Chapter 36

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A/N: I was so upset earlier this weekend.  A few weeks ago I wrote a bunch, including most of the ending of For the Love (I jumped ahead and wrote it).  And then I found that for whatever reason, all that writing was lost (damn you, Word!!!!!).  So I was in a rage all day, and very upset at all my lost words.  I couldn't even think about this story, I was so pissed.

Ah, but now I've moved on. I've grieved and gotten over it.  Maybe in 2 years, those lost chapters will come back, disguised as a waiter at a fancy restaurant and surprise the shit out of me. We'll enchange heated words, and then get back to where we left off.

But, anyway, thanks for reading everyone. Seriously. Since people have been asking, I would say this story is about 80% finished.  Thanks for hanging in there with me.  There's still a good bit to go!!

      The next morning, they got up early again and made their way to the other side of the resort, where there was a small dock.  Emie normally was the kind of person to laze about a bit and sleep in when she could, but being with Tom made her want to be up early every day.  She found that he was usually up quite early in order to go for a run. 
       They dressed and grabbed a quick breakfast before making the short walk to the dock.   It was the same place they had caught the private yacht they’d taken earlier with Lucia and Chris.  This time, they were joined by their tour guide and another couple.
       “Sorry, I couldn’t get anything private on such short notice.” Tom whispered into Emie’s ear as they walked down the pier.  He had called concierge at some point after their little soak in the tub, and before they’d passed out for the night.  She’d laid next to him, smiling as he chatted and charmed whoever was at the front desk.  He called the person by their first name, and Emie had a feeling that he had taken the time to meet most of the people that worked at the small hotel.  It was just a Tom thing to do.   Emie took his hand and smiled.
       “It’s fine.  It’ll be fun with more people.” She assured him.  “Thank you for setting this up.” She rubbed his arm for a brief moment before they met up with the other people waiting.  There was a younger looking man there, with close cropped brown hair.  He was wearing a plain polo shirt, with the words “Reef Discovery” on it.  Emie figured he was their tour guide and boat captain.
       “Morning, folks. I’m Christoph.” The man said with a broad smile. 
       “I’m Tom.” Tom stepped forward, shaking Christoph’s hand.  “This is Emie.” Tom turned, gesturing toward Emie who took a step forward and shook Christoph’s hand as well.
       “Lovely to meet you both.” Christoph took Emie’s hand in both of his, smiling.  Emie could tell she already liked Christoph.  He had a handsome, open face and a friendly, easy demeanor.  The other couple that was there stepped forward, and introduced themselves.
       “I’m Jake, this is my wife Gina.” Jake said, shaking Christoph’s hand and then Tom and Emie’s.  Jake looked to be about their age.  He had dark, straight hair that brushed just by his ears.  He was shorter than Tom, and much stockier.  His wife Gina had similar dark hair and pale skin.  She was wearing a black beach cover up, and a huge, oversized straw hat.
       “Hello, nice to meet you.” Emie said pleasantly.  Christoph went over a few things with them, going over safety rules and the plan for the day.  He was joined a few minutes later by a coworker named Theresa, who would be joining them. 
       About ten minutes later, they set off.  The boat they were taking was surprisingly speedy, moving through the crystal clear, calm water without any resistance.  The ride was windy and beautiful and they sat back, admiring the view as the coast zipped by them.  Tom leaned back, his arm casually around Emie’s shoulders.  
       It struck Emie then, just how happy she was.  Just how great the past few days had been.  She felt at ease, and relaxed.  Every moment she could, she spent laughing with Tom.  Laughing, and enjoying their time together.  Neither of them had mentioned what would happen at the end of the week.  She was hesitant to do it, though she knew their time together was almost up.  It was Thursday.  They were scheduled to fly back on Saturday.  Emie would have loved to extend their vacation, but she knew the real world was waiting. 
       “I’m going to take you to four stops today, through some of the most beautiful preserved coral gardens in the lagoon.” Christoph interrupted Emie’s thoughts, and she was brought back to the current moment.  “We’ll see a lot of great stuff. Manta rays, eagle rays, anemone.”
       Tom looked at Emie, grinning like a kid on Christmas.  She kissed him, feeling her stomach flutter with delight.
       “You guys hang with me, and we’ll have a great afternoon.” Christoph said with a laugh.
