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Marshall Lee POV:

Damn that cat. That truth serum is freaking bitter. But at least, she gave me her blessings. I won't let that Ashley get in the way anymore.

(This was after Marshall and Fionna's talk. And this was the part where Marshall said to Ashley that their engagement is off.)

I opened the door to my house, extremely happy. Until  Ashley showed up. She was wearing a skimpy outfit. Ew, I fell for that? Dude, she looks like a freaking hanger!

"Hey Marshy." Ugh. That tone was so disgusting. It made me wanna puke on her, damn. She went closer and was about to kiss me when I snapped at her.

"What's with the dress?" She looked surprised at my question. She fiddled with her hair a little before answering.

"Well, it was-" I cut her off. She looked at me. Oh damn, she looks like a freaking zombie!

"The engagement is off. I hate you anyways." Suddenly her eyes was full of rage. It was her fault I turned into a player, after all. She dated five guys while she was dating me! She was so angry that she packed all her things, stuffed them in her numerous suitcases, then went outside stomping, mumbling something about calling her 'boo'. I don't care though. She must've cursed the poor guy with love potion so he calls her 'boo'. Ew. Besides, I was really holding back my laughter, 'cause she was so damn funny right now.

"You'll regret this, Marshall! I hate you!" She screamed. I grinned my most annoying grin while wagging my ears at her.

"The feeling's mutual!" I smirked through my window then gave her the middle finger as she slammed the door shut, and stormed outta my cave. Ha! I'm free to be with Fionna now!

I bursted out laughing, thinking about me breaking the engagement moments ago. It was so hilarious! My laugh was cut short by a knock on the door again. Oh dear, I really shouldn't mess with Fionna. But hey, as if that'll happen? I opened the door to find a serious Gumball. We exchanged smiles and bro fists, considering we argue during the times we talked to each other since I came back.

"Marshall. We have something to talk about. It's-"

"About Fionna, right?" I cut him off. It's annoying, but I have to understand. Besides, I really am happy that they care about Fionna so much.

"Correct. Don't leave her again, yeah?

"Why would I leave someone like her? Dude, that'll be very stupid if I did that."

"Of course. But if you did hurt her, there's no second chances. Because I'll be taking her from you."

"Ha. Not a chance, Gummy. Besides..." I whispered something into his ear. His eyes widened with a smile. He clapped his hands a little before laughing his real, dorky laugh.

"I can't believe it! I'll help you. Let's ask Cake too, shall we? Gee, I'm freakin' excited about this... plan of yours." He said excitedly. I smiled too. I'm so excited.

"But when is it?" He asked. His smile turned cheesy. I punched him at little. He headlocked me in return.

"I'll tell you! I'll tell you! Just stop headlocking me! Dude where d'ya learn those things?" I asked when he let go. He just smiled more.

"I learned it from... Well, it's a secret. Back to topic. When will you ask that to her? Tell me. Right. Now." He demanded. I rolled my eyes and whispered again. He giggled one of those girly giggles he has.

"Well, let's go to Cake. Oh yes, I'm so excited." Gummy added while giggling.


Cake POV:

I was here, minding my own business, when there was a frantic knock on the door. I even heard a 'move it man!' And 'gee, wait a little will you?'. When I opened the door, Marshall and Gumball fell on the floor, face first. They looked up and said in unison:

"Cake! We need your help!"


Immediately I let them in and made them sit on the couch upstairs. They asked if Fionna's here, and I told them my sister was out for a walk with FP. Gumball looked relieved, and started to tell me their plan. I grinned happily. Never have I ever thought this will happen soon. And on her birthday! I'm so happy that the rage I felt for Marshall for hurting my sister faded. He's really serious, I can tell from the sparkle in Marshall's eyes when Gumball explained all the details of their little surprise.

"Marshall, Gumball! We only have three months left before that day! Let's start. But where's the venue?"

"On the Candy Kingdom." Gumball replied. We all smiled.

"May I know how you broke the engagement off with Ashley?" I asked. He told us the story, and we all bursted out laughing at what happened.

"Marshall Lee! That was gold!" My eyes were full of tears from laughing while saying that to him. Gumball shrieked in laughter with a very girly voice, so we ended up laughing some more. We laughed and laughed until Gumball fell on the floor, and there was a knock on the door. Marshall opened it to see a smiling Fionna.

"Hi, Marshall." Her face plastered with a sheepish grin. "And you too, Cake and PG. Hehe."

"Well, hi Fi." Marshall said coolly. PG smiled and I hugged her. Marshall then kissed Fionna on the cheek, causing me and PG to exchange looks and grin our annoying grin at them.

"What?" They both asked in unison, annoyed. I laughed at them while Gumball just shook his head with a smile.

I really like this two together. They fit each other perfectly in every way possible.

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