, making Emie’s stomach flip. 
       “How about those crossword puzzles?” He asked with a quick smile, taking her hand in his.

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