       Christoph didn’t disappoint.  Their entire day was amazing.  They saw some amazing animals, and spent the entire day snorkeling through the lagoon.  Tom and Emie had poked fun at each other for most of the morning, over who looked more ridiculous in the bright yellow floatation belt they were each given to help them stay afloat.  When it was time to get in the water, Emie had pushed Tom off the side of the boat, and then cannonball jumped in after him.  She’d only been momentarily panicked when her bikini top slipped to the side from the force of the water.  She frantically pulled it into place, glancing around to make sure no one else saw.  Of course, Tom was watching her, a huge grin plastered on his face.  She sent a splash his way, and he only laughed and winked at her.
       Early in the day, Christoph was able to coax a moray eel out, and show them a gorgeous octopus that was darting away.  Emie and Tom swam through the warm, clear water.  They took pictures of each other with an underwater camera that Tom had bought from the hotel gift shop.  Most of the pictures were of Tom trying to make ridiculous faces underwater, with some colorful fish swimming in the background.  When Emie wasn’t gazing at all the beautiful sea creatures, she was snorting water through her mask, laughing at something Tom was doing. 
       The only thing that had set the day a bit on edge was the other couple.  Jake was a bit of a loud personality, and his wife Gina seemed to have only snide or sometimes rude things to say.  Emie and Tom tried their best to ignore them, and would often give each other scrunched up looks whenever Gina would comment on how “hot the sun was” or how tired she was feeling.  Gina seemed to complain more than anyone had a right to, especially given the amazing surroundings.  They managed to just swim as far as possible from the other couple.  But it was hard to completely ignore them when off in the distance, they could hear Jake cracking some loud, ridiculously unfunny joke, laughing like a braying horse.
       “Could that guy be more obnoxious?” Emie whispered under her breath, floating next to Tom.  He grinned and then made a loud, chortling laugh that mimicked Jake a bit.  She laughed, grabbing onto his shoulders and letting him tug her along.
       “I knew I should have booked private.” Tom laughed, looking over his shoulder. 
       “Makes it more interesting.” She grinned.  He nodded. “It’s been a great trip but I wish it weren’t so hot, and wet, and watery, and fishy.” Emie laughed under her breath.  Tom snorted, and then spun around, gently pushing Emie’s head underwater. She came back up a moment later, the buoyant belt around her waist keeping her bobbing in the water.
       “How dare you!” She gasped in mock anger, pushing her wet hair from her eyes.  She laughed and then tried to push Tom under, failing miserably.  Even though neither of them could touch the ocean floor for leverage, he was stronger than her and managed to twist her around so her back was to his chest.  He held her in a tight grip and kissed her shoulder, then bit it gently.
       “Darling, don’t fight.  It’ll all be over soon. Shh…” He whispered softly, laughter escaping from his lips as he slowly pushed her under the water again.  Emie burst out laughing, yelping softly as she went under.  She surfaced a few seconds later, splashing and yelling at Tom, who was practically crying from laughter.  He began swimming quickly away, and she did her best to follow, grabbing at his kicking heels as he cut through the water.
       The day ended with a light early dinner, complete with champagne on the boat.  Emie was surprisingly tired as the boat made its way back toward the dock.  All the swimming and sun had taken their toll on her.  She rested against Tom’s bare chest, his arm wrapped around her shoulders, his forearm draped over her chest. 
       “What do you say we get some drinks at the hotel bar after we get cleaned up?” Tom said softly in her ear.  Emie was dozing, but only slightly.  She was relaxed, and happily tired.
       “That sounds great.” She murmured.
       “Are you too tired for that? I’ve kept you up too late the last few nights.” He whispered.  Emie felt a tiny buzz of excitement race up her spine.  She snuggled up against him, smiling.
       “I am tired.  You’ve barely let me sleep.” She teased.  She felt Tom smile against her neck.  “Don’t worry, I’ll get my second wind.” She promised.
       “We could just go to bed.” He suggested.
       “It’s only six.” She laughed, reaching up and putting her hands on his strong forearm.  She ran her fingers up and down his arm, noticing the golden hair and sinewy muscle.  She traced a finger up the ropey veins that mapped his arms.
       “We don’t have to go to sleep.” He pressed his face into the crook of her neck.  Emie blushed and pushed back slightly.
       “Let’s get drinks.  Then we can go back to your room and sleep.  Or whatever.” She pressed her lips to his arm.
       “Perfect.” He agreed. 
       “I’ll get a shower and change in my room.” Emie suggested. “And then I’ll meet you at the bar.”
       Tom nodded, kissing the side of her neck.
       “You should just check out of your room.  It’s not like you need it.” He said.  Emie laughed.
       “Sort of true. But all my stuff is there.  It’s okay.” She shrugged. 
       “Alright, well, I’ll meet you in the bar in thirty minutes?” Tom asked.  Emie nodded in agreement.

