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Marshall Lee POV:

There she was.

It was so hard to get in here, y'know? We searched inside the kingdom for a long time until we found this room. Fionna was there, unconscious. I saw that stupid prince hit her. She saw me before she blacked out.

"Well, you found me." Flame Prince said with a smirk. Glob, I wanted to punch his stupid face off along with his ugly crown.

"The fuck do you want, you stupid piece of shit?" I retorted. He laughed evilly.

"Cursing is bad, Marshall Lee. Especially since you're a king." He said in a mocking tone, then laughed heartily.

"At least I'm not such an idiot. If I were you I wouldn't tell people where I place my victims." I replied smoothly. His hair burned brighter, and he looks insulted.

"What did you just called me?" He demanded, anger evident in his voice. I laughed and repeated what I told him. An idiot. He threw a fireball at me, but it didn't burn. He tried again but to no avail. But when I punched him, the part that I punched left a mark.

"You're seriously an idiot! Now I'm wondering why Fionna even dated you." I said with a laugh. He caught me off guard and hit me, causing me to lose my balance and get hit some more. I was now a little bloody because of the hits. And I'm beginning to feel weak.

"Oh? I thought you're a king! You're such a weakling." He said while laughing manically. He was about to hit me again when somebody punched him hard and another was fixing my wounds. It was Cake and Gummy! Never have I ever thought
that he could punch that hard. FP tried evading it, but he couldn't.

"You shouldn't have provoked that guy. I was about to do something." PG then turned to punch FP again. Cake made me swallow a bitter liquid. She tended to me until my wounds were gone, which was only about twenty minutes or less. After that she undid Fionna's cuffs and made her drink the bitter liquid I took awhile ago. I quickly helped Gummy beat that Flame Prince. I accidentally kicked him in the head causing him to lose the crown he was wearing and lose consciousness.

Cake brought Fionna to the hospital while me and Gummy took care of the fire prince, now tied to a chair with some science-y stuff that Gummy added to prevent Flame Prince from getting away. He woke up and examined his surroundings, then looked at us shocked.

"Uh... Why am I tied to a chair?"

"Don't play innocent! You kidnapped Fi two weeks ago you freaking idiot!" He looked even more shocked. Bubba then stepped forward.

"You told me a few weeks ago that you'll kidnap Fi, and that you hate Marshall Lee so much."

"No! I don't remember anything! What are you talking about?!"

"What do you mean?" I asked again.

"Dude, I said I know nothing. I just remembered being crowned king two weeks ago and then that's it! Now lemme out!" Wait. Isn't that the time Fionna had gone missing?

"Did they made you wear that crown?" Gummy asked, looking interested. FP nodded.

"But I hate that crown. T'was too evil." He said darkly. "Wait why are you asking this?" I was really fighting the urge to punch him but Gummy explained the sitch to the fire prince. He looked shocked and shook his head.

"Well yeah, I was hurt when I found out you two were dating. I was about to ask for a second chance that time." FP told me. "But I never wished to do such things. Oh!-" he was cut off by some fire guards.

"Your Highness, the Queen wants to see you. Also, you'll be in her rehab center." One of the guards told him while the other freed him from the chair we tied him. FP surrendered and we took that as our cue to leave. I hurried to the hospital as fast as I could to Fionna.

"Where's Fionna Mertens?" I asked Doctor Prince.

"Room 503, Your Majesty." He said and I rushed there. There was Fionna, unconscious. Cake was tending to her. Cake saw me and smiled sadly.

"Cake! How was it?"

"She'll be okay. But I'm afraid she's in comatose. I-" She broke down to tears. I hugged the poor cat while she was there sobbing. I touched Fi's face, now pale and blank. I missed her smile, her sparkling blue eyes, and the way she says my name. I felt a tear drop at the thought and suddenly, me and Cake were bawling our eyes out. I was about to go out and pack some clothes because I'll stay here when a portal showed up. Out there came a lady with black hair twisted in a bun, cold, dark red eyes that showed nothing but pride, slender body, aristocratic but beautiful facial features, and her pale grey skin like mine. Her aura and posture exhibits power and wealth. It was my mom, Hannah Abadeer. She was wearing her formal attire with her killer heels to complete the look. She examined the surroundings then turned to me. Her eyes softened slightly.

"Oh Marshy, my boy!" She walked towards me then gave me a huge hug.

"What is it, mom?" I asked with sarcasm.

"Pack your clothes dear, you'll be living now at the Nightosphere. Now isn't that exciting?"

I stopped floating and gave her my 'what-the-fuck?' look. What is she saying?

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