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Fionna POV:

Whoa. What in the Glob are they laughing about? I even helped Gumball stand up, because he was shrieking with laughter on the floor. I asked them what's up and they told me the story. Then I ended up laughing, and they laughed harder.

"Okay! Enough with the laughs! Cake, have you explained to Fionna what Tier 15 is?" Gumball asked. Caked looked at him, then shook her head.

"What?! But she's already twenty-four, for Glob's sake! Why haven't you told her?" Marshall growled at Cake, who stretched into a tiny cat and hid in Gumball's crown. Oh yeah, I totally forgot all about wanting to know what that is. Suddenly curiosity came creeping back to me again.

"Well, I don't know how to explain it to her! Besides, she never asked." Cake shrugged, still in her tiny form.

"Marshall, I think you explain to Fionna what that is." Gumball said. "Because you're her boyfriend, after all."

"K. Let's go upstairs shall we, Fi?" I nodded and went with Marshall.

(After one hour or so)

"-and that's how they make babies. You okay, Fi?" Marshall looked like he was stifling his laughter. And yeah, I'm permanently scarred for life. That was cringe-worthy, gee. I made a disgusted face.

"Ew, Marshall. That's freaking gross!"

"Nah. Well, time for pop quiz!" He clapped his hands with a laugh. He was about to ask a question but I punched him. He whimpered a little then hugged me.

"I love you, Fi. I'll never leave you again, nor will I replace you with someone else." He whispered in the crook of my neck.

"I love you too, Lee." He then looked at me and closed the distance. And yes, that's my first kiss. I mean, he never kissed me on the lips until now. His kisses were slow and gentle at first, then became more passionate. Glob, his lips were so soft and warm. His kiss was becoming more intense and deep when-

"Oh, Fionna- OH MY GLOB!" Gumball shrieked. We fixed ourselves then we stood up and hurried downstairs. Gumball came too, never looking at us. There was awkward tension between the three of us when Cake showed up, holding a tray with four bowls of her signature Mac N' Cheese and orange juice. She placed the bowls in front of us and then the tension's gone.

"So, when will you introduce my sister to your mom?" Cake asked. Marshall smiled at her. Oh yeah, I forgot about that. The thought made me nervous.

"Is tomorrow okay? Then once we come back, we can start the plan. Okay with you, Gummy?" Marshall asked the pink prince. He nodded. Even Cake gave a thumbs-up. Cake ordered me to pack clothes good for a week, while Marshall and Gumball left after eating. After I packed my clothes I did my usual routine and fell asleep. The next day, Marshall showed up wearing a grey sweater with black capri pants and white slip-ons and was holding a suitcase. He smiled at me.

"Ready, Fi?"

"Wha?" He chuckled. I got what he's saying and nodded with a smile. Cake gave empty threats and tons of warning for Marshall Lee. I helped opened the portal and the next thing I know, I was in the Nightosphere. He walked a little and hailed a huge car. He gave the address and the driver smiled at his when he saw Marshall's face.

"Your Highness, is she your girlfriend?" The driver asked.

"Yeah. She's pretty right?"

"Yes, your Highness. You two look great together." The driver replied. I felt my cheeks redden at that. After a few minutes, we stopped at a huge house- or as Marshall says, a mansion. The driver helped us carry our bags to the front door. Marshall paid the driver before leaving. He then opened the huge brown doors.

The inside was truly stunning. After a few loops, we were at Marshall's room. It was huge, with black and white walls. He led me to the king sized bed and sat beside me. A few moments later, a demon butler opened the door after knocking.

"Welcome home, Y'Majesty. The Queen wishes to see you." He said with a bow. We stood up as Marshall led me to the Queen's office.

He opened  a gold lined door. Inside sat in a throne like chair a lady.  She has shared some features with Marshall, except her aura was filled with power and authority. Immediately she removed the necklace she was wearing and stood up.

"Marshall, my boy! Good to see you! And I see you brought Fionna." She turned to me with a smile, then motioned us to sit. She then sat in front of us. She snapped her fingers and immediately drinks floated out of nowhere.

"Mom, Fionna's my girlfriend." Marshall said directly. She looked at us, gaping. Uh oh, I have a feeling this won't end well. Silence rushed over us. After a few minutes, she stood up. She was scaring me, until she hugged me.

"Do you love my son?" Her eyes stared at me piercingly.

"Yes, I do. And even if you say no, I'll still love him." I said in a brave tone. Her face curled into a smile.

"Welp, I guess it can't be helped." She said slowly. "You have my blessings. Take care of my son, human." She said in a voice full of authority.

"I will." I told her.

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