       Emie walked down to the hotel bar, feeling refreshed but still quite tired.  She had taken a nice, hot shower and dressed in an easy, simple jersey cotton maxi dress with thin straps.  She pulled on strappy sandals, and a little lip gloss and left her rather empty room. 
       Once at the bar, she didn’t see Tom, so she made herself comfortable on a high backed barstool.  He was usually quick when getting ready, so she expected him any minute.  She had only taken a bit longer than half an hour.  Emie ordered a vodka tonic with lime, and settled in to wait. 
       It seemed she was only there for a quiet moment before she heard someone say her name.
       “Hey Emie.” She turned, and saw Jake, the obnoxious guy from the snorkeling trip.  She smiled, but wasn’t too pleased to see him.  It would figure he’d be staying at their hotel too.
       “Hi Jake.” She said.  He sat down on the bar stool next to her without really being invited.  Emie wondered where Gina, his wife, was.
       “Nice day today, right?” Jake asked. He had a drink in his hand, and judging from the smell of him, it wasn’t his first one.  They’d only been back from the trip for about 40 minutes, how many drinks could this guy have had in that time? Emie shifted, and looked around the bar.  No Tom.
       “It was lovely.” She took a sip of her drink.   “Where’s Gina?” She asked.
       “Who knows.” Jake shrugged.  He turned and looked at her, his eyes surprisingly bloodshot.  He was wearing the same clothes from the snorkeling trip, as well.  Emie pressed her lips together, wondering if she should leave.  Jake was just staring at her, his eyes wandering from her face, down her body and then lingering far too long on her cleavage.
       “Tom will be joining me any minute.” Emie said, trying to force herself to be polite.
       She felt completely uncomfortable.  She didn’t get hit on often, but she was well aware of the obvious signs.  And Jake was being more than obvious.  It made her incredibly uneasy for many reasons.  The first being that she wasn’t interested.  The second being that this guy was a total creep.  The third being that he was married.  The fourth being…oh where the hell was Tom? She could make a list all evening long.
       Emie looked around.  She contemplated just going to find Tom, but decided to stay and finish her drink and hopefully he’d be there any minute.  He wasn’t normally late for things. 
       “Is Tom your boyfriend?” Jake asked, leaning up against the bar.  Emie took a deep breath.
       “Yes, we’re very much in love and committed.” She said in one quick exhale.  So, maybe those lines hadn’t been drawn yet, but she was willing to say anything if it meant this guy would go away.  He nodded but didn’t look all the concerned or off put.  Strangely enough, even though she was mostly saying it just to try and get Jake to disappear, it felt oddly satisfying and uplifting to say it out loud.  Emie bit gently at her bottom lip.
       “Love and commitment, not all it’s cracked up to be.” He said with a chuckle.  “But good sex…that’s another story.” He whistled softly under his breath.  Emie pressed her lips together, fighting the urge to light this guy on fire and run away. He swirled his glass in his hand, making the amber liquid spin.  Emie shifted, and took a huge gulp from her glass.  If Tom didn’t show up in the next two minutes, she was going to leave.
       “That’s nice.  Listen, I’m actually waiting for Tom so—“ Emie trailed off, hoping he’d get the point.
       “You’re gorgeous, you know that?” Jake said, reaching forward and trailing a finger down her forearm.  Emie felt physically repulsed, and she shrunk back.  Okay, this was getting ridiculous.
       “Have a nice evening.” She said quickly, and stood up to leave.
       “Where are you heading off to? I can walk you there.” Jake said, taking a half step forward, then draining his drink.  Emie felt the hair on the back of her neck bristle, warning alarms sounding in her head.  She wasn’t going anywhere with this creep.  She thought of all the dark lit pathways around the resort that at one time seemed romantic, now just seemed a bit dangerous and creepy.  Especially with this guy lurking around.
       “I can walk alone, thanks.” She said, grabbing her bag and setting down her glass.  She looked around the small bar, and then was almost instantly relieved when she saw him.  Tom had just walked through the door, looking handsome and like some sort of knight in shining armor.  Emie took a half step toward him when he finally saw her.  Her eyes were practically screaming at him, and when he saw her he immediately frowned and started toward her quickly.  She stayed completely still, waiting for him to come over.
       Jake hadn’t noticed Tom and was leaning toward her, whispering things in her general direction that Emie would spend the next few weeks trying to erase from her mind.
       “Love, is everything alright?” Tom said, putting an arm around her shoulders.  Jake immediately straightened, and put on a fake, overly bright smile.
       “Tom, you remember Jake from snorkeling.” Emie said stiffly through gritted teeth. Tom was quiet for a moment, just looking at Jake.  He read the situation almost instantly and understood.
       “Hi mate.” Tom said, holding out a hand again, though there was no warmth in his voice.
       “Hey there, man.” Jake said, shaking Tom’s hand.
       “Everything alright?” Tom repeated, this time staring down Jake.  Jake nodded, taking a half step back.
       “Great. Things are great.  You’ve got a nice broad there, man.” Jake grinned then, and Emie felt her skin crawl. Tom took his arm from around her shoulders, and took a small step forward, moving slightly in front of Emie.  She gripped the back of his arm.
       “You should really watch what you say, chap.” Tom said, his words clipped and hard as steel.  Jake raised his hands, laughing softly.
       “Hey man, just trying to be friendly.”
       “It was nice meeting you, Jake.  Have a good evening.” Tom’s voice was low and angry.  He turned to Emie, turning his back on Jake and looked at her, his blue eyes blazing. 
       “Let’s go.” She said softly.  Tom nodded, and took her hand in his, then led her away from the bar.  Thankfully, Jake didn’t follow them.  

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