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Fionna POV:

We spent the night at our hideout. We're catching up about the things we missed when we're apart as we're laying on the grass. I found out he always send me gifts and letters when he was in the Nightosphere, but none of them went to me.

"What'll happen to the Nightosphere, Marshall?" I asked. He just smiled.

"Well it's likely that Mom will find someone else, as I told you earlier. But I doubt that, since she likes ruling that world so much." We then laughed. He suddenly became quiet. I looked at him. He just smiled and shook his head.

"I missed you so much, Fi. I love you."

"Love you too, Lee."

"Aw, don't call me that." Comfortable silence then followed. We're laying on the bed, his arm around my waist and my hand on his chest.

"Hey, Marshall?"


"How about we keep our relationship a secret first? I mean, until we sort things with Ashley."

"I was about to suggest that. But sure. I will break the engagement tomorrow and be with you."

We fell asleep on the bunker. The next morning, we only ate strawberries and apples. Marshall then took me home secretly. He winked and kissed me on before he left.

"Girl, where have you been last night? And you look so happy." Cake asked.

"Ah, it was nothing really. I fell asleep on Gumball's palace, that's all." I mumbled, unsure of what to say. She eyed me suspiciously then her expression changed.

"Gumball, eh? So you-" there was a knock on the door. We opened it to see a worried looking Gumball. He smiled when he saw me, but he still looks worried.

"Fionna! There you are! Where have you been last night? You ditched me! Even Marshall had gone missing!"He said. Cake glared at me then I smiled sheepishly. She and Gumball exchanged looks.

"Don't tell me-"

"You can't possibly mean..." They both said that sentence in unison. Cake slammed her fist to the wall while Gumball mouth was open.

"I... We're together again. I was with him last night." Then I heard from Gumball an 'I knew it' sentence before he dropped his gaze to the floor.

"He hurt you, babycakes. I can't risk you getting hurt like that again." Cake said as she went to me. PG didn't even look me in the eye.

"I can't lie to you guys. Our relationship was supposed to be a secret for now, but..." Then I found myself crying. Cake just hugged me. Gumball went over to us, still not looking at me. His gaze was still on the floor, and his shoulders was slumped for some reason I don't really know.

"Nuh-uh. I won't approve of this until he breaks his engagement with that annoying girl off." Cake said with her paws crossed. Gumball then looked me in the eye. I saw sadness there.

"I agree with Cake. But it's okay for me since it's your decision. But if he ever hurt you, me and FP are always there for you. Just call us." There was seriousness in his voice, so I just nodded. He sighed then smiled sadly.

"I thought I will have a chance with you, but it's okay. I'm happy that I'm your friend." He said. "I'll be going now. Bye, Fionna." I waved then he closed the door as he left. Cake turned to look at me gently, but a little sternly.

"Like I said, Fi. I won't approve of this relationship even if your old enough. I can't risk you hurting like that again." Her face started to soften more. She hugged me tightly. Who am I to blame them anyway? I caused them so much trouble. I just hugged back because my tears won't stop falling.


Cake POV:

Fionna fell asleep, so I quietly went outside. I'll have a talk... With that vampire. We have some serious biz right now. I mean, Fionna ditched poor Gumball for Marshall Lee. Don't get me wrong, I have no hatred for him. I just hate it that he broke my sister's heart before.
I banged on his door angrily. He opened up quickly, his eyes wide and face pale.

"Cake! Why so early? Where's Fio-"

"Marshall Lee! We have some serious business to talk about. Let me in, NOW." I demanded. I just barged in his house. I sat in his hard couch.

"What's up?" He asked.

"I heard everything from my sister. And lemme tell you, it's either you break the engagement off with that b*tch Ashley or I'll set my sister up with Gumball. You know your best friend still likes Fionna." I actually don't care anymore. I'll have to do this, eh. He smirked at me, which caused me to get annoyed some more.

"What now?" Irritation is creeping in my veins. I'm hella annoyed.

"Cake. That engagement is off. I'm serious about your sister." His face was stern, and it showed sincerity. I don't trust him, so I shoved in his mouth the truth serum Bubba gave me before he left the treehouse. His black orbs turned to hot pink.

"Heyyy, Cake." He said lazily.

"Did you broke the engagement off with Ashley?"

"Hell yeah! Like I said, I love your sister too much. I can't lose her again." Relief washed over me. Well, that calmed me down.

"You have my... Blessing, I guess." I said then left a confused looking Marshall there. He just smiled very stupidly then waved at me as I went out of his cave.

When Good Meets Bad(FioLee)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora