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Marshall Lee POV:




"No. Mom. No way." I told her angrily. Her soft look became hard.

"You will come with me, no matter what. Unless you want this girl to die? Is she your girlfriend, perhaps?" She asked.

"You're so evil! I hate you so much. This is blackmail. Give me time you bitch." I replied, not actually caring about what I said. Her eyes widened at what she heard. I just looked at her.

"I am your mother! You should respect me! You're going with me whether you like it or not, lest I kill your girlfriend."

"Don't involve her into this mess. Fionna has nothing to do with this!"

"Then come with me. Now."


She snapped her fingers and in an instant, I was being held by two large men. Cake was being held too, except she has a dagger beside her. I looked at my mom who was smiling evilly, and I feel disgusted. But before I could say anything I was shoved into the portal. She and the  large men followed suit. She forced me to ride her black limousine.

"Behave, Marshall Lee." She warned me. I just rolled my eyes.

She took me to the Abadeer Manor and into my room. That's where I'll be staying now. How bitchier can life get?

After a week of staying at the Nightosphere, Cake told me in a letter that Fi's already awake. Me and Fionna even exchanged letters during that time. Until Fionna broke up with me. I was about to cry when my mom entered my room. Great.

"Well, my dear son. You'll be the new ruler of the Nightosphere. And because of that I want you to meet your fiancee, Ashley." A slim girl with white hair and pale green skin then moved forward.

My jaw dropped with anger and shock as my ex showed up and winked at me. What?!


Fionna POV:

I opened my eyes, revealing a white room. PG and Cake was there. The moment they saw me they hugged me.

"Fionna! You're awake! After a year and a half, you're finally awake." They said happily. I noticed something's not right. It clicked to me after a few minutes.

Marshall Lee!

"W-where's Marshall?" I asked them, my voice shaking. They looked at each other, then Cake smiled sadly while PG remained silent.

"Fionna dear, Marshall Lee's been gone for almost a year and a half too. He left for the Nightosphere." Cake choked. PG's hands were fisted.

"Hahaha! You gotta be kidding! Seriously, where is he?" I asked them while faking a laugh. Cake shook her head and cried.

"No dear. He- he won't be coming back. He was already crowned as the new ruler of the Nightosphere." She covered her face then cried onto Gumball's chest.

He's gone. Already gone.

Suddenly, tears fell out of my eyes. Why did he leave? I thought he loved me.

A few days later, I was out of the hospital. And after a year's recovery, I was able to go on adventures again. I already moved on, I think. Gumball's been hanging out more with me lately, and FP and I mended our friendship.

Me and Cake will be heading to the Candy Kingdom now when I realized my sword was missing.

"Yo Cake, where's my sword?"

"Dunno dear. You left half of your stuff in Marshall's house remember? Maybe it was there." She asked.

"I-i'll get it."

"You sure Fi?"


I headed to Marshall's old home. I have a spare key, so it's easy getting inside. I was greeted by cobwebs and dust. Glob, what happened here? The couch was now dusty, plus the stairs was creaking too. I headed to the bedroom and sure enough, my stuff was there. I got them all and placed it in a box. I headed downstairs. I was going out now when the door showed someone I totally wasn't expecting.

Oh no.

Why is he here?

His appearance is still the same, except he looks more tired.

"Fionna?" He asked, eyes wide.

"Marshall." I replied in a dull tone. He was about to say something but was cut off by a shrill and girly voice.

"Hey baby, I saw this- oh, who are you?"A white haired girl asked as she clinged to Marshall. I felt hurt, but decided not to show it.

"I just took my things back. I'll be going now. I'm Fionna by the way."
I told the girl curtly then walked past them.

"Oh. I'm Ashley. Marshall's fiancee. I'm guessing you're his ex?" Fiancee, huh? I guess he forgot all about me and found another to replace me. I was about to answer again when Gumball appeared just as I was about to go.

"Oh, Fionna! I was looking for you. Cake told me you're here." Gumball said. Ashley looked at us.

"He's your boyfriend?"

"Yeah, I am." Gumball said with a fake smile. I saw Marshall glare at us. Ashley laughed.

"You two look good together. Baby, you never told me about them. How about a double date? Hmm?" She said to us. I was about to turn down the offer when Gumball said yes.

"Tuesday night, 7pm. At the Candy Kindgom. Don't be late. Well, I'll go inside. Marshall, have fun with your friends." She clapped her hands then left. Now I was alone with PG and Marshall.

"Fionna." Marshall said as he moved closer to me. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you back?"


"You shouldn't have returned." Tears started forming in my eyes. I sobbed. He pulled me into a hug. I tried pushing him away, but his grip was strong.

"I'm so sorry, Fi. Let me explain. I love you so much-"

"Fionna let's go." Gumball said. I nodded and freed myself from Marshall. I never looked back and went home with tears falling from my eyes.